Dream Hunter Rem
DREAM HUNTER 麗夢Rem is an ordinary woman in our world but, in the world of dreams, she becomes a dream warrior, defending humanity from the evils there. When dream demons reach the waking world, she fights them with the help of her pets which transform into a tiger and wolf.
dwolf - 2015-04-27 21:01:29
This series is most well-known for it's unique production history. This show was originally intended to be a hentai, but after the first episode was released fans were able to communicate that they preferred the actual story over the fan service. The first episode was re-edited to take out the H scenes and the series continued as a regular show. (Though much fan service remained.)
Dated and over the top when it comes to action and violence, this show still has the ability to convince you to turn a blind eye to its random story elements and questionable presentation, in favor of sitting back and enjoying the bizarre yet interesting ride.