Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai
空を見上げる少女の瞳に映る世界To save both the Magical Kingdom and the Heavens and restore the flow of akuto, the flow of energy of everything, the Magical King Munto must follow a vision and find the girl Yumemi in the normal world. Yumemi herself is just a normal girl except that she is the only one who can see the islands of the Heavens floating above. When Munto appears before her she starts thinking about hers and others responsibility to the world. (Source: ANN)

vroob - 2013-07-07 09:22:03
Sora wo Miageru Shoujo no Hitomi ni Utsuru Sekai or Munto TV is basically an adaptation of the two original OAVs, although adaption is used loosley as they didn't exactly adapt it but rather just used what was there and added a bit at the end. It is a story of a magical world that is being destroyed and the King of said world goes down to the human world to find the girl seen in the visions to hold a tremendous amount of power (Akuto) that is enough to save both worlds from iminent destruction.There are two worlds, the human world is well just normal but does suther a few after effects like earthquakes, the magical world floats above and is quite a stereotypical fantasy world with people having pointy ears and lots of greenery and opening settings.This isn't a comedy its a straight up fantasy adventure but it does include a few little scene such as Ichikos father in episode 5 to add a little light heartedness into the mix. I feel as a TV series it fails, it basically copy and pasted the OAVs without even adding everything, i do feel they added and subtracted a little but nothing major which is a cop out on their part as this could have been a lot better, you can tell episodes seven through nine had better artwork and was more enjoyable for it.The art and animation were ok, nothing great but it did an ok job but for a fantasy series you want huge scenes with gorgeous scenery and smooth animation. The biggest disapointement as i have already stated is the fact that they used the old art and never remade it so its like watching a 2009 series made in 2003. There are a few nicely animated scenes and cool smoke and explosion effects. The backgrounds could have been better for a fantasy series but they were acceptable and helped create a difference between the greeness of one world and the concreteness of the other.Voice actors all seemed ok, a couple characters had annoying high pitched voices as the enhance their characters cuteness or a childish nature compared to other characters but they all did a decent job and was only let down by a few poorly written lines. The opening is an unoriginal J-Pop song but is still a fairly nice song and enjoyable to listen to. Background music always fitted the mood of each scene but never stood out and make you say wow. Ending theme song is a slow calming song that is beutiful but again is nothing new that we haven;t heard before.Yumemi the girl that is destined to save the worlds and is the only human who can see the magical world and was often teased as a child. she starts the first half of the show rather reluctant to jump inot things and start believing all this nonsense she's being told which is a nice change from the usually power to save everyone type series. Munto is the King of the magical world and throughout the series seemed to hold as much power as the plot needed, whether it was just transversing worlds, destroying multiple enemies at once or biding time by holding the world together, whatever was needed he was capable of doing. Yumemi has two close friends; Suzume and Ichiko, Suzume is a rather childish naive girl who is dating a slightly older guy and does have a moment with him in an early episode just so the series doesn't focus everything on one point. Ichiko is a tomboyish girl who seems to have more of an impact with Yumemi as she is constantly trying to be there for her and protect her but because she can't see the magical world is constantly in pain over not being able to fully help. Gntarl is the main bad guy but to behonest he isn't much of a threat as he is a dick head, he shares the same goal as everyone else, to save the heavens but can he cooperate? No, can he trust Munto? No, he is never developed so you don't know why he is like that.As a short fantasy series it is a decent watch, its only nine episodes long and could have been better had there been more character development for some characters. If you dislike the OAVs quite a bit then this isn't really worth checking out but if you did enjoy them its a great series to see what happens after.