C³ - CubexCursedxCurious
シーキューブFrom the light novel series written by Minase Hazuki, comes a story of love, action, and comedy. Yachi Haruaki is a high school boy who is naturally resistant to curses. After his father sends him a mysterious black cube, Haruaki awakes to find a nude girl named Fear standing in his kitchen. She’s the human form of the cursed black cube – and an instrument of torture! Utilizing her special abilities, Fear fights alongside Haruaki to defeat other cursed instruments and their owners. (Source: FUNimation)
hgraham - 2016-07-22 05:56:10
The story began as Haruaki Yachi found out the antique object be sent to his house from his father was not a normal item. From this inconceivable meeting, the eyes-glued-open-in-horror moments of Haruaki Yachi and other cursed objects around him will swing our mind. C³ or Cube×Cursed×Curious [シーキューブ] contains of 12 eps, aired on Fall 2011 by Studio SILVER LINK.
Basically, the plot is about the curse, and how to lift it. Combine many elements such as happiness, freedom, past events, traumatic events, species diversity, future wishes, the bloody sensations will make you grimace in dread. Has human form as a kawaii petite girl with gorgeous bright-blue hair, the true purpose (in the past) of the cube—the antique object, is to torture and kill people, like a massacre. Then, the cube itself, the name is Fear, generates curse for herself that is to make her owner go insane and desire tormenting people. As Haruaki tries to ensoul Fear with the purpose to live,that her own curse can be removed, in the meantime there are few parties after Fear. The ordeal begins how Haruaki can convince his precious friends as objects or tainted with curse to live undoubtedly with passion as normal human being, and the survival of them to save themselves from the grip of enemies.
Well-grounded to say this anime brings despair to our view wretchedly. Few beings here are stuck by living unwanted life they desire to change in a tight situation. No need to explain that these kind of feelings aren't freshly-baked, so I will give impression about how the story goes. By such miseries, the show can add the cheerfulness moments beautifully, stirs you up-and-down to the lowest and make you gasp surprisingly how provoking the meaning of life be put here. Si émouvant (؛̩̩̀⌣؛̩̩̀ʃƪ)
The story goes as well as the characterization in a nice sync. The bittersweet moments come and characterization is following, one by one, gradually on each characters. Like the relationship of Haruaki and Fear to develop trust, Fear and other characters to cooperate in few accidents, know better the real nature of characters differently from the first time, and the improvement to support the plot in depth.
Laced with nice graphics, the fighting moment is a blast. The murderous intent is so frightening, the bloody fight successfully gives macabre sensation. Splattered blood, body parts detached, the gripping screams as (+) aspect eventho' the character design is plain. I like the fighting scenes, the fear and shake of the believe to walk forward feel real. When Fear summons her torturing weapons (fundamentally from her cube form), I yell happily don't know why but apart from the hearten moment of beau words, the fighting scenes are the best personally.
The theme songs are quite decent for me, for the OP is sung by Yukari Tamura "Endless Story", sadly it is not significant enough, and by Eri Kitamura, "Shirushi". The ED themes are "Hana (雪華(はな))" by Eri Kitamura & "Sympathy of Love" by Yukari Tamura, melodious enough, the ED really has soothing tones deliberately~
Overall I give my 9 to this series, it's worth to watch and easy to remember.
- Nice animations and I really love the variations of cursed tools here
- Meaningful, especially friendship and will to live
gabriel65 - 2014-10-04 00:33:54
A great way to describe C3 is with the word "meh" and a shrug of the shoulders. The story's concept isn't the most unique, but after hearing from people that it got really good and gory and stuff like that after episode three,I had my hopes up for it. I ended up being disappointed. There is a lot the should have been elaborated on in the story, but is never really explained. That really bothers me.
The only aspect in which C3 isn't just "meh" is with the art. The animation is beautiful, with bright vivid colors, and it has a style that's just nice to look at... (if you set aside the ecchi). The fight scenes are really good, and that's one of the reasons I kept watching.
The characters are where C3 fails the most. The girls are cookie cutter, harem-ecchi stereotypes, and the main character is a wimpy guy who is completely useless and adds nothing to the show in any way, shape, or form. Really, there's not much to say about the characters. They're just average.
I felt no connection with the characters or anything happening in the anime, and honestly, if all of the characters had died at the end I probably would have shrugged my shoulders and moved on.
naomie24 - 2013-06-29 02:36:39
C3 is the next anime in the line of what I'd call "Shana Clones" mainly because of the tsundere lolicon lead and the overall formatting. Likewise, it's very similar to Dragon Crisis.The story consists of Yachi Harukai, a boy who is supposedly immune to curses, finds a mysterious box in his house. He finds out it's really Fear Kubrick, a cursed tool. After a talk he decides to lift the curse from Fear so she can live a normal life. More characters are introduced and it becomes kind of like a harem, but without any real romantic feelings. The show is presented in short arcs consisting of 2 or 3 episodes. Each one has a new antagonist that the group has to defeat. One of the issues with the series is that there is almost no continuity with the antagonists at all. While almost all of them just want Fear (or to destroy her) but other than that you know nothing about their motives. Also, while actually a great deal of lose ends are actually cleared up before the next arc starts, it's usually done through some of the worst dialogue I have ever read in an anime. At times they just go on after they cleared it up, something like a Soap opera.Each character has some past history, Yachi has helped decurse tools before, like his childhood friend Konoha, but we don't really learn anything about that. Likewise, the class president Kirika has a secret past, but we don't really learn much about that either. In fact, we don't really learn anything at all. Like, Yachi says he is curse immune, and it is kind of hinted he is, but we never get any proof of this. I will say that Fear had some parts (first episode) when she look very similar to Konata Izumi, like remember Yuripe from Angel Beats being purple haired Haruhi?C3 is dotted with fan service. But it's not arousing or funny, it's just kind of there. Fear is a loli, but there's an even lolier loli down the road where you get even more panty shots from. Konoha is also often referred to as "Cow Udder/Tits" And Kirika is often sexually harassed and also dons an "interesting tool".There are fights too, but just about ALL of them end up being the exact same thing. Even Naruto who uses the same two moves basically in all his battles had more diversity. The art and animation are actually decent, but that's really it. C3 was stuck in a season with a lot of impressive titles. The OP is nice, err it's basically a girl (Fear) dancing to some Jpop, but it has nice smooth animation. Overall I gave this a 1, which might actually be kinda harsh, but I can really see no way around it. It was hard to care about the characters, story, or really anything that was going on. C3 should have stayed in the box.
loy.lesch - 2013-04-25 22:18:23
First impression based on ep' one - The intention of this review is to highlight elements of the story you may like or disslike, depending on your preferances and possibly, the time period you have neen watching anime in general...This series features a set-up which is quite familar:- tsundere galore- characters are school age- fight scenes that consist of neon coloured magic- cutsie, somewhat bratty loli who need looking after- overly passive male tsundere-victum type who accepts his lousy life- family issues - in this case, family conveniently out of the picture- unnessessary female sidekick who doesn't seem to have anything else to do- supernatural being who's human appearance is a cute girl for no particular reason- humor in the form of ecchi related missunderstandings- unluck guy; the female('/s) are there to bring about a changeI know that some of these factors above can easily attract or repel, as the familiar is great for some (who I could reccomend to) yet tedious for others (I wouldn't reccomend to) and if this is pretty much a starter anime for someone else, then go for it. ;D