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Yona of the Dawn


Upon her sixteenth birthday, the cheerful Princess Yona intended to tell her doting father of her love for Su-Won, but her life was turned upside down after witnessing him cruelly assassinating her father. Heartbroken by this painful betrayal, Princess Yona fled the palace with her loyal servant Hak. Now, she will go on a quest to gain new allies and protect her beloved people. (Source: FUNimation)

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: Teens 13 or older
  • Date aired: 2014-10-07 to 2015-03-24
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 273
  • In favorites: 1065
  • Popularity Rank: 193
  • Episode count: 24
  • Episode duration: 24 min/ep
  • Total duration: 9 h. 36 min.
  • Genre: Action , Adventure , Comedy , Fantasy , Romance , Friendship
irwin.fisher - 2015-04-07 00:35:19

I don’t have much to complain about Akatsuki no Yona because this is a very well done anime. The only thing I have to say is how ridiculous the way Yona is able to defeat or cause hesitation in her enemies. There are two instances where she causes people to stop and just focus only on her because of her intense desire to accomplish something. It felt too cheesy to be believable, but other than that this anime is great.

From the story being focused on the actual adventure, to an antagonist not being this pure evil sub-human. Akatsuki no Yona felt like an incredible bundle of emotions that built up every episode until the final resolution that felt satisfying. This is one of those anime that I hope to have a second season because there is so much left but I can see that this end of the season was a good stopping place. This one is for those who dig fantasy adventure and want to watch something that has a newer spin on such a saturated genre.

Continue reading my review on my personal blog

hwitting - 2015-03-31 01:04:23

I really loved the anime!
Also all the characters are epic in there own way! :3 

qjohnson - 2015-03-28 05:41:02

First off, I would like to say that this series would've probably had a four star ranking from me if I knew for sure that there was a second season coming our way. (And oh, how I dream of a season 2.) 

The story takes place in the kingdom of Kouka, where we find our red-haired princess on her sixteenth birthday. The first episode initially starts off with a light, comedic tone, but swiftly changes when someone she loves murders her peace-loving father in a coup d'etat for the crown. The princess is then forced to flee the castle with only her childhood friend to help her, and must find a way to survive and escape pursuit. 

In a lot of ways, the plot of the story is actually pretty cliched. It falls into a lot of common anime tropes. What makes this show so appealing, in my opinion, are the characters and the execution. Yona, at first, comes across as a typical wide-eyed shoujo heroine. She is kind, but is also very dependent on other people to protect her, despite her good intentions. 

What I really love about Yona's character is that once she is out in the 'real world', she swiftly realizes how ignorant she is about her own kingdom, and makes steps to remedy that. She comes to understand that if she doesn't take steps to protect herself, she may end up costing her friends their lives. 

The side characters are decently fleshed out as well. I have a feeling that if there is a season two, we'll get a bit more development there. The character arcs can get a bit cheesy at times, but it's enjoyably cheesy. Like, gouda cheesy, not cheese in a can  cheesy.

But what I liked perhaps the most, was the main villain. What is rare in a lot of anime, especially in shoujo, is for you to question whether or not the villain is truly a villain. Sure, we get those misguided and misled baddies who switch sides at the drop of a hat. But what we rarely get is a character who did something truly horrific to the main character  for seemingly all the right reasons. Not once did I ever feel like he was acting melodramatic or overly-angsty. It makes me wish he had gotten a little more screen time in the first season, because he is honestly the most interesting out of all the characters in the series, so far.


I absolutely adored the first opening song. It had a very classical Japanese sound to it that really complimented the anime's setting. I was very disappointed when they decided to swap it out for a J-Pop OP halfway through the season. (Although, the second ED had a more classical sound to it than the first, so I guess we broke even in that regard.) 

The animation was very 'meh'. It wasn't particularly good, in my opinion, but it didn't make my eyeballs bleed or anything. I don't recall any crappy CGI, which is always plus. 

Overall, I have to say I loved this series. I won't lie and say that this is the best anime ever made, but it is one of the best reverse-harems that I have ever had the privilege to watch. (Also, this has a large male following too, with many fans claiming Yona as their waifu. So guys, don't run off! You don't have to worry about this show going too Free! on you in terms of man-service.)

To people who enjoyed this show, I recommend Juuni Kokuki. Both Juuni Kokuki and Yona are both anime with a setting inspired by the romance of the three kingdoms. Also, they both have red-haired heroines who have names that start with Yo that end up growing into their competence. (Personally, I favor the light novels. But the anime is pretty damn good too ;D)

ghahn - 2015-03-27 02:14:07

Soundtracks, Animations, Scenes... Akatsuki no Yona is deserved to have perfect score for reviews. Wish it will come second season and it won't have to wait too long :)

zboncak.imelda - 2015-03-24 19:28:34

Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn) is a fantasy/adventure shoujo series that takes part in a fantasy world that reminds of ancient China or Korea. 

The story revolves around the princess names Yona, who lost everything she had and needs to regain it. (read the show synopsis for details). 
You could say the story is about revenge and about a character growing. The show manages to get you hooked from the first episode since it doesn't waste time on saying what it will be about and gets straight to the point. After the first episode you can clearly see its goal, which is a good point since it makes the viewer know what he is getting into.
The story is quite simple but manages to stay interesting even if it is not the main focus of the show. It mainly focuses on the characters  while leaving the plot stay in the background. I am not trying to say there is no story progression or no story at all, it is just that the most important thing is the growth of the main character and her interaction with her companions.
The only thing that bothered me was the parts where random comedy appeared. Now I usually have nothing against it but on many occasions it felt really out of place.  You could say it is used for the characters to cheer up or to alleviate the mood, but the only thing it does is to make you take the show less seriously. 
The story progresses quite smoothly even if it feels slow at moments, especially in the first half. One of the major problems is that the whole show felt like an introduction so it definitely needs a second season.

One of the best things about this show is the main character. Even if the main characters is shoujo are usually plain girls, Yona shows a lot of personality and development. She does not change much but she definitely grows, which can't be said for the other characters who remain mostly the same through the entire show. Even if Yona's companions don't change much they each have their personality and background, which makes them interesting and provides a good chemistry among them. Another thing I liked is the villain. No I don't like his personality, in fact I hate it but I like that he is not simply an evil person. He has actual reasons and motivation for what he does even if he knows he is hurting people dear to him. 

Another thing I need to praise is the animation. It looked good all together but there was one thing that made me have goosebumps, and that was the eyes. Yona's eyes were amazing in certain scenes which made them look even better then they were. 
As for the OP and ED , I do personally prefer the second set. The first OP would fit more as an OST in the middle of the episode then an opening. Well it was used as an OST latter. Except for the first opening te rest of the OST is not really memorable. A special shoutout to the second ending by Akiko Shikata.

I personally enjoyed the show a lot, even if I see all the problems it had I still looked forward to it every week. I really do hope they continue it with an additional season.

So should you watch Akatsuki No Yona ? Well I will say this: If a second season gets announced do check it out. 

Final verdict: 6.5/10 (might get more as a whole with an additional season)

royal87 - 2015-03-10 17:11:00

This has to be one of  the best anime shows this season.
Amazing character development, good story, interesting world  and great music

I can only pray to Arceus that this show will get a second season.

abbie.medhurst - 2015-02-15 22:21:00

No matter how i look at it, this anime reminds me of the manga Reimei No Arcana. This anime and the manga are both amazing.

audra.blick - 2015-02-06 15:22:13

Very good, a must watch. Plenty of action, comedy, drama. 

luigi34 - 2014-12-31 07:49:01

Akatsuki no Yona have great character development,great animation design,and a GREAT story I enjoyed this anime VERY much I recommend this anime :3

reilly.aubrey - 2014-11-18 18:06:36

I will admit this first off before i get into my review...i am a sucker for reverse harem plots. I hope that doesn't bias my report to you all, so i'll try to be as fair as possible. 


A young, spoiled princess named Yona lives a life of safety and shelter. She is madly in love with her cousin Su Won, and is watched over by her "obnoxious" bodyguard General Hak. After her father is murdered, she is forced to leave her castle and flee with the General. Being the reincarnation of the first king of her country, she must find the four dragons and reunite the country. 

I will admit, harems and reverse harems usually have pretty stupid storylines. Its only the fan service to the respective genders that keeps people watching. This on the other hand is a real pleasant surprise to me, with a strong and interesting plot, more in the vein of Saiunkoku Monogatari, not OHSHC. Girls will of course love this since there are tons of cool bishounen, and guys, dont pass this off as a girls flick. You should easily emphasize with General Hak or the others Dragons. 


Is it the best? No. Is it the worst? No. The animation is of an enjoyable quality that doesnt scare one away as soon as they start. Its quite fine in its own right. I will make the comment that Pierriot was the studio behind this, and they are the animators of Naruto, Bleach, Tokyo Ghoul, and others. 


The intro was a wordless instrumental that drew attention to the main characters. It gives an epic feel and makes you feel excited to see whats going to happen in the episode. 

The ending song is Yoru by Vistslip. It has a sad, thoughtful air to it that makes you mindful of the heroine's loss.


What i love most is Yona's changing character. At first a weak and snively, love-struck princess, she is slowly changing into a strong, capable ruler. Her eyes, voice, hair, and demeanor all change, showing that she is ready to take on the mantle of her predecessor. 

Hak, general of the wind tribe, is strong, just about invincible, and sarcastic. I am frankly disappointed in his generic, clique, main male act. He's really nothing out of the ordinary.

 Su Won, Yona's cousin and once love interest, acts all sweet and gentle, but in reality is cunning, intelligent, and quite ruthless. I am quite pleased with his character as the antagonist, but im not getting real villain vibes from him yet. He has some good ideals, but pretty dastardly ways of enacting them. Im kind of hoping for a more evil mastermind to continuously foil the good-guys, but if the anime follows the manga, Su Won wont be that evil mastermind. 


Probably my favorite fall 2014 anime. Its been awhile since i've watched a real good fantasy reverse harem, and i hope you all enjoy it as much as i have. 

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