シムーンIn the peaceful theocracy of Simulicram, everyone is born female. At age 17, each maiden undergoes a special ceremony where she chooses her sex. However, only Pairs of maiden priestesses can synchronize with the ancient flying ships known as Simoun needed to defend Simulicram. These Pairs refrain from undergoing the ceremony as long as they wish to keep piloting their Simoun. Aer is recruited to be a Simoun pilot after a terrifying attack by an enemy nation decimates the squadron known as Chor Tempest. To earn her wings she needs to find her way into the heart of Neviril, Regina of Chor Tempest. But Neviril's heart still belongs to her previous Pair, lost in the battle when she attempted a forbidden Simoun maneuver. (Source: Media Blasters)
zparker - 2014-12-05 02:42:27
Unlike what you might think this is not a "girlskissing-powered flight the anime" (even though that happens), nor is it a "more fanservice for fanservice god" anime. There is some fanservice but that's not what it is really about, and if you are here only because of that it isn't going to give you that much.
There is a war going on. On the one side we have people who feel like they have no choice (in more ways than one) trying to zerg rush technologically superior opponent because they need said technology to survive.
On the other side are priestesses who are praying to the sky. They aren't quite prepared to fight (morally, that is), but there isn't much they can do about it but hope that opponent will see their Simouns' superiority and back down. You can guess how fast that happens.
However, this is a story primarily about interpersonal relationships and love. And also about human nature. Surprisingly, this is also a place where I've finally found my answer on the whole “does it really matter what your sex is” question. Although that happened later, when I rewatched at a later age and found out that I feel much more strongly about the whole story.
Bonus points for girls being called Simoun sibylla.
Character design: pretty good.
Voices: I like them so much.
As for music I liked “Inori no uta” and “Sonomama de.” But then again “Youen naru kizuna no hibiki” also made it at the right time :} Speaking of which, normally I wouldn't like an ending like this but here it felt like the right choice for the story.
(looks at ratings) Well, it seems I really liked everything about it, that happens (^ . ^)