Inu X Boku Secret Service
妖狐×僕SSRirichiyo Shirakiin is the sheltered daughter of a renowned family. With her petite build and wealthy status, Ririchiyo has been a protected and dependent girl her entire life, but now she has decided to change all that. However, there is just one problem—the young girl has a sharp tongue she can't control, and terrible communication skills. With some help from a childhood friend, Ririchiyo takes up residence in Maison de Ayakashi, a secluded high-security apartment complex that, as the unsociable 15-year-old soon discovers, is home to a host of bizarre individuals. Furthermore, their quirky personalities are not the strangest things about them: each inhabitant of the Maison de Ayakashi, including Ririchiyo, is actually half-human, half-youkai. But Ririchiyo's troubles have only just begun. As a requirement of staying in her new home, she must be accompanied by a Secret Service agent. Ririchiyo's new partner, Soushi Miketsukami, is handsome, quiet... but ridiculously clingy and creepily submissive. With Soushi, her new supernatural neighbors, and the beginning of high school, Ririchiyo definitely seems to have a difficult path ahead of her. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

corn - 2015-06-27 21:13:30
Felt so good watching this anime.The ending literally made me the most happy i was that day,also got shredded by the enjoyment tears.The ending also makes me want more of it,but not because it wasn`t ending well enough,because I`ll probably miss it.Overall a 10/10 anime worth watching.

macejkovic.lessie - 2015-03-27 23:29:32
I watched this a long time ago but I do remember enjoying it very much. Thinking back, I remember vividly funny little things that I had thoroughly enjoyed.

denesik.tyreek - 2014-11-06 19:53:16
the story gradually becomes interesting and emotional such a meaningful one and sad as well but it was so kawaiii too i loved it

karli.donnelly - 2014-08-16 19:17:34
I personally think that the anime its self was a masterpiece but with all of its other features, this anime deserves a great review and I being a person who doesn't necessarily review anime had to give this a five out of five.
The story grabs you by the tip of your chair and rocks you all over the place never knowing whats coming next and that is one of the reasons I overall love this anime.

tara17 - 2014-02-21 23:23:52
Protected by the highest security, the Maison de Ayakashi is rumored to be haunted, where only eccentrics could live. In reality, it is a place for humans with non-human ancestors to live. The socially-inept Ririchiyo has come here to improve herself. She meets secret service bodyguard Soushi, who is assigned to protect residents. He has a request of her: "Please make me your dog."
Trying to pin down the intended audience for Inu x Boku SS would be an exercise in futility. Like a patchwork monstrosity, Inu x Boku SS features a whole variety of various anime trappings and fetishes: lolicon fetish, bishounens, big breasted lesbian girls, yaoi undertones, magical transformations, and maids are but a few examples of this. The sheer variety makes it impossible to attach any sort of identity to it. Moreover, many of these elements have no real right coexisting with each other as their appeals are completely different. This is all to say that Inu Boku x SS is most certainly a queer experience, and this is just the tip of the ice berg.
Ririchiyo is a daughter of the rich and influential Shirakiin house. The envy of other girls made her a victim of bullying in her childhood. Those experiences have created a wall around her and the strong urge to be independent from other people. Over time she started acting moody and unfriendly to others, when in fact she really wants to make friends. In her urge for independance she moves out and decides to start living on her own in a mansion named Ayakashi Kan. In the Ayakashi Kan it is a custom to have all residents be accompanied by a member of the Secret Service (S.S.), which Ririchiyo of course refuses. The man assigned to her however, insists on serving her and pledges unyielding loyalty to the extend of a faithful dog.
The strong points of Inu x Boku SS are the beautiful animations and the hilarious moments. However, the main running gag of Ririchiyo acting “tsundere” while her servant acts like a faithful dog, might over time get boring and repetitive to some if not changed.
Inu X Boku is a highly enjoyable anime, and attracts me in a way that was rather unexpected for me. Although, the anime is officially a shounen, it looks like shoujo. Although the characters look shoujo, some of their personalities, especially the comedy retorts, are definitely what you would expect from a shounen. It’s really hard to categorize Inu X Boku as either but incidentally, it has a wide audience because of this, since the anime caters to both the male and female audiences.
Ultimately though, there is no need to know just what the anime belongs to right? It delivers enjoyment and an interesting perspective of youkai we had never thought of seriously before. Youkai don’t just fight, they are also delicate and fragile beings, much like we humans.

marjory20 - 2013-12-15 03:32:07

hohara - 2013-03-19 20:01:04
Inu x Boku SS (Secret Service) tells the story of Shirakiin Ririchiyo, a young Atavist girl (which is a youkai descendant) and her adventures in "The Hall of Ayakashi", a special place designed for some kind of supernatural people to live peacefully among themselves. By arriving to this place, and despite the fact that she only wanted to live by herself, she learns that every inhabitant of "The Hall of Ayakashi" is accompagnied by a Secret Service agent and discovers that the agent protecting her is the Fox Spirit, Miketsukami Soushi.
Inu x Boku SS really surprised me. I wasn't expecting anything and it turned out to be one hell of a show, with crazy characters and really funny moments.
Indeed, I think it is the strength of this show : the characters are just gorgeous. In the Ayakashi Hall, none of them is actually boring or too much emphasized. They all have their personality, Nobara being some kind of lesbian fashion-lover girl, while Renshou is actually an Ittan-momen youkai, which means he can transform in a coton roll (how cool is that?). As always, Hanazawa Kana is just too cute in the role of Karuta.
It is not surprising that interactions between all those characters lead to really amusing moments. That is why this show really reminds me of another one : Arakawa Under The Bridge. I mean, the background may be different, but the random jokes, the feeling, the characters, the episodic show... Everything is there.
Inu x Boku SS is a show that gives you this warm feeling, without any fuss. The plot centers a bit more at the end on the main lead couple and it actually gives us a decent, romantic and very cute ending.
I don't have many words to describe the feeling I had while watching the show. I don't know, I just loved it. Some people might find it simple, but like Arakawa, its the kind of simple that doesn't make you say "Damn, why did I watch this show?" at the end.
Overall graphics and animation are really good. As for the sound, there is a melody that comes up quite often (two piano notes followed by warm chords) but it fits perfectly the show : at first disturbing, and then soothing as hell. Oh, and one noticeable thing is that every character has his own personal ending.
I gave this unpretentious show a generous 9/10, because I think it simply deserves no less.