After his home kingdom is destroyed by the ancient devil priest Mumm-Ra, the young Thundercat Lord Lion-O leads a team of survivors as they fight evil on Third Earth. (Source: IMDB)
gprice - 2014-01-25 19:43:30
Just because this is a reboot from the original. Does not mean this one isn't good, if not BETTER! A lot of people undermine this reboot from the original because it doesn't follow the same storyline. Well I gotta say get over that bull shit excuse for not watching this AWESOME ADVENTURE!
Watch the 2011 ThunderCats reboot. & I promise you on behalf of All My Favorite Anime that you will fall in love with this EPIC JOURNEY!
If your worried this is like a "cartoon." Don't be fooled like a moron! This is much like Animation!
Only downside to this Anime. There is NO 2ND SEASON. Got cancelled because CN wanted to waste money on some shit cartoon instead of something FRESH<AWESOME>EPIC and of course it being ANIMATION!
Sexy Cat Cheetara awaits you!