Set two weeks after the end of Book Two: Spirits, the world is dealing with the changes caused by the energy shift of the planet due to Harmonic Convergence and Korra's battle with the Dark Avatar. Among those changes is the reemergence of airbenders. The journey begins to rebuild the air nation, however, not all airbenders are friendly. Korra faces a new threat, a secret organization of terrorists who seek to bring down the world's governments and, once and for all, put an end to the avatar cycle.

bernhard.karolann - 2015-02-11 05:26:21
One of the worst shows I've ever watched.
Korra is easily one of the worst, most annoying, least lovable characters I've ever had the displeasure to see.
The Noir setting is annoying and violates the beauty of Avatar the Last Airbender.
The "romance" is anything but.
The character interactions are embarrassingly immature and the show thrives off of comic relief.
Do not watch.

cheaney - 2014-12-30 09:30:55
The Avatar series (Aang + Korra) were always about learning things about yourself to overcome the problems around you. When Korra appeared, I was a little skeptical, but the changes were good, a new perspective (a girl), a new world (Republic City,...) and new hobbies (Fire furets,...). It was good because it's clearly a change from the original ATLA but still in the same genre. But last season just let me down, after the awful finale from last season where Korra was beaten. We found a handicaped girl who must heal herself from not just physical but also mental wounds.
They tried over and over to explain this weakness (first the fear, then the poison still within her) but nothing was interesting anymore IMO... We have a normal bender who tries to save the world. The Community was so desperate to end it that the creators actually put Toph back on the show. I really loved this show but thank god it's over. This season was just too much for me (nothing new), and the bad guy (girl actually) has actually some kind of vision for her people. The Avatar being absent, she did the best she could. OK certain methods used were not so kind, but the nation stood united. So no, the real hero for me is Kuvira this season (the girl can win vs a full state Avatar mode, come on!).

dario72 - 2014-09-08 06:37:57
هذا كان من أروع المواسم لهذا الانمي.
من ناحية الحبكة في هذا لموسم لا تخلتلف كثيراً عن المواسم الاخرى تتلخص في كون هناك شخصية شريرة تريد فرض سيطرتها ومخططاتها علي العالم وهنا تدخل في صراع مع الأفتار.
ولكن ما يميز قصة الموسم الرئيسية هي الشخصيات الجديدة حيث تم إدخال هذة الشخصيات الاربع ذات قوة رهيبة ومتمكنه بشكل كلي منها وتستخدم قوتها في القتال بأسلوب جديد لم نشاهدة من قبل. وما زاد الجمالية هذا الموسم هي سمات الشخصية الشريرة و أهدافها التي قد تبدوا سامية و أخلاقية مما قد يجعل البعض يتعاطف معهم.
أما الشخصيات الرئسيسة المعروفة في الموسم السابقة فهي الاخري تظهر بشكل مختلف في هذا الموسم. الاستديو قلل التركيز علي العلاقات العاطفية وإهتم بالتزكيز الشخصية و تطوير شخصياتهم وأدخل شخصيات جديدة إلي حياتهم لم نكن نعرف عنهم من قبل.
موسم جميل قضيت وقت جميلاً في متابعة حلقاته

sanford.block - 2014-08-27 18:37:49
This goes without saying, spoilers.
After the events of season 2, the worlds begins to change. Spirits roam free around the world, however, not many people are fond by this as some cities are taken over by the spirits. But that is not all, people around the world that were not benders before are now beginning to find that they're gaining the ability to bend, specifically airbend. With this discovery, Korra and Tenzin, along with others, begin their journey to find airbenders, so that they can restore the lost nation. However, this change of airbenders is not at all that great A terrorist, known as Zahir, has gained the powers to airbend and uses it to break free from his prison. Now that he is free, is goes to search for his comrades in order to bring "true" freedom to the world.
This story leads to becoming the best season for The Legend of Korra. The events that take place are very dark, for a kids show, and it's not afraid on taking on some mature things and putting them in the show. However, the story for the season was not always this strong. The first half of the show is really not that great, well at least not compared to the second half. The first half contains the wacky comedy that the series usually does, with a little mix of the horrible relationship problems that the show has done in the last two seasons. There are some moments in the first half that are great; for instance, Zahir getting his comrades out of prison, or the meeting the Earth Queen, despite being a b****. But whenever the original character come on screen [meaning Korra, Bolin, and Mako] come on the screen. It always becomes a negative with the episode because of them not being good characters. The second half, basically when Zahir's plans take on full affect, is when the season truly shines. The awesome fights scenes mixed in with some "holy crap" moments, make it great. Then all of it coming together for a great, and bittersweet, ending. Honestly, if it wasn't for it's first half, this season could have matched either seasons 2 or 3 of The Last Airbender.
The animation is for the most part the same how it was the previous two season, which is not a bad thing. But what the animation really stands out in is the fight scenes. The fight between character were nicely choreographed, and the animation helped made it look nice. Plus, the final fight between Zahir and Korra was just awesome. Second best fighting scene in the whole series, right behind Zuko vs Azula from the original Last Airbender.
As usual, the sound track of this series is amazing. Jeremy Zuckerman did a wonderful job in capturing the scene by the way of music, that it made us feel the scene. For instance, if there was an intense scene, the song had done its job to made it feel intense. If there was a sad moment, then the violin would play in a beautiful yet sad way. This work, especially in the final scene.
We get the usual characters: Tenzin, Korra, Bolin, Mako, Asami, etc. So I won't be talking much about them, since they stay the same with not realy character development. Plus, I don't like them as characters anyways, especially Mako. So I'll be talking about characters to the series.
Kai - Kai is one of the new airbenders that the team picks up early in the season. Before becoming an airbender, Kai was a thief, and was good at pick pocketing his targets. Not much else is known about him. Personality wise, he's a trouble maker, and at first he doesn't care about things that are happening or what people are feeling. But then he becomes more trusting, responsible, and cooperative as the episodes progress. Also, Jinora's love interest.
Zuko - Not a brand new character, but a new character to the show. Zuko returns as a retired, old, firelord that helps with his daughter run the fire nation. Zuko has changed. He is no longer the boy that was easily hot tempered. He is calm and wise, much like Iroh without the confusing advices that Iroh is known for. One thing though that I don't like about Zuko is that he still sucks at fighting. But he does have a dragon.
Zahir - I think that he is by far the best antagonist in not only Legend of Korra, but also better than Ozai in The Last Airbender. Zahir is not the typical, take over the world or surround the world in darkness, type of villain. What he wants is for the world to reach "true" freedom. Basically for the world to no longer run by rulers, but for the people to rule without boundaries. Because of his beliefs, he has to become ruthless and is not afraid to kill people if he needs to.
As I said before, the first half of the season was pretty weak. Due its original characters not being, well good characters. The first half made me not really care for the season. But as things start to move forward with Zahir's plans. Things become more intense, and dark. Zahir truly makes this season shine with his ruthlessness towards anyone that would get in his way; resulting in the best and memorable season for Legend of Korra.

nmcclure - 2014-08-24 03:19:57
'The Legend of Korra Book 3: Change' truly is a season of change for the show, and a solid delivery overall.
Some minor spoilers may be in this review related to overall setting.
The story starts off in what appears to be some sort of journey in a thick jungle, with Korra trying to clear the way through all the vegetation with the use of various bending techniques. After finally clearing through some, we are surprised to see in fact the characters are actually still in Republic City. The events from the previous season in which Korra decides to leave open both spirit gates in order to restore balance between the physical realm and spirit realm truly has caused some devastating effects for inhabits of either realm.
The entire city is covered in flora only normally found in the spirit realm, blocking off main roadways, encroaching on buildings, and essentially causing havoc for the entire city. This does not bode well for Korra, as her current approval rating is only 8%, clearly the inhabitants of Republic City are not happy with her actions at all.
It is not just the inhabitants of Republic City though upset with the sudden "crossover" of the two realms, so are the spirits who are merely just trying to make do with their new living arrangements and the discrimination they are facing from the humans around them.
Harmonic Convergence and the spirit gates being left open not only has affected the world itself, but a handful of individuals as well in a unique way which I will not disclose for it is relevant to the plot.
As the story progresses, we see a new organization appear which threatens world order and Korra herself. It is in an interesting plot, although takes awhile to really get going beside all of the other things happening in the story at the time. It felt as if the show did not really know initially how it would take off, especially with the heavy initial focus on the spirit/living world crossover dying down as soon as the main 'decided on' plot begins. Although effects of the crossover are seen throughout the series serving more as a backdrop to the story than originally taking on a plot itself in which it initially seemed it would.
Overall the story and plot were really well done, carrying through with the darker theme this installment of Avatar has had compared to the last. Major events occur which really shake the four nations. On screen/off screen death of characters occurs quite a bit, and in some really gruesomely implied ways in all honesty for a series rated appropriate for 7 year olds (probably one of the reasons why Nick quit airing the series on TV and opted for digital outlets only and not just due to the poor ratings). I really enjoyed the continued theme regarding government organizations and oppression being the center piece for the series.
Overall I give the story a 8/10.
Animation in this season is much improved over the last season, most noticeably during action/combat scenes. The animators really utilized quite a bit of slow/stop motion effects, really giving the combat a much more intense appeal. Characters dodging in 'Matrix' style, hits feeling more impactful, and bending just all around seeming much more lethal when used.
Scenery was quite diverse in this season, for we get to see a lot of new and previously introduced nations/developments, a bit more of the spirit realm itself, and also a vast desert with an interesting "inhabitant". Most impressive were some of the bigger aerial scenes of some areas which were really well done and stunning. In one location specifically, you can really see the difference in living conditions between the social classes, with the lower class living areas being quite smoggy and dirty in overall design to the extent you could almost smell it through the screen, to the upper class being clear and pristine.
Lighting was well done in most scenes, especially anytime fire was involved, although character shadowing could definitely use some work still.
The biggest thing that really stood out to me this season where the facial expressions that were animated and done. There were some really intense and well animated expressions that would give a lot of anime out there a run for its money. It is sad though such expressions only appeared a few times in the series, and it is not something that occurred uniformly throughout the series with most of the other expressions being simple and bland really. When the good ones happen though, they're hard to miss and hard to forget after being seen.
Overall I'd give the animation an 8/10. Shading/shadows could still use some work, and expressions in general were quite bland throughout the series. Combat/action scenes are much improved and well done. Animators experimenting with stop motion paid off. Those few really well done expressions during more intense/emotional scenes were well done.
Voice acting was a bit weaker for this season compared to previous seasons. Some of the voice actors did not really match up with their characters in my opinion for some of the new characters introduced. Some emotional scenes were not as emotional as they could have been due to poor voice acting, it seemed some of the actors had a hard time conveying actual sadness/worry for the most part. Some conversations between protagonists/antagonists felt really out of place/pointless, especially during some fights really breaking some of the immersion the action and music before hand had created.
Music and soundtracks were good. Not the best I have heard, but typically fit the scenes they were used in quite well and setting the appropriate mood.
Overall I would give the sound a 7/10. Voice acting could have been better in my opinion. Music was appropriate although nothing really impressive.
Characters and organizations introduced this season were interesting. More back story though for some of the new baddies would have been nice to form a better connection with them. I felt personally detached from them, for the series just really makes them seem like the bad guys the entire time. You are never really left questioning if their beliefs are founded in good reason unlike with Amon in the first season which really made you stop and think to see things from his perspective. Sure, the top layer seems arguable riotous, especially after seeing some of the horrible stuff and oppression going on in the series, but the actual premise itself and what would happen seems like absolute hell. You are left agreeing with Korra for the most part on her pursuit to stop the organization without much second thought.
There was plenty of character development this season at least, with a few characters other than Korra getting to take on some bigger and more interesting roles. Some new abilities are also introduced over time, something I hope to continue to see happening to help diversify the combat a bit more in the upcoming season.
Overall I'd give the characters a 7/10. The antagonists did not feel nearly as fleshed out as previously encountered antagonists. It was refreshing to see some supporting characters more at work though this time around unlike last time. It felt more as if everyone was working together throughout the series, leading to some really well done larger battles and more strategy being implemented as well. New abilities being introduced was also good to see.
Overall I really enjoyed this season of Korra. It has a lot of room for improvement in some categories, but overall felt quite solid in its delivery. I still consider the first season of Korra the best overall though due to a more interesting plot and antagonist.
I feel a 9/10 would rate my overall enjoyment quite well.
In closing, 'The Legend of Korra Book 3: Change' truly has quite a bit of changes going on, both from the animation style to the overall world itself in which the story is based within. The story is quite well done despite taking a bit of time to really get its footing. Animation quality is much improved over previous seasons, with more fleshed out character expressions being done in some scenes which leaves one wishing they were carried throughout the series. Some voice actors did not really seem to fit their characters, and also some had noticeable difficulty in conveying true sadness/worry in their overall tone. Music and soundtracks were fitting, yet nothing remarkable. Character development was overall noticeable and interesting, with new abilities being introduced and some minor characters taking on larger rolls. Generally I quite well enjoyed the series.
Overall, this season gets a 8/10 (4/5 stars) from me.

wiza.darrel - 2014-07-12 18:10:56
this anime is the sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender . It is really relateable because it is about a girl and she can kick butt, and yes yes I love it. ;3