Trinity Seven
トリニティセブン“Awaken now, Kasuga Arata.” With those words, Arata’s uneventful, carefree life ends forever. A black shadow covers the sun and Arata’s entire town is reduced to rubble, all the people in it spirited away by the blackness of the sun in an event called a "breakdown phenomenon". As Arata’s memories come flooding back, he realizes he’s been living inside an illusion created by a powerful book of spells. Lilith Asami, a mage dispatched to investigate the phenomenon, gives Arata two choices: hand over the book, or die. Arata chooses the third option: enrolling in the top-secret magic school Royal Biblia Academy. Waiting for him at the academy are seven beautiful magic users, the Trinity Seven, each with her own power and skill. With so many women surrounding him, there are plenty of opportunities to have some silly perverted fun. But it’s not all fun and games for Arata. Spurred on by the memory of his cousin and childhood friend Hijiri Kasuga, Arata will stop at nothing to stop the destruction of the world and bring his best friend back.
caterina.kunze - 2015-04-11 06:08:10
No comment.
Excellent as it may be.
bill.hirthe - 2015-04-04 05:01:10
Trinity Seven, an anime with a promising premise.
I have been thinking of how to convince my friends to watch this, but there isn't really that much going for it. It is a classic harem anime with the difference of having a likeable main character.
The cast of his harem is quite large and therefore not really well-developed. Not a lot of screentime is dedicated to learn about them, so their personalities are quite flat. For the same reason, it is quite mystifying why they are all falling for the main, making their obvious pandering all the more annoying. The only reason given is the prophecy, but this isn't really a decent explanation for me. Nonetheless, every one of the girls fill a different role and there is a pick for everyone.
The only person I did like was the main, because he wasn't shy to take advantage of his situation, different from other harem mains. His overt pervyness made him likable and produced quite a lot of comedy, so there's that.
The story itself was okay. The first episode was quite exciting, giving me hopes, but then it turned out be another magical school anime. There wasn't anything that stood out to me. While the main had this whole prophecy going on around him, being the chosen one and all, his powers weren't used that impressively and all in all, I neither felt like the cast was as powerful as they should be nor the story as action-packed as it deserved. Yes, there were quite a few battles, but somehow, they didn't feel significant enough for me.
Speaking of the animation and sound, there wasn't really anything that caught my eyes, neither in the good nor in the bad sense. The characters were pleasant enough to look at.
Altogether, even though Trinity Seven did not stand out in any way to me, the whole package fit well together and did make for a pleasant experience.
I am really hoping that the second season is going to flesh out everything some more. The source of this anime is quite promising, so I am hoping for the best and some cool reveals.
river88 - 2015-03-14 00:48:25
Be ready for a long read, I warned you! (/^-^)/ Starting with the story, one could basically say it's the usual, overpowered MC and his harem fighting off the evil in their world. But that world in itself looked pretty interesting to me, meaning it would have had a lot of potential to be amazing, if it weren't for the ecchi etc.. Anyways the usage of the side characters is well done and none of them seems utterly useless. Not wanting to spoil the end, it wasn't very satisfying.Looking back it was a bit over average story, spiced with some decent extras. The Animation was enjoyable in my opinion, considering it's an adaption. Nothing much to say about this, I think animation is something everyone has his or her own opinion on. The sound did not manage to get this anime a higher rating, even though it didn't really affect it in a negative way. On the contrary the OP aswell as the multiple(!) endings were defenetely some of the better ones that season (and still are good overall).The sound fits in nicely with the show, but didn't give me any extraordinary surprises. I don't really have a lot of specific things to say about the characters, but the fac, that there's everything for everyone, starting with the usual tsundere-type(s), the usual imouto type and much more. On the positive side, the male character wasn't really annoying and I at least sometimes I had a grinn on my face watching all of them interact. The variety was accordingly decent aswell. It's just the same as always, but this time it's at least not in an annoying way. That last sentence, probably summs up the entire anime for me, it had it's on way of keeping me watching and achieved not to get dropped half way through because of the irritating nature Ecchi + Harem tends to bring. If you bothered to read all this, just to decide if you'd watch it, I suggest you to just give it a shot, I mean it can't be THAT bad, can it? Ah and I tend to be kinda positive about & with everything so don't be surpised if you totally disagree with me here on some of these points!
awhite - 2015-01-07 04:32:07
This show is pure fun and should be viewed as nothing more. You don't need to turn off your brain you don't have to think to hard. just enjoy.
mbailey - 2014-12-25 01:07:34
[german] trinity seven.. für mich eine der überraschungstitel der fall season 2014. interessant ist, das die serie als haremcomedy mit ner prise action angefangen und sich dann in ne actionserie mit ner prise haremcomedy gedreht hat. sie hat potential für mehr, aber so ist es leider auch nur wieder eine abwandlung der standard shonen/action story, jedoch mit ein paar kleinen aber unerwarteten plottwists.
audiovisuell ist dafür absolut nichts auszusetzen.
die serie hat einige lustige situationen und szenen, jedoch ohne den harem-typischen fremdschämfaktor, was nicht zuletzt am protagonisten und seinem umgang mit eben solchen situationen liegt.
das die meisten charaktere kaum hintergrundstory haben ist erstaunlicherweise auch gar nicht schlimm, da die charaktere alle sowohl zeichnerisch als auch von der art her sehr unterschiedlich sind, und es in der summe ein großartiges zusammenspiel ergibt.
man merkt deutlich das die serie genau hier, bei den charaktern, seinen schwerpunkt und auch seine stärke hat.
alles in allem sehr gut gelungen, ich hoffe auf eine zweite staffel, allerdings mit etwas weniger ecchi dafür aber mit etwas mehr story (sowohl charakter background als auch plot).
guckempfehlung an alle die klein problem mit ecchi/harem und lust auf eine gut gezeichnete action comedy haben.
lila.connelly - 2014-12-24 01:43:30
Trinity Seven, mindless ecchi harem action? Yes. But in a good way.
The story is nothing too special, it's decent, nothing groundbreaking but enough to get you invested in the characters and enjoy the journey.
Sound is pretty great, the Opening is one of the best I've seen recently and the other various music throughout the show is great and very fitting.
Back to the characters, so many best girls, each of the girls in the show are appealing and interesting in various ways, they cover a bunch of archetypes and there is something for everyone. The main character is a brilliant harem MC, he is a huge pervert and isn't afraid of letting his harem know, it makes for some brilliant interaction.
Overall an incredibly enjoyable show if a bit lackluster in the story department, the battles can be a bit stop start as they explain their various powers but it's nothing too bad. A fun ride from start to finish.
loconnell - 2014-12-23 21:35:59
In my short time of reviewing anime, I've covered quite a few different types of harems. I've done dramatic harems, reverse harems, and even harems that didn't start out as harems. However, I realized recently that I've never done a review for just a regular old comedic harem, so I decided to pick one up for this season. Upon finishing the series, I realized that everything I want to say about it could pretty much apply to every other comedic harem I've seen. So, aside from the specific anime I'm covering today, consider this as an appropriate substitute review for any other generic comedic harem you can think of (Rosario + Vampire, Highschool DxD, Infinite Stratos, Maken-ki!, etc.), as I rattle off the list of traits that this genre keeps using over and over and over again to make itself as bland and marketable as possible.
1. Fantasy setting or heavy fantasy elements, usually involving magic
While more traditional and realistic settings may have worked back in the heyday of harems like Love Hina, the incorporation of fantasy elements serves as a replacement for actually making the viewer believe that this type of romantic setup could occur in the first place. Additionally, the use of magic creates a plethora of possibilities for getting the female characters into situations of a lewd and nearly-naked nature, with very minimal effort on the part of the writer. For Trinity Seven, we end up with one of Arata's main powers being the ability to make people's clothes disappear, providing plenty of fan service fun.
2. Story still manages to take place in a high school of some kind
I'm not sure what the exact percentage is of anime that take place in high school, but I'm going to assume it's a relatively high number, and within the harem genre the reason for that is very simple: it attracts viewers who are currently in high school. Additionally, with Trinity Seven, we get bonus points added for the high school being an all-girls school (while it's never explicitly stated that this is the case, no other male students seem to appear in this school). This further allows for Arata to be given free reign over whatever love interest the series decides to throw in for our enjoyment.
3. Actual story and magic lore is incredibly convoluted and pointless
For obvious reasons, writers can't just get away with writing absolutely nothing but fan service moments, so of course there has to be some kind of story. However, writing an actual story would make it too difficult for the viewers to focus on those wonderfully-animated breasts you just shoved into frame [heavy-handed sarcasm], so the plot needs to be flimsy, shallow, and easily tradable with any other generic plot. Every magic term in Trinity Seven is practically thrown in your face one after another with little more than a one-sentence description of what it actually does. That didn't really matter though, because I couldn't even count the times where I just flat-out looked away from the screen for a minute or so and then turned back to realize that absolutely nothing has happened other than some more flashy magic terminology and a panty shot.
4. Random climactic battle at the end of the series
...yeah that's just kind of a thing I guess. I suppose they have to at least pretend that they're putting some kind of effort into their writing at the end of the series.
5. Always, ALWAYS leave room for a second season
The harem genre is surprisingly easy to market and sell to viewers, so it's important to keep the money train going until no one shows any interest in your specific series anymore.
6. Main character has some kind of power that no one else has
To be fair, this is a trait that's common even outside the harem genre, but within harems it adds something entirely different. With an action series, being the only one with a certain power or ability makes you humanity's last hope for survival. In a harem, it makes you an object of desire. Of course all the ladies want to jump your bones; you're the only person here who has this super awesome power. In the case of Trinity Seven, Arata is the "Demon Lord Candidate" who has the potential to turn into the Demon Lord, one of the most powerful beings in the world. Another important note is that the power in question is incredibly generic and normally just equates to "I'm stronger than everyone else because reasons."
7. Main character is either overtly perverted or a shy nice guy (who's still incredibly perverted on the inside), but is also incredibly noble
Again, to be fair to Trinity Seven, Arata certainly falls into the former category, and he becomes so blatant with his perversity that it's almost hard to not like him for it (almost being the important word there). As for the nobility aspects, it plays into why the girls fall for him in the first place. I mean sure he's super perverted but he's just this super nice guy that I can rely on underneath all of that [more heavy-handed sarcasm]. Everything about a harem is designed to make the main male character look awesome, and Trinity Seven certainly doesn't miss its mark.
8. Female characters have no depth other than their assigned archetypes
When you have this many female love interests on your cast, it's nearly impossible to give them enough characterization to make them feel fleshed-out while still finding time for fan service moments, so the best course of action is to flood your series with as many archetypes as you can: the childhood friend (Hijiri), the plain Jane (Lilith), the loli (Grimoire), the tsundere (Mira), the kooky one (Levi), the childish one (Yui), the tomboy (Akio), ad nauseam.
9. Primary love interest is as bland as a piece of notebook paper
If the love interest that the main character is eventually going to end up with actually has a personality, the writers run the risk of the viewers not enjoying that specific archetype, so it's always best to choose the one with the least amount of personality possible (and also the biggest cup size). Of course, the two characters in question will never actually reach the point where they could be considered to be in a relationship. I mean lord forbid that you actually do something romantically interesting with your characters.
10. All animation budget goes towards character designs and boob physics
The fan service is the main selling point of a harem, so it's absolutely vital that this is achieved, often at the cost of the rest of the animation looking terrible. Studio Seven Arcs knows this very well and gave us exactly that. While the action in Trinity Seven wasn't completely awful, the particle and light effects certainly weren't anything worthy of praise, and backgrounds and moving objects were often rendered in the most eye-jarring 3D I've seen in a long time.
11. Fan service out the wazoo
This one doesn't really need much explanation. You're certainly not watching this because the romance is so unbelievably captivating.
12. Soundtrack occupies the background for the majority of the anime's run time
I honestly can't even think of a single note from this soundtrack off the top of my head right now, and I just finished the last episode about an hour ago. In this case, the soundtrack was composed by Technoboys Pulcraft Green-Fund (Witch Craft Works), and I wouldn't necessarily blame them for the blandness of the soundtrack because this is a harem after all, and there isn't exactly a long list of standout harem soundtracks.
Overall, I do think that anime viewers should experience a simple comedic harem at least once, but Trinity Seven certainly isn't the one I would recommend as an introduction to the genre.
eweissnat - 2014-12-03 14:15:25
The story is a little slow to pick up, but when it gets going it's fairly interesting and the characters are fun to deal with. Overall, it's a pretty light hearted comedy that capitalizes on fan service and perverse jokes and innuendos without the need of going to the extent of actual nudity.
mann.augusta - 2014-12-02 14:15:12
If they focused a bit more on the fighting and a better story development instead of boobs, it'd probably be a 4/5 anime.
hgrady - 2014-10-23 14:20:55
Episodes watched: 3
Pale girls' ass bonanza. I am talking about the 3rd episode of this anime. Although it did not have only asses, but some boobies as well. And no, it's not hentai: this one even has somewhat of a decent plot: in a freakish magic incident a guy looses a girl-friend (not clear if they do have any... close relationships besides being friends) and come into possession of a powerful magic artifact - a grimoire, a little book on a chain. He gets introduced into the world of magic, because he chooses to learn magic to get that girl back. So, yeah, magic school and stuff.
By stuff I mean lots of girls of different types some with big boobs, some with perky ones, but seems like all of them have really firm asses, if we are to believe what we saw in episode 3 (BTW, that did escalate quicker than usually). There are shy ones, tsundere (the main tsundere is a redhead with the biggest boobs so far), lolis, sister-like ones, bossy and mature. And they do not seem like just your average archetypes.
This seems to be a rare thing now, when the art style adds some oomph to the characters. While they are standard archetypes (even the guy is a demon lord [candidate] similar to Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou), but the style show them as someone with a story, with history, with past. Even the echhi stuff seems somehow... Consistent, "in place". Not just echhi for echhi, but echhi as part of life. And it has some humor and some of the jokes are actually smart (maybe not NGNL kind of smart, but still).
So, if you think that this is just another magic school-harem anime, I'd recommend to wait with that conclusion. In my mind behind ocasional silliness it does have potential to carry something as deep as Madoka's soul-breaking twists.
7/10 so far, but I think it's gonna grow