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Yes! Pretty Cure 5

Yes! プリキュア5

Yumehara Nozomi, a regular student, finds a magical book called the Dream Collet in the library and meets Coco and Nuts, two creatures from the Palmier Kingdom. They plead with Nozomi to restore their world, which has been destroyed by an organization called the Nightmares, by completing the Dream Collet and finding the 55 Pinkies to make any wish come true. Meanwhile, the Nightmares are moving into the real world. Once Nozomi agrees to help, Coco and Nuts transform her into the magical girl Cure Dream and turn four fellow students into her Pretty Cure team. (Source: ANN)

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: All Ages
  • Date aired: 2007-02-04 to 2008-01-27
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 5120
  • In favorites: 17
  • Popularity Rank: 4409
  • Episode count: 49
  • Episode duration: 24 min/ep
  • Total duration: 19 h. 36 min.
  • Genre: Action , Magic , Fantasy , School , Mahou Shoujo
watsica.cassie - 2013-05-22 09:19:55

Yes Pre­cure 5 is not as lazy as Splash Star, although an 18 year old cat on Ketam­ine can’t even reach the pin­nacle of lazi­ness the pro­duc­tion staff on Splash Star achieved. At the very least, Yes Pre­cure 5 at least tries to do some­thing mildly dif­fer­ent from the ori­ginal. The main char­ac­ter has a dif­fer­ent per­son­al­ity at the very least (even if orange-haired friend in this ver­sion is pretty much a car­bon copy of the same girl from the ori­ginal Pre­cure). There’s also 5 Pre­cures instead of 2. Even the magical pet looks slightly dif­fer­ent, and is really a trans­form­ing bishie, Fruits Bas­ket style. Otherwise, they’ve kept most of the rest of the standard Precure scen­ario. Pre­cures have to stop evil organ­isa­tion of dreadful vil­lains from an altern­ate world, using the powah of friend­ship, all while col­lect­ing these magical saus­ages or whatever ran­dom arte­fact it is they have to travel across the coun­try to find. That’s not neces­sar­ily a bad thing, because powah of friend­ship to defeat bad­dies is a decent for­mula. How­ever, it appears that’s about the point the pro­duc­tion staff decided to call it a day."We’ve changed the for­mula enough from the ori­ginal, now lets use the rest of our budget to hire some strip­pers! Anim­a­tion? Script writ­ing? Fuck that, give it to the intern. Actu­ally no, scratch that, give it to the mon­keys in Toei’s basement."The writ­ing in this is hor­rendous to quite extraordin­ary levels. What par­tic­u­larly bugged me was how stu­pid it assumed its audi­ence was. Yes, I know the audience are girls with only one digit in their age, but the ori­ginal Pre­cure didn’t talk down to them this much. If we see a shot with a bunch of super excited girls hoard­ing around the stu­dent coun­cil pres­id­ent, it’s pretty obvi­ous that’s she’s pop­u­lar. We don’t need our brain­dead main char­ac­ter and her carbon-copy-from-original-Precure-friend point­ing out to the audi­ence how pop­u­lar she is.There are other instances where they simply stop try­ing to give char­ac­ters reasons for what they do. I know a reg­u­lar occur­rence in Pre­cure is how shit the vil­lains are, but it’s some­thing I’m going to rag on yet again. When someone fires a weak beam at you that totally misses, what sort of excuse is that to then run away? Or the vil­lain catch­ing one of the magical muffins the Pre­cures are try­ing to hoard, then giv­ing it back to them for no adequately explored reason. And this guy was appar­ently the leader of the vil­lain­ous group. I’m guess­ing the aptitude test for enter­ing this vil­lain­ous group involves a high-hanging banana and a stick, and if they get the banana in under a minute then they’re not allowed join the group.Even worse than the writ­ing is the anim­a­tion. This is a frig­gen Pre­cure series! These things rely on a com­bin­a­tion of advert­ising toys and pretty visu­als. This series got the advert­ising toys aspect down, for bet­ter or for worse. Well, no, just for worse. But the visu­als are awful. An large amount of this series is incredibly lazy pan­ning shots. You know, the ones where the char­ac­ters don’t actu­ally do any move­ment of their body. They’re just held up on a stick and waved about by one of the base­ment mon­keys at Toei just below the bot­tom of the screen. The back­grounds were prob­ably going for that water­col­our look from the likes of Honey and Clover and Nodame Can­tabile, but instead just looks like child­ish scribbles.But you know what’s the worst part of all? The very reason I decided to watch these blas­ted Pre­cure series in the first place? The bitchin’ trans­form­a­tion sequences, that even Splash Star man­aged to get off their back­sides and pro­ducing some­thing visu­ally spec­tac­u­lar for. Yes Pre­cure 5’s trans­form­a­tion sequences aren’t bitchin’ in the slight­est. I was look­ing for­ward to the pro­spect of 5 dif­fer­ent trans­form­a­tion sequences for each Pre­cure. What nor­mally character­ises a Pre­cure bitchin’ trans­form­a­tion sequence is how the cos­tume bil­lows out ins some sort of crazy way, com­bines with epic music and swoop­ing cam­era angles.Yes Pre­cure 5’s didn’t bother with some­thing as cool as swoop­ing cam­eras, instead simply opt­ing to pan down to the next seg­ment of the char­ac­ters body that would spout new cloth­ing. Worse still, each Pre­cure would go through this same pro­cess with little vari­ation. The one inter­est­ing bit of trans­form­ing was Cure Lemonade’s swirly hair-pieces, but even that trans­form­a­tion sequence has the same unin­spired music the rest of them had. Plus, it cycles through each and every trans­form­a­tion sequence in the epis­ode, so by the time we had all 5 Pre­cures, we had to sit through that same lame trans­form­a­tion sequence 5 fuck­ing times. You think it’s all over BUT NO! Then they all have to go through their sig­na­ture moves, all of which look the same and have the same damn music all over again.You know you’re a shit Pre­cure if you don’t even have good trans­form­a­tion sequences.

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