Zombie-Loan Specials
ZOMBIE-LOAN ゾンビローンThe series was originally planned to be 20+ episodes but was cut short due to unknown circumstances. These specials released on the 7th DVD volume continue the story.
gulgowski.america - 2015-11-04 11:59:50
first i just want to be clear that this 2 supposed episode of Specials ... are not very very relied to some specials episode i don't really know this is because of some problems with the anime "company or studio" but i have watched 13 episode and not 11 episode and 2 specials so... i highly recommand to watch all the episode because this is the following episode who goes with the serie !
Note : they are suposed to be 2 specials but the thing just don't have turn well .. so they are considerate like 2 specials bundled in the DVD !