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Sky Wizards Academy


Forced to retreat to floating cities due to an invasion of armored insects, humanity must depend on Sky Wizards to battle the menace. (Source: Funimation)

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: Teens 13 or older
  • Date aired: 2015-07-09 to 2015-09-24
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 9492
  • In favorites: 43
  • Popularity Rank: 957
  • Episode count: 12
  • Episode duration: 23 min/ep
  • Total duration: 4 h. 36 min.
  • Genre: Action , Drama , Magic , Fantasy , School
bcasper - 2016-08-19 05:58:34

Meh, it's your usual Harem type of show with a OP MC. The girls are the usual Tsundere, the shy one etc.. The fighting animations look Under Budget. Some Character development, and really forgetful teacher. It's an Ok Anime to Kill time. 

kwest - 2016-08-03 10:12:11

It was pretty funny and the main character was really likable. Sure it was really cliche and pretty generic, but I still enjoyed it. Not every anime has to be some kind of new revelation with super deep plot and character development.

norwood.gerhold - 2016-01-31 13:23:08

So I'd like to preface this review by stating that Ilegitimately feel like I'm part of an implausibly sparse minority of anime enthusiastswho sincerely enjoyed this series.  IsSky Wizards Academy a masterpiece, not really no.  Is it riddled with flaws yes, but whatseries doesn't have a flaw or two.

As always this is only my opinion and you're welcome todisagree in fact I encourage an open exchange of diverse opinions anddiscussion.  Now than let's start thereview.

Story:  6

The story of Sky Wizards Academy is a familiar one humanityfaces a monstrous threat and enlists a special subset of humans to engage andrepel the threat to humanity.  Two animewith a comparable set up that are the wildly popular Attack on Titan and thecriminally underrated Chrome Shelled Regios. In place of towering titans we get swarms of nightmarish insects.  The story follows our central male protagonistAge Kanata who is your typical sarcastic, cool and almighty badass with equally badass looking sword. Age is capableof handling any situation in a heartbeat and is prone to dashing to the rescueof any character in distress when the situation deems it necessary.   

Age is revilied by the students of the academy even those heonce named comrades,  one of the fewcitizens who don't mindlessly brand Age as a traitor Chloe pulls a few stringsand places Age as the instructor of E601 the most appalling squadron and thelaughing stock of the academy.  They'recomprised of Misora a brash tsundere with a conflicted past,  Rico debatably the most self righteousnarcissist I've ever seen in an anime and  Lecty basically social anxiety in moeform.    The main plot thread follows theAge and the girls as they train, delve deeper into each other and themselvesall in attempt to prepare for the tournament at the tail the end of the series.  There are a few offer plot threads thatmeander into a heavy handed pay off that serve to do little more than subtractfrom the main plot.

Nothing revolutionary but I found myself enjoying the seriesmore and more with each ensuing episode.

Characters:  7

The characters are really what sold me on the series nowwith the exception of Age and his girls as he calls them the majority of thesupporting cast falls flat and I can't say i recall the names of more than afew of them.    The three main heroinesare fleshed out and we come to understand who they are as they understandthemselves and each other which i find endearing enough to say that thecharacters are the best component of the show.


Sound:  7

The sound serves its purpose large and intense during theaction scenes and slow and tender during the more introspective moments theshow likes to serve up.  This is thesection i have the least amount to say, i like the soundtrack not one of my favorites but it succeeds and thatwhat counts.


Animation:  6

This is it the part of review that ruffles the feathers ofevery single person by sides a small contingent that watched this series,   every review written or video has deridedthe animation as lackluster and atrocious. Here's the thing I've seen flawless animation (Fate/Zero)  and horrendous animation (Aku No Hana)  All i can say is that the animation didlittle to hinder my viewing experience and for that it gets an automatic passfrom me.



People hate this show,   I likethis show...draw on your own judgment and  have a beautiful day.

fermin01 - 2015-10-05 23:07:26

first i have seen the Kadokawa little intro and i have say oh dam.. but wait this anime have some good thing but.. can be a little on the line.... i dont know if you understand what i said but ... anyway lets begin

About The Storya guy who are high ranked and are like a teacher will need to teach how to become strong to his students who are very weak and dont use their power and teammate correctly , for be short a lot of things happen but i think the real goal is here without being here , the enemy are a little special... they are beetle but we never gonna get problems with them because they don't attack soo much.. so you got a lot of story just with the students and the teacher but some good things and interesting thing happen but this is very near on the line.. because on how the serie is progressing thats not bad but i don't think thats everyone who gonna be okay to watch this like me

About The Animation and Soundsthe animation is pretty good graphics clean and everything , i think the only thing who are strange is the beetles in 3D animation , for the Opening and Ending they are good but.. contain more action than the anime i will leave you the link


Ending (no sounds are present i know but i cannot find it nowhere)

About The Characters
for the characters they have create some nice characters i can you will more like the characters than the story .. this is sure !

Kanata Age / well he is cool not bad at all but have a bad reputation but he don't give a f**k , the director of the academy have asked him to teach 3 students who are mentioned down here , he is strong so he gonna teach them for that and try to make them more high ranked and more strong , his personality is a little unique , i like when he say "Didn't i tell you" this phrase is soo troll but anyway

Misora Whitale / the Tsundere girl who are fighting with a Sword she is pretty weak because of his bad attitude and high headed but she is a pretty nice girl , she is stupid sometimes so she can be funny

Lecty Eisenach / the girl who are very shy and very gentle , she have 2 Daggers for fight we can say Double Dagger , she is very strong but because she is shy and too gentle.. thats make her weak so.. yeah

Rico Flamel / i think thats my favorite because of his personality , she think she is a goddess so she take everyone inferior so this is funny to watch , she like looking her in the mirror or anything who you can see his reflection and care a lot about his appearance , thats just funny to see her take everything like nothing because she is a Goddess , she have a Sniper for fight and are very good but... just don't want to teammate because she is a Goddess .. i think you understand LOOOL

About The Enjoyment
this is good but very on the line like i have say before .. because the opening contain more action than the anime .. but have a some little interesting thing so thats not make the anime too bad because they respect all their plan and don't put Fan Service for taking all the place , they just have a lot of things to tell but cannot show it or take to long for make this in animation.. because we have some potential but the action is very low.. but they make some good little story this is a little good but.. i don't think thats everyone who gonna be alright to watch this anime like me

thats not something i can recommand thats really depend.. on you because this is a little low on action and just very low in progression with a rushed final.. and thats sure we not gonna have a Season 2 , they have make some interesting thing but don't use all the potential and the concept.. so just think how you feel about this anime and follow your instinct , but for me i have liked it but this is on the line

sofia.stoltenberg - 2015-09-24 21:17:44

How do you describe something so cliched that writing a review on it seems like a sin?
Well you start with the obviouse... This anime does 1 thing and 1 thing alone wich is copy other animes. Thats how it gets by thats how it lives and it isnt afraid to show it, I commend its courage but for goodness sake this anime is bad.
It managed to copy aspects from so many things wich  are so overused it makes me wonder how did they pull it off. as Ive watched it I know how they did it but if you didnt then I wont spoil it, Basicly this anime without reveling any spoilers is your tipical school anime on a post-apocalictic world where humanity is pushed to the verge of existance by some enemy in this case bugs but thats not important. This anime has all of its characters show very tipical and cliched personalitys. Every single one of them except the mc are pathetic the only thing that makes the MC not so pathetic is that hes somewhat intresting and carries the show on its shoulders all along.
This anime leaves a bad taste on your mouth having alot of build up and next to no followup I do not recomend this at all
But if you want to watch it thats what you ought to expect.
Remember this is an opinion. - 2015-08-17 05:07:55

Nothing original at all in this anime. It's not a terrible watch, but it doesn't keep my interest. The animation is pretty sloppy as well.

katrine64 - 2015-07-26 05:51:49

This is a first episode review, so there may be things that are different in the future.

After watching the first episode, I can't help but feel a bit underwhelmed... It features a mediocre story, somewhat chunky animation, standard characters and while it was amusing at times, it tended toward being bland with a rinse and repeat feel to it. Its not a bad anime, it just suffers from being too standard. Its nothing new or exiting. If you like this sort of action/harem/comedy style anime then you'll like it. But if you came here for something new, then prepare to be disappointed.

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