がっこうぐらし!SCHOOL-LIVE! Focuses on the lives of 4 girls who decide to stay over at school: Yuki Takeya, Kurumi Ebisuzawa, Yuri Wakasa, and Miki Naoki. Along with the school adviser Megumi Sakura, they suddenly find themselves to be the final survivors of a zombie attack, and continue to live and survive at the school. (Source: Crunchyroll)
deven.schmitt - 2015-11-17 08:37:19
This anime had me really confused at the start, but just watching through the first episode had me hooked. I laughed silly, and I cried like a baby. Definitely worth watching. :)
tadams - 2015-10-18 21:11:11
Warning: This review will contain some spoilers. I'll try my best not to spoil everything, but in some cases I find it to be unavoidable. You'll have to consider this before reading the rest of the review. In fact, even talking about the story synopsis is a spoiler. You have been warned.
Wow, what started off as an anime that almost no one was looking forward to watching on polls I've seen (unless you've already seen the manga) turned into not only one of the most popular anime of that season but also of that year! And of course its a deconstruction that popular (last year was Yuuki Yuna too). But is it as great as everyone says? We'll see...
Story: The story revolves around four girls who decide to stay over at school: the energetic Yuki Takeya, the shovel-loving Rumi, the center of the group Rurii who brings everyone together, and the spacey school adviser Megu. As Yuki seeks out fun school activities every day while living at school, the other girls work to keep her safe, because in reality, they are the sole survivors of their school after a zombie outbreak overruns the city.
So yeah, imagine that. How long has it been since we actually got a zombie anime? Yeah there were plenty of games revolving it, but how many anime involve a zombie outbreak? I can only think of two (this one and HSotD... unless Gyo counts but I doubt it), but in all honesty, I think the set-up is brilliant. The premise is nothing new though, so in order to make it interesting, they would either have to bring something new to the table or do it really well... and this show does both.
I really like the way the show fools you too in its first episode, by tricking the viewers into thinking that its a typical cute girls doing cute things slice of life comedy. It's got the animation, music, and voice acting just like it after all and the story seemed non existent... but then the last minute came up and showed what is really going on (and it only goes downhill from there).
I don't think this should come off as a surprise to anyone, considering this is an anime about zombies, but this show is DARK. They don't sugarcoat anything in this and take this situation 100% seriously... ok make that 98 but still. You see it all, the other characters before the untimely demise, the reactions to the outbreak and trauma it left on some of them, a character being forced under circumstances to kill someone they knew and loved, hell there's the part near the end where one of the characters gets bitten and slowly turns into a zombie and I was holding my breath in shock and horror too D:
The zombies are also different than most interpretations I've seen, there usually just soul sucking freaks who want nothing more than brains, but here they give them some bits of humanity and memories of their past left in them but not to the point where there super friendly creatures either or that they regained there composure (that would odd if that were the case), the climax is a very good example for this but they also talk about it in sparring moments during the course of the series which is-a nice.
They do try to lighten things up with comedy and antics, and I think they work personally. You get a sense of who they are and how they interact with other characters outside of the outbreak, get time to know them so when something bad happens to you, you feel bad, and it leaves room to breathe and stomach what's happened so far (or guess as to how the outbreak came to be, and when we finally get some ideas... hoo boy).
The comedy in this is a mixed bag though. Some of the jokes are actually pretty funny, especially with the way they animate certain things, while others were average at best to dead on arrival at worst (there wasn't a lot thankfully and they weren't super painful, unlike another show I happen to know about (*cough*Re-kan*cough*) but still).
The pacing in this is just right, the twists and turns were all well done, and when the sad stuff hits, it hits hard. I wasn't expecting some of the stuff to happen in this show to affect me as much as it did, which is actually a pretty impressive feat :O
The climax is also really well done, and the ending still leaves it open for a potential sequel, but it still ends on a very satisfying note that I had no regrets watching this anime. It may not be as bloody or grim as other shows, but the stuff they do here is more scary and efficient than any anime I've ever seen. And when even the fanservice 'filler' episode has something going on, you know you got a great show in your hands~
Animation: Much like Madoka Magica, the designs for the main characters are super cute, so cute in fact that it doesn't seem to fit in with the show and world they're trying to convey. Now that is the intention for early episodes to trick viewers into thinking its a simple and adorbs kind of show and then later on slowly throw them into some really dark and messed up crap.
The different designs make the characters more personality and intrigue (though I thought certain characters would be a specific type based off their looks but it wasn't the case entirely... don't judge a book by its cover people and non-people) and there not afraid to change it up a bit or have them make less than appealing expressions and reactions either.
The backgrounds are really cool but at the same time pretty unsettling. There's so much to the locals the characters go to that really sinks you in and adds to the tension and mystery of the story. Also a lot of sunsets and night/day skies and it looks so hypnotizing and beautiful~
They don't go soft on the number of zombies and the size of it either. There ain't a lot of action in this, but its about the characters surviving, not playing Resident Evil and killing as many zomb- oh I'm sorry, 'infected people' as much as they can before a helicopter rescues them or something, the show's much smarter than that. When the few actions scenes do show up though, you feel like grabbing the edge of your seat or sticking your face close to your TV or computer! Lord knows that was what I was doing... one of them anyway... god I have no life.
Oh yeah, the lip syncing and movements worked well with the show too, so there's that.
Sound: The voice acting is phenominal. Every single character in this sounds perfect to the role and not one feels out of place. They bring the emotions in this and it works, by god, it really works. When you hear them be happy, you feel legitimately happy, and when there sad or angry, its hard to watch. Ok sure, Yuki's was a bit annoying at first, but you get used to it after a while. Also bonus points for Kurumi's actress for doing her screams for those last two 1/2 episodes, it was hard to watch but for the right reasons... does that make any logical sense?
The opening, is one I'm not a big fan of. It's so out of place and unfitting with the show. Now with the first episode, it made sense, but with the rest, I just wasn't feeling it and it felt more like a mood whiplash than anything else though. Although, the animation for it does change over the course of the show and is really nice to see so... keep an eye on that ;D
The ending songs are really sad though, and I don't want to give away why and what the animation is in them. I don't remember them much like with Madoka Magica's but the true standout is probably the one in episode 4 :c
Characters: Oh man, now we're getting into the real meat of this. Like I said in the beginning, I'll try not to spoil a lot, but in some cases I may have to spoil stuff to get in point with certain characters. Alright, here we go.
Let's start with Yuri, the president of the School Living club. She is the one who manages food, electricity, lessons, and so on. Even though Yuri acts as a strong girl and big sister for the other members, she is extremely mentally fragile, growing more unstable as the stakes get higher. It gets worse if you have read the manga. She doesn't get much development in the anime compared to the other girls though but she's still really likeable.
Next is Kurumi, a twin-tailed member of the School Living Club (I thought she'd be a tsundere type character since I'm so used to those in anime, but she's actually for the most part pretty energetic, spunky, and likes to act tough and cool), who is often sent out on the more dangerous missions. She carries a shovel around with her at all times. She also had a crush on a certain member of the soccer team, but sadly was never able to tell him how she felt because of his demise. In fact, a lot of the most creepy scenes in this involved around her, and you'll feel bad for her greatly.
Yuki is a bright and cheerful girl who is always excited to try new and exciting club activities and loves her school, friends, and teachers that are in the school. At first, she seemed kind of annoying and too bubbly for the situations at hand, but you do soon see/learn why she acts nice and oblivious to her surroundings. In fact, Yuki probably has the most development out of the whole cast, even though it shows in the last couple of episodes, but its so great and well handled that you won't mind.
Miki is A blonde-haired girl who is a year below the other girls and is nicknamed "Mī-kun" (みーくん?) by Yuki, much to her dismay. She's a bit more serious compared to the other girls but she does show her emotions and struggles in this show and doesn't really mean any harm. She initially dislikes the way Kurumi and Yuri play along with Yuki's illusions, but later comes to understand how she helps them. She also becomes kind and soft, opening her true self to other members, and is especially close to both Yuki and Kurumi.
The last character to talk about is Megumi, a teacher and the adviser for the School Living Club forming the School Live club to protect the girls when the outbreak occurred. She's shown to have rather little presence, often being interrupted by the other girls, but you soon find out that she's actually part of Yuki's delusions and the real her had already died trying to protect them. Teacher of the year or what?
These characters are all great overall, they start off fine with specific gimmicks but they eventually grow out of that and become full fledged characters, and I love that. I couldn't have imagined them any different honestly.
Enjoyment: Very high, I loved almost every second of it. Sure Taroumaru and Yuki could have irritating at times, but it wasn't that bad and they do get better.
Overall: This show is fantastic, if you want to see a good zombie story in anime form or just want to see a well done psychological anime (with cute girls to boot maybe? Wink wink) then I cannot recommend this enough c:
Pros: Well developed characters, fantastic story and plot twists, cute artwork, nicely done backgrounds, phenomenal voice acting, pretty good ending.
Cons: The opening is misleading, not every joke works, some characters don't start off so... great. But they get better.
Also recommend: I'd say High School Of The Dead but... there's distracting fan service and the last episode ends on a cliffhanger. So instead, Yuki Yuna Is A Hero for an amazing deconstructive psychological anime with cute girls and misleading first episode c:
Thanks for reading my 95th review~
josh.ziemann - 2015-10-08 15:20:57
School-Live!'s first episode's fantastic 'gotcha!' at the end should make anyone want to see this anime. The only problem is, the show gets too distracted by moe to focus on the much stronger and more unique "zombie disaster" half. The creators managed to put a beach episode in a show where the characters don't go to the beach. This also comes directly before the finale arc, which felt rushed. I can't help but feel cutting down some of the moe parts and letting the main story breathe would have made the show flow better. It tries to do moe and horror in equal measure, but it kind of made both feel a bit half-baked.
The's a few good mindfucks to be had, though, and the show will hit you with saccharine cuteness one second and horrifying depression the next - usually this isn't good, but the show makes it work well most of the time, thanks to the main character. You never know quite what you're going to get with School-Live!, which is why I liked it.
gulgowski.silas - 2015-09-29 08:38:17
no doubt about it.. the Best Anime 2015 of the Summer Season , a lot of interesting things entertained as f**k with a bunch of Drama and Punch and i don't spoil nothing but... this anime will probably get a Season 2 with no complication or getting OAV but hey lets begin.. !
About The Story
5 girl who are very friendly to each others in school and live happy without any problem.. this is moe but very fun to watch with all the events and the big goal they have something bad will happen but what is it ? i think you know if not don't try to search more about it and go watched it now ! the story is pretty solid too this is not joke.. they dont f**k around and have show what they have to show... this is freaking awesome i can guarranted you that !
About The Animation and Sounds
the animation is very good like the most anime in 2015 .. i don't have anything bad to say about it.. , for the Opening/Ending they are both awesome you can feel the entire happiness ! i will leave you the link..
About The Characters
we got 5 awesome characters without forget Taroumaru the dog the only one dog who are accepted in the school ! but anyway i like all of them.. :3
Yuki Takeya /the little energetic girl who are a little bit innocent with a childish personality and like eating without forget how much she care about his friends , friendship is important.. ! thats a funny girl too , she have a solid relation with Megumi we can say bestfriend but friendship between Student/Teacher
Kurumi Ebisuzawa / well the most bad ass girl who like sport , she help in the gardener club too thats why she have a shovel everytime .. for be short she really like his shovel thats a necessary object to wear for her ! and she like sport but are very good too in the sport she is the best in the school ! the friendship is important too for her
Yuuri Wakasa / the kind of girl with some little authority and have a very mature side but say "Ara-Ara" i think you get what i try to say , thats a nice girl too she is the more advanced in the school grade , she really care about his friends too.. ! i think she is the one who become worried first about the others
Miki Naoki / the new students in the school and the more low grade too but very look more mature than she is , she have a bestfriend she really like and they listen music together and do everything together outside the club and she really like his dog Taroumaru she is the one who care the much about him
Megumi Sakura / best teacher everyone will like her she is soo gentle and soo awesome his students are the most important and she really care about them and will do everything for helping them , she really like to write into his personal journal too about what happen with the students.. , she is more concerned with Yuki because they have a solid relationship we can say they are bestfriend.. !
Taroumaru / the only Dog in the band who are accepted in the school for special favor he is pretty funny because of his attitude , and he is cute :3 you cannot hate this dog.. he is awesome
About The Enjoyment
with the solid story we got in this anime you will never be bored.. a lot of punch and Drama are present i know this is moe but this is really awesome this is freaking good to watch i have wait each week for see the next episode and i never have missed it .. now you are lucky you can don't stop the anime and watch it entirely now xD..
i highly recommand to don't miss this anime because i think thats the best of the 2015 Summer Season so go for it this is really interesting and without spoil i think there is gonna be a Season 2 or some OAV because of how the anime is finished so yeah more awesomeness plz !
kamren.prosacco - 2015-09-27 18:03:03
Gakkou Gurashi is very interesting to say the least. Over the years, there have been countless slice of life anime, and countless horror/thriller anime, but rarely do we get something that tries to combine the two in an attempt to amplify each other. The last time I watched something that relied this heavily on tonal shifts, was with Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, an anime that utilised thriller in-between the slice of life and the horror, as a means of creating suspense. Higurashi, although it visually wasn’t impressive to say the least, delivered in my opinion rather well. Question is, did Gakkou Gurashi the same?
The story is fairly plain and simple. Post apocalypse, merely weeks after a zombie outbreak, a collective of 4 students and a teacher, has created a shelter at a high school where they go about their daily activities, occasionally heading outside to search for food or survivors. What Gakkou Gurashi does to spice up the setting, is that the main character, Yuki Takeyaka, has entered a sense of delusional denial, in which se perceives the world around her in the way she want to; The show seems to take place during spring break whiles’t our main cast has decided to spend the vacation at school. The rest of the cast has agreed to keep Yuki in the gray, largely because she acts as moral support for the rest in this rather dark and grim setting. The story, although fairly simple, is quite effective at what it tries to do, although it sticks to a rather formulaic apocalypse storyline: The main cast begins as refugees, find a safe shelter that by the end of the story will turn out to be not as safe as we thought it to be. What most people are going to notice at first, is how episodes 1-10 are spendt on the shelter phase, in which the story is reduced to slice of life fluff, like it or hate it...
What drew me to the story was the concept of tonal shifts. To easier explain, I'm going to reference Higurashi, which I consider a masterpiece within the thriller genre. Higurashi takes it's time, starting each story arc with slice of life comedy which slowly but assuredly turns into a nightmare'esque setting. The sense of thrill one would get from Higurashi comes from the fact that you know shit's about to hit the fan, you just don't know when. Gakkou Gurashi does a far too god job at displaying what the core differences between the thriller and the horror genre is. Gakkou Gurashi, instead of carefully poking at the viewer before striking, decides to strike at random. Unfortunately this backfires sligtly. Horror and Moe are two far too different genres to be able to pull of horror. With two genres this different, the medium has to ease the viewers transition from on genre to the other, instead of rushing it like Gakkou Gurashi does. And yes, I said rushing, because you don't have the time to adjust your brain to the tonal shifts, so you as the viewer are left partially laughing whiles't people are dying. It's more of a schizophrenic experience than anything.
My major complaint about the story however, is how a lot of the key elements make little to no sense at all. The most obvious one, which the show actually pokes fun at (which does repair a tiny tid bit of the damage done), is how the rooftop of the school in which our main cast lives at, is built with a massive garden, solar cell panels, water heating tanks, a pool and a fucking water collecting system, all enough to sustain a dozen people or so with food, water and electricity. It’s as if the school was built with a zombie outbreak in mind. At least, the school I go to doesn’t have that level of security equipment.
The way the show goes about characterising it’s characters is quite interesting! The 5 main characters all seem to be moduled after the 5 stages of death or grief, as described by psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross; Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance, similar to how the Espada from Bleach symbolised an aspect of death.
1. Denial : "In the state of denial, the subject convinces h*mself that the reality he is facing is a mistake, and clings to the false preferable fictiation". As mentioned before, main character Yuki is in a delusional state, denying that the zombie outbreak ever happened. She is the bright and cheerful of the bunch, but also the naive and childish.
2. Anger : "After having realised that the reality you’re in isn’t a mistake, most people in pain feel angered. That their reality is somewhat unfair. Manny seek to lash out on others, often as a means of protecting themselves" Kurumi is literally walking around with a sharpened shovel on her back, ready to whack whomever comes too close, and you could say this is her way to vent frustration out on others. She is the more aggresive and protective of the bunch, never afraid to be in the frontline of a confrontation.
3. Bargaining : "After having the reality pushed onto you, many seeks to cheat their way out of it. They look everywhere for an easier way out of the crisis". Miki’s story arc revolves around how she and her friend had sought shelter at a mall, and how the dull waiting drove her friend to leave safety to search for somewhere else to stay. The story constantly jumps back and forth with Miki thinking to herself what she could have done different, and what she can do now, to ease the situation for herself and the others.
4. Depression : "Many experience depression as a result of not being able to bargain their way out of a crisis". A common outcome of depression is the mental disease melancholy, characterised by apathy and sombreness. Yuuri seems to be the impersonation of melancholy. She is constantly giving of a faint smile as to cheer the others up, but deep inside, she’s truly depressed, on the brink of insanity. Although she tries to act as the metal support for the rest of the group, she is in many ways the weakest and the one in the most dire need.
5. Acceptance : "After having come to terms with the reality, most experience acceptance, often as a result of not seing any better way out. It is simply the best out of many bad". Megumi, without delving too far into spoilers, seems to be the only character with her head straight. She’s calm and collected (compared to the others), and serves the rolle as the emotionally stable of the bunch, being the one that managed to secure the school building for the others to live in. That coupled with some carefully displayed imagery, namely the cross she wears in a necklace around her neck, symbolising death, and the fact that she is a teacher. Someone more emotionally stable than the students.
Unfortunately, a good concept does not make for good characters. Similar to how the Espada from Bleach act as mere obstacles (although based on an interesting concept), outside of the Kübler-Ross’ model, the cast from Gakkou Gurashi don’t have too much going for them either. The show does acknowledge the tropes by the usage of imagery, but tends to "forget" this in favour for moe fluff, which I've seen before and done better at that. They lack the charm, flavour and diversity that the cast of say, K-On has. Yes, most of the girls have had to go through tragic events in which they were borderline mentally torn apart, but with the exception of events, there is little to none character-development, characterisation nor fluctuation. Bland characters isn’t necessarily a problem, say the adventure genre, but this show relies heavily on it, because it is a slice of life. Having 5 copy paste characters, although based on interesting tropes/concepts, just simply isn’t good enough, for me at least. I need more depth or substance. A good concept does not make for a good character.
The art is… Ok… There honestly isn’t much to talk about. Although fairly well done, it doesn’t have any characteristics to separate it from any other anime within it’s genre. Although studio Lerche to me seem to be fairly competent at what they do, creating 3 shows for one season is a little over the top. There are shortcuts quite often, although fairly well disguised by, for example, having characters face away from the camera while talking, etc. Credits given where credits due, the CGI used in the anime, in particular for the hordes of zombies was actually very good! There was actual effort put into having the CGI fit in with the 2D animation, and I think it added to the unsettling nature of the zombies.
The soundtrack is the shows strongest side. Although most of the music is very bland, with an opening in typical catchy j-pop style and with most of the tracks being run of the mill background tracks, the best parts was during the although short horror pieces. From the sombre melodies, to the erie piano tracks, it was all great means of amplifying the thrill. Another thing I have to compliment it for, is it’s use of complete and utter silence, or in some cases, the usage of as simple sounds as the rain pouring down. Although it is a shame that 95% of the anime is spent at the school in a bright and cheerful soundtrack, one which you could find in any other slice of life moe out there. Bland, uninspired and painfully mediocre are the first words I can come up with to describe it. I’m not going to comment on the voice acting, as I don’t speak japanese, and I won’t be watching the dub (if one’s ever made) because none-asian women are biologically incapable of doing moe.
Going back to the foreword, Gakkou Gurashi was interesting. Opening the anime up with a main character whose quite obviously delusional. The sense of thill I got from the anime, was waiting to see her world crumble, as she was being forced to accept the way her current reality actually is. Which coincidentally, never happened… The whole cool factor, came from the fact that this was seemingly just a run of the mill slice of life for the first few episodes, until episode 5 or so when the viewer received the whole “oh my…” experience, realising that this anime is actually really fucked up. But after that point, it felt like the show did all it could to avoid what little made it stand out from the oversaturated moe market. I honestly got bored quite often. Although the few horror scenes we got were quite good, with a masterfully erie soundtrack to boot, they were too few, short and far between.
To conclude, I was quite saddened by the delivery of Gakkou Gurashi. There was so much potential, but most of it got lost in the overuse of moe. Gakkou Gurashi’s major downfall is, and will always be, the fact that it sets itself up as an anime that relies on shifting between two completely different tones, horror and slice of life moe, but after having introduced the horror, avoids it as if it was the plague. As the show goes on, I just get more and more convinced that the story/horror was an afterthought, and that the initial intention was a moe school comedy. It is almost as if they try to overshadow a mediocre slice of life, by using horror. I honestly cannot give you a good reason to watch this over K-On! (as a better moe) or Higurashi (as a better horror experience). Taking the Madoka Magica approach with calling this a Moe deconstruction would be giving it too much credit. I'd say it is a sub-par delivery of an interesting concept. It's not bad, it's just an over-glorified moe. Being a moe isn't in itself bad, but trying to disguise yourself as something else, is bad.
There is in MY OPINION little to no reason to watch this. It's individual settings and genres has been done elsewhere, and better at that, and the only reason this is worth checking out, is to see the blend of the different elements. There are unfortunately rather few anime that blends horror genre with moe setting, thus this at least has a way to stick out from the crowd. It still has enough unique elements to have a reason to exist. I'd say check out the first episode, as you should be able to figure out the general gist of the show by the end of it. For all I know, you may enjoy it a lot more than I did, hopefully at that.
mcclure.devonte - 2015-09-25 20:22:40
i got to admit, i did cry and it was one of the best anime's i watched.
owelch - 2015-09-25 09:03:05
So this is the first Anime I ever started week to week instead of one big binge, and God was it worth it. This anime is one of the most soul wrenching and heart warming things I've seen in ages. It achieved the amount of depth, sadness, and hope each episode that some anime struggles to achieve in their entire run. After luring you in with a cute art this anime doesn't just pull on your heart strings, It full on rips them out of your chest, wraps them around its hand, then punches you in the stomach. And yet at the end of each episode it gives you a small shred of hope luring you into the next episode, where it happens all of again.
Almost every episode had me near tears, now while I wasn't crying I was screaming in anguish (literally) but the last episode. The. Final. Fucking. Episode. I was crying like well... like a girl in the zombie apocalypse... so as a whole Gakkou Gurashi has became my favorite anime, and the best one I've seen in a long long time, and I recommend literally every one to watch it.
bernier.zoey - 2015-09-18 02:05:25
Putting horror into anime has always proven itself to be a difficult task. Many studios have tried, often to little avail. Instead of moments that instill dread into our hearts, we’re left with predictable setups, uninspired monsters, or an over-dependence on gore. It appears that anime is just not a good medium to really freak people out.
As such, Gakkou Gurashi is trying a different angle. Reminiscent of Madoka Magika, it isn’t trying to unsettle viewers by being incredibly scary. Instead, it tries to be only somewhat scary, but within an otherwise completely unscary setting. And so we have one of the more unusual matchups in recent years: typical moe schoolgirl fluff... and zombies.
Gakkou Gurashi has been an incredibly polarizing show. I feel that the crux of the controversy is due to the fact that, despite its twist, Gakkou Gurashi is still a show where “cute girls do cute things” at heart.
To understand why some people really like Gakkou-- and why others really dislike it-- we need to look at the show’s main theme: denial of reality. While it is shown early on that Yuki takes the theme to an extreme extent, all of the other main characters are guilty of it as well. For instance, the girls could break Yuki away from her fantasies-- they even admit that they would be able to. But they don’t. Why? Because Yuki’s cheery demeanor would vanish. So let’s make sure Yuki stays happy instead, because if she’s so happy, then things can’t possible be that bad, right?
To further this delusion, the girls try to live life as usual. They’re not sleeping at school because it’s a safe haven, but because they’re part of a School-Life Club. They’re not foraging for supplies, they’re going on a field trip. Hey, I have an idea! Let’s write messages and tie them to balloons! Let’s have a fight with water guns! Let’s have races in the hallway! If anything, they’re acting even more upbeat and bubbly than usual, because that’s all that’s keeping away reality.
And this is where, for many, the show falters. There is a large chunk of screentime given to these schoolgirls acting like, well, schoolgirls. This leads to a whole lot of moe fluff that, while it advances the setting, does absolutely nothing to advance the plot. And for those who cannot stand the genre, or the show’s stagnant story, there are many valid complaints to be had against Gakkou Gurashi.
But for those who don’t mind the set-up as much, it definitely does a lot to make the horror hit harder. I don’t want to delve into spoilers, but I will say this: Gakkou Gurashi is really, really dire. With every episode, things are looking more and more helpless. And no matter how much you may want to go along with the cast’s beliefs that everything is going to turn out alright, you won’t be able to get away from the feeling that every bit of happiness is just another sign that things are going to go horribly wrong. And that’s not something you come across in an anime very often.
koelpin.casper - 2015-08-18 21:03:08
Gakkou Gurashi! is really good imo. Main(ish) character Yuki is seemingly broken yet effectively leads the group and keeps moral up, owning up to being their 'senpai' even though she seems childish and is not aware of the world. You can see that 'she' cannot understand what is really going on but her 'guardian' (anything else would be spoilers) is actually understanding of the situation and so you can assume some part of her knows. Such a broken character yet each broken piece is what holds the group together. Such a roundabout way of this kind of story, where the MC leads the group to survive and whatnot, most stories will focus directly on the MC but this story reflects on all the characters and how the Yuki glues them all together, again in another roundabout way. I'll probably pick up the manga after this, 4/5IGN.
ellis19 - 2015-07-20 04:23:43
This show freaks me out. So far they have only made two episodes, but who knew that you could make a person freak out in the first two episodes? After watching the show it leaves you feeling unsettled *cough* LIKE THE CORPSES *cough*. I think that this could end up being a good show. The character development is lacking a little, i didn't know who the club supervisor person was until the second episode. The animation was pretty good. the story is... well... sudden? surprising? confusing? i don't really know anymore. I think that this show might be good in the future. I hope the main character comes to terms with her Schizophrenia.