Taisei Kensetsu: Bosporus Kaikyou Tunnel
大成建設テレビCM「ボスポラス海峡トンネル」篇A 30-second animated commercial for the construction company Taisei. The commercial highlights the Bosporus Strait Tunnel that Taisei built in Turkey. (Source: ANN)
christophe.schinner - 2013-04-08 19:44:19
This is one of two short commercials advertising Taisei Corporation. In this case it highlights the Marmaray Project, a tunnel that will connect Europe and Asia.Interestingly enough it focuses on a nameless woman rather than the project and company themselves. She tells us how she in her younger years failed to reach a certain height in high jump, but will definitely succeed with building the tunnel.Stunning visuals and a lovely song by Anri Kumaki contribute to an already romanticized commercial, but it is still not something you will remember for long. In fact, you may wonder what this even has to do with the project itself.In that sense, the other commercial succeeded where this one failed.