フリージングDecades into the future, humanity is under siege by an alien race known as the Novas. These inhuman beings leave devastation in their wake whenever they appear, with the efforts to stave them off becoming known as Nova Clashes. Young women known as "Pandoras" and young men known as "Limiters" are implanted with stigmata to give them superhuman powers and are trained in military academies, where they must learn to work together if humanity is to have a chance of surviving. Freezing tells the story of Kazuya Aoi as he sets out for his first day at the West Genetics military academy, right when a battle royale is being undertaken by the Pandoras. It is here that he mistakes Satellizer el Bridget—a powerful Pandora known as the "Untouchable Queen"—as his deceased sister and embraces her. Though he costs her the match, she finds that his touch doesn't drive her away and decides to take him as her Limiter. The only question is whether or not their partnership can survive the machinations of their upperclassmen and the impending battle with the Novas…
vcremin - 2016-02-14 22:00:04
In the Freezing world,there exists aliens knownas Nova(s). Thse who fight the Novas are Pandoras (girls with powerfull strength
through implanted stigmas) and their Limiters (partners).
All over the world there are built academies to train Pandoras and limiters. The academies are called ’Genetics’. The academy we aregoing to follow is a ”Genetics” academy in Japan called ”The West Genetics Academy”.
Our mc is Kazuya Aoi, starts at ”The West Genetics Academy” to become a limiter due to his sister being a powerful Pandora who died in a battle clash with a Nova. Kazuya meets the powerful Pandora: Bridget L. Satellizer , aka
“The Untouchable Queen”. Later, Kazuya becomes Satellizer’s partner limiter, and they fight Novas with fellow Pandoras and Limiters.
Nova (s):
The Nova are the antagonists in Freezing. They are aliens from another dimensionand have been invading Earth, which led to the development of the Pandora and Limiter. Novas appear at random times and places, but have often appeared at cities with large populations.
Nova: An alien that looks like those from Neon Genesis Evangelion and those from Argento Soma
Note: The Pandoras’ clothes are easily torn off when fighting a Nova, this (could) generally means that Novas are very powerful.
There is enough information regarding characters, and their backstories. The point is that we don’t lack character-information. Especially not from our main leads (Kazuya and Satellizer). There are sometimes when we get flashbacks of another persons past, which isn’t relevant
to the story until future chapters (which only happens in the manga). Since this anime have ecchi and harem themes, you should expect an annoying person invading the show, but its only one person. When we see a person’s past, it can sometimes last at least 2-3 episodes (and I’m talking about the life of Satellizer), which is not good. It just takes too long.
Animation and Visual effect:
The animation is okay…maybe just above average. Visual effect is pretty good through the action scenes.
The manga art is beautifully draw in detail, and good drawing of shades and face-impressions. There isn’t much to complain about the design in the anime or in the manga. The art is aboslutely gorgeous, flawless, and well drawn. The shades of shadows and light really gets through in the manga. The times when the art is really getting to you is when we have a portrait where a persons face is in the center. If you read the manga, you will notice that new characters looks somehow very similar, especially the hairstyle.
Lim Dall-Young is the author by the way.
Voice acting:
This anime have both sub and dub. Lets skip the sub, cause the sub is okay. The dub is good, like average.
My impression of the show:
Many might have heard about this show being a total fan service/boobs everywhere and all that stuff, yeah there are some fan service, but a very minimum of it. Pushing boobs into an anime doesn’t always effect the story, which is a fact in Freezing.
Despite all the fan service, lets look at the focus of the series.
I personally like this anime, it has more potential, effort and a better aim to a more interesting plot than DxD and HOTD (why do i mention these anime? cause they also have the themes harem and ecchi (at least one of those genres). If you look away from all of that (Hentai, Ecchi, Hetnai = HEH), you will still get to enjoy the show. There are some filler episodes that involves upperclassmen going all out on Satellizer because she’s become more soft or “touchable” due to her newly started relationship (with Kazuya). This takes a big part of the episodes, this is called “flaw episodes”, and flaw episodes are not very useful in the anime.
Does the anime have good enough of the genres?
Some of the genres in Freezing are action and romance.
The action Genre: There needs to be more action! Action only shines itself through life threatening situations, like battles and fights. We are often presented in fights between Pandoras who are acting like damn spoiled bitches (upperclassmen). The action isn’t really getting through in these “bitch fights”, but when it’s agains the Novas, there are a lot of good action scenes.
A lot of Pandoras and Limiters die in each confrontation with a Nova. So their struggle to take down Novas are in the center of the action part. It’s
like Attack On Titan: A lot of humans dies, and they are up against villains that are many times bigger than them, and the villains goal is to either
eat or destroy… everything.
The romance Genre:
This genre is a R-E-A-L-Y strong element in the first season. It’s shown strongly through the relationship between our lead characters. Tough, because of the fan service, one might think that Kazuya’s and Satellizer’s relationship starts by Kazuya accidentally touch her boobs and get slapped by her, which in this case, doesn’t happen. The romance element is very good, and builds itself up around Kazuya and Satellizer (which
makes up for the fan service). In most of the anime with harem and ecchi, (that falls into the traps where misunderstandings roses and the males tries
to solve things, but gets misunderstood again (placing an already bad situation on thin ice), the characters are often boring to watch for a long time
because of their clumsiness and stupidy. The romance here is totally different, and REFRESHING. I think LIM-Dal young knows what she is doing.
I personally came to like this anime, cause it had so much more potential and drive in it than what other actiona/fanservice anime have given me.
Freezing had me focused on the main plot as well as the growing relationship around our lead characters. Who was the most enjoyable to watch together with wonderful animation and plot.
This is a MUST WATCH.
roberts.raven - 2014-12-18 03:00:08
a anime little bit interessing but for begin this i warning you right know the beginning of this anime is really annoying and bother you to the MAX im serious... but when you are at episode 6-7 now the real story begin with nice things and you begin to enjoy so lets begin this review..
About the Story
this is not really a main objective this is just a event appear like that at the episode 6 or 7 i dont really remember wich episode and now the real story begin with nice things but more story are here with the characters but the story is not soo good... i prefer the story when the real things begin this is 1 things bother me too much in this story but the Final is a very good Final you need to see this ! im not gonna spoil anything.
About Animation and Sound
the animation is not soo bad they really look like the same graphic of Shuffle!
but the nipple of the girls are a little strange LOOOL....and for the sounds the sound are a little old but not soo bad... but anyway we have plot.
About the Characters
i have be dissapointed by the number of bitch in this anime im really serious about this too much bitch is here.. this things make me hate some characters but i just prefer the important characters so im not gonna talk about some characters because of hate LOOOl but anyway.. i dont have favorite characters in it..
Kazuya Aoi / this guy look like a kid but he is not soo stupid at all but in the beginning this is a real fagget i think... but after the 1-2 episode , i dont know why .... he is not the same guy he know what he want and this is make this guy more enjoyable and a little great protagonist because he dont forget his objective
Satellizer El Bridget / this girl is special xD... i dont know how to place this in a good word but she is special LOOl...she is not soo stupid she is very serious and have a bad past but she can be a very shy girl and feminine , dont f**k with her because she gonna kill you easily
Rana Lichen / this girl have the kid personality and serious at the same time but she is lovable and a little funny and have a important place i think this is the more lovable character in the anime
About the Enjoymentthis is just begin to be enjoyable at episode 6-12 , why ? because the beginning is very annoying too much shit happen xD...for nothing but im not sure about when the real story begin i have forgot the episode but this is enjoyable the plot is a little good for Ecchi People but the Ecchi make the anime more realistic
so now im gonna talk about something important here i dont know this is a Harem because this is not soo much a Harem just 2 girl is here so you can say is a Harem but not soo much i think the guy know what girl he really need so i think this is not a Harem is more Ecchi Romance but about the Ecchi part in the anime this is a little bit Masochist Ecchi o_o you have plot but sometime the plot is on dead body or injured body....not a little injured a very big injured like a arm totally you dont know how to react but this things just make the anime more realistic nothing is stupid this is very serious.. so i recommend this anime only if you want Drama with Action but i can't say this is bad because the final is very very very fking good !
hmayer - 2014-11-10 23:39:00
Has a interesting story that cant seem to drag on a bit and get a little messy. But it has some great Animation with the fighting scenes. The back stories can get a little dark and sad, So it's not for the faint hearted. The only real problem is that it can get old seeing breasts all the time. It can feels like their clothing must be made out of tissue paper, because that shit just rips off. I would recommend you check it out.
cbernier - 2014-09-10 09:57:58
Ecchi isn't very well liked among the anime community as far as i've seen. Show's like Ikki tousen and Queens Blade are more known for there bombastic characters then whatever there shows are actually about. So can i say that Freezing does anything different? Somewhat yes, but mostly no.
In the near future a species of interdimensional aliens, refered to as the nova, attempt to invade earth. To counter the attack, a special unit of soldiers are created, they are known as Pandora's, super soldiers embedded with a devices called stigmata that gives them enhanced ability's to fight the alien threat. They are assisted on the field by there designated partners, known as Limiters, a sub-sec of soldiers who have the ability to freeze enemies in place so that the Pandora can go for the killing blow. What special about the different roles is that stigmata's can only be embedded into women while limiters can only be men. Leading there forces to consist of almost exclusively of high school students. Highschool students saving the world? That's new.
The story revolves around two characters. Kazuya Aoi, an up and coming Limiter who enrolls to west genetics to hone his skills, he has history with pandoras, being that his late older sister one of the best out there. And Satilizer, the number one pandora soldier in west genetics who is feared amongst the student body as the "Untouchable Queen". That is until she meets Kazuya who mistakes her for his sister, how you mistake a tall blond girl for your dead sister is beyond me, but whatever. In hugging her by accident he inadvertently interrupts a battle and Satellizer loses her rank as the number one pandora. But don't worry, this sub-plot will be forgotten withing the second episode which happens more often the you hoped, but then again most of plots in each episode is stupid enough to warrant it.
Going into this anime i was half expecting this to be an all action anime about fighting giant aliens, but it turned about to be a some action anime about not fighting aliens and fighting school bullies, with another plot about a growing relationship, and an oncoming alien menace thrown in there somewhere. but even then, that's not what this show is focused on.
No the real stars are the boobs, the badangs, the camel lumps, the humpty humps, the hotbuns, the other euphemism for breasts. Clothes rip like tissue paper and those tiny nipples are there to sway in the wind and glisten in the sun. But for some reason the writer of this story wanted to add a sexual abuse sub-plot to one of the characters, which is baffling when you consider this is a genre full of panty shots and bouncing betties. Honestly I wouldn't look to deep into it, the story feels like its just their to add drama to the character.
Despite the distractions and forgettable plots, the show actually has something appealing to it. Kazuya and Satellizer's relationship, it doesn't kick off right away but there are a few moments in the anime where they seemed like there is a legitimate relationship was growing between them, Kazuya doesn't go after Satellizer because he wants to be her limiter or to even get in her pants, which funny enough, is actually how someone becomes a limiter in this show, because ecchi is like that. He wants to know more about her and she slowly starts to accept him throughout the show and open up. I actually found it kind of sweet, but then the show kept interrupting it.
This show has the same problem that i see in a lot of 12 episode anime series, they don't use there time well. You can do a lot with 20 minutes, hell I've seen show do a lot with 11 minutes, but this show bogs down every episode with exposition that really doesn't lead to anything, characters who serve there purpose for one episode and only come back for a cameo, and they don't even address the alien threat until the last four episodes, which up to that point was a girl of week threat that was trying to get back at Satellizer for one reason or another. What is the point in creating a universe if you do nothing with it?
The two main characters are probably the only saving grace, but even then there not that interesting. But they don't have much competition when most of the characters are just bricks with boobs, two character particularity stand out is this transfer student who shows up half way through the show and is only there to make a none existant love triangle and this one girl who shows up for the last three episodes just to be the villain. Why? I don't even know, maybe they just ran out of time.
This show actually had potential, bad as it sounds, it did have potential. But it wasted it on lackluster action, pointless mythos, stupid plots about bullys and nothing was really accomplished. I heard there was a sequel series to this, but the one thing that kills it is the fact that the main characters of this show were barely in it, so forget that noise and you might as well forget this one too.
eswaniawski - 2014-03-30 04:36:38
The closest anime that is similar to ikki tousen and Queen's Blade but with an actual story
and somewhat likable and relatable characters. But still tits and ass in a good way. :)
catherine49 - 2014-03-30 02:53:10
If you're a fan of series like Queen's Blade & ikki tousen where girls fight and clothes get rip off and they become completely naked or random panty shots this is perfect for you then. Freezing is a average fanservice viewer wet dream. Beautiful high school girls with special abilities fight until their naked for reasons to complex to explain. The english dub was average but good work by Caitlin Glass who voiced the main heroine Satellizer el Bridget. Overall Freezing is a series with a weak plot and filled with "Ass & Tities", if don't like fanservice in our anime stay away from this one.
stiedemann.napoleon - 2014-03-29 15:28:58
edit: this is now the second worst piece of media i have seen in my life. I watched mangirl and by god that was bad.
giovanna25 - 2013-11-09 10:14:32
I thought it was a good anime. It mostly stayed close to the manga, but with episode introducing Rana Linchen differed from the intro in the manga. I think that both the anime and manga was both very good. it portrayed the friendship As a 12 episode anime, it contained a nice few ecchi scenes and the animation was fairly good. I did enjoy the soundtrack that accompanied it (notice score in the episode with Satellizer and Rana's fight).
ncrona - 2013-08-20 22:44:25
Freezing is about the realtion ship between a boy named Kazuya and a girl called Satellizer, and how they slowly learn more about each other. Aside from that, there are giant aliens called nova that Pandora fight with the power of stigmata. I like the uniqueness of this anime where girls are the main strong ones but the males aren't sitting there doing jack-poop. The males have to team up with Pandora and be baptised by them to get a freezing ability which helps Pandora fight. The fan-service/ecchi is excessive but its now over the top like ikki tousen. But the main thing I liked is that Satellizer is a cold-hearted Pandora (or so it seems) and the main slowly eases his way to earning her trust.