The young protégé of one of the world's greatest superheroes has his first encounter with an old nemesis in this direct-to-video feature adapted from the popular animated series Batman Beyond. Terry McGinnis has taken over the crime-fighting responsibilities of Batman from aging Bruce Wayne, but while Terry has learned a great deal from Wayne, he's never heard the startling truth about Batman's final encounter with his arch-enemy, The Joker. However, when The Joker returns to Gotham City as vicious as ever, Wayne decides that it's time that the new Batman learned all there is to know about the green-faced terror before he can bring the city to its knees -- especially after Bruce is attacked by his one-time rival.
aschiller - 2014-11-18 19:47:09
One of my favorite movies ever. Great animated movie, full of emotions. Kills me everytime.
gulgowski.evans - 2013-12-11 15:56:51
Excellent Batman movie. Explores the character of the Joker.