So, I Can't Play H!
だから僕は、Hができない。NEVER make a deal with a wet goddess you've only just met. That's a lesson Ryosuke Kaga learns the hard way when he foolishly agrees to let Lisara Restole use some of his "essence" to stay in this world. Because despite her smoking hot appearance, Lisara's actually a Shinigami, a Goddess of Death. However, she DOESN'T steal years off his life like any decent Shinigami would do. Oh no, instead she sucks him dry of something much more perverse by leeching off his lecherous spirit and draining his ability to enjoy... er... the things that teenage boys normally spend most of their time thinking about! And now that he's been de-debased and de-debauched by her un-dirty trick, the poor regenerated degenerate's only hope of getting his licentiousness renewed is to join the queen of mental-clean on her quest, since when she leaves our mortal plane he regains his normal immorality! But the termination of the probation of his reprobation isn't guaranteed, because Goddesses of Death can be really harsh mistresses and it's going to be anything but easy to go back to being sleazy! (Source: Sentai Filmworks)

brannon.tromp - 2017-01-31 21:08:50
now that’s an boner

marielle.bins - 2015-02-25 16:58:47
The protagonist was enjoyable to watch as were the side characters :)

hattie45 - 2014-12-24 21:26:31
Not going to go into great depth for this one. Basically it's your generic harem with a pervy MC surrounded by hot girls (some of which also happen to shinigamis). Nothing special but not awful by any means. It's a bit like an inferior version of Highschool DxD.

oryan - 2013-08-15 00:44:26
Ryosuke is the ultimate pervert. One day he makes a deal with a beautiful girl, Lisara. Turns out she's really a Shinigami and drains him of a certain fluid. No linked through their bond what awaits the unlikely couple?
The story is essentially Lisara is looking for the most powerful energy source in the world. As a Shinigami she needs an energy source to maintain her power. Turns out that Ryosuke's "Kingdom" as he calls it has so much energy that it attracted her to him. More Shinigami pop up, and they spend some time doing basic ecchi/harem anime things like fighting amongst each other. Very late in the show there is a change of pace where a villain appears changing the entire dynamic of the show.
The characters are bad. I can't put it any other way. Ryosuke is a typical pervert character who has been done better in almost every other instance. He is more annoying than funny in most of the cases. Lisara is the only decent character in the whole anime, and even then the love plot negatively affects every character. The other girls in the show are pretty much walking pairs of boobs. They have almost no distinct personalities. Speaking of the love aspect. Yes, it his part harem, but by the time the show is wrapping up you become infuriated with how every character handles the situation.
Being an anime that revolves around boobs and such it's important the girls in the show are hot. Well Lisara is a nice addition, but the rest of the cast is awful in the looks department. I know this is subjective, but I know this is not a very uncommon opinion.
The animation is decent. The fight scenes are alright but are constantly bogged down by the characters poor personalities. Virtually everything this show does is done much better by another ecchi anime, High School DxD.
I'm not sure if my tone has conveyed how bad this anime is. Make no mistake this show is awful, and is up there for one of the worst titles of all time. It has a poor and suddenly tossed in story, characters you can't sympathize with, and it even fails at the primary purpose of the anime to start with, fan service.

aditya.murphy - 2013-07-29 01:01:21
So I Can’t Play H???
The story of Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai which translates roughly to “So I Can’t Play H?” is a generic harem anime full of perverted jokes mixed with elements of tsudere romance and supernatural harem clichés. The main protagonist named Ryousuke Kaga is a generic pervert, which is common in many harem situations. He fits the archeatype perfectly, and the his foil is Lisara Restail. The two form a contract, and go and search for someone in the city who has a lot of energy. The story is basically about the their relationship, and the harem that builds around Ryousuke. Basically the story is summed up as – Hero and harem fight evil monsters, eventually fighting the main bad guy. Then hero does something unexpected, ruins the world for everone. He gets emo, stops being perverted wants to die. Lisara saves him and they show their unrequited feelings and become a couple. That is the plot, it is very haremesque, and not very interesting. I’ll give it a 3, because it doesn’t bring anything to the table, and is bland.
The animation for this show isn’t necessarily bad, but it isn’t high quality. It is pretty mediocre for its time. However, what got me was the stupid censorship. I’ve watched a lot of ecchi, and the censorship on this show is completely unneeded. Why not just cover it up with hair or something else. Hell, Samurai Girls/Samurai Bride did a better job with its censorship. I would give this a 4 or five for being mediocre, but it’s hard to tell thanks to the censorship so it gets a 3.
The characters are clichéd archeatypes. I’m saying archeatypes are bad, done a tasteful environment they are fine. We have Ryousuke who is typical harem protagonist number 34.
There is Lisara, the primary love interest who is tsundere to the 9th degree. She also does not approve of his perverseness, but it’s to be expected. She doesn't have humongous breasts, and is probably the most down to earth character in the show. Despite her being a Grim Reaper, being from a noble family, and being 100% tied to her job. Lisara is actually the best written character in the show.
The others in the harem including the childhood friend, Mina Okura. Lisara’s cousin is Cule Zeria who ends up having strong feelings for Ryousuke for completely idiotic and unknown reasons. The final in the harem is Iria Fukumune who is an idol and rival of Lisara. All three of these harem interests have big breasts and very little character depth to them. Mina is a the stereotypical friend zone best friend character, Cule is just a pathetically written character probably written just for plot sake, and of course Iria is stereotypical idol rival love interest. Besides Lisara the characters are poorly written, so since she is interesting I will have to score it a 3.
The opening song is pretty catchy, and the ending song is pretty good. I probably won’t remember either of them in the long run though. The music itself in the presentation throughout the series is either repetitive or not used. For other sound such as sound effects and the like it really wasn’t remember able or interesting. This gives sound a 2, and isn’t that it wasn’t memorable, but mostly because it didn’t leave an impact or help the show out.
Enjoyment and Overall
Despite all of these bad things, I found the show enjoyable. I wouldn't watch it again, and I really wouldn’t recommend it to a friend. Maybe if they like harem shows with bland characters, but with all the censorship even that won’t be appealing to people who enjoy that type of thing. There is a lot of fan service, but aren’t all anime now about some sort of fan service. I watched the show, and I did enjoy the perverted jokes in the beginning, but by the middle of the show they got tiring and annoying. Even when they are kind of brought back in the finale they w ere just expected and not really funny. I will give it a 3 overall.