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Sound! Euphonium


After swearing off music due to an incident at the middle school regional brass band competition, euphonist Kumiko Oumae enters high school hoping for a fresh start. As fate would have it, she ends up being surrounded by people with an interest in the high school brass band. Kumiko finds the motivation she needs to make music once more with the help of her bandmates, some of whom are new like novice tubist Hazuki Katou; veteran contrabassist Sapphire Kawashima; and band vice president and fellow euphonist Asuka Tanaka. Others are old friends, like Kumiko's childhood friend and hornist-turned-trombonist Shuuichi Tsukamoto, and trumpeter and bandmate from middle school, Reina Kousaka. However, in the band itself, chaos reigns supreme. Despite their intention to qualify for the national band competition, as they currently are, just competing in the local festival will be a challenge—unless the new band advisor Noboru Taki does something about it. From the studio that animated Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, Kyoto Animation's Hibike! Euphonium is a fresh and musical take on the slice-of-life staple that is the high school student's struggle to deal with their past, find romance, and realize their dreams and aspirations. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: Teens 13 or older
  • Date aired: 2015-04-08 to 2015-07-01
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 739
  • In favorites: 673
  • Popularity Rank: 436
  • Episode count: 13
  • Episode duration: 23 min/ep
  • Total duration: 4 h. 59 min.
  • Genre: Drama , School , Music
lleannon - 2016-05-17 19:27:59

I have a love–hate relationship with Kyoto Animation. But every once in a while, the team make an anime worth watching. Sound! Euphonium is one of the better ones thanks in large part to Naoko Yamada, whose influence made it a joy to watch!

The first episode establishes the overall feel of the show quite well, and we can clearly see that the focus will be on music. Of course, Sound! Euphonium isn't a heavy drama like Your Lie in April. It's a hopeful Slice of Life anime with a few Yuri undertones throughout. The story revolves around a teenage girl named Kumiko who enrolled in Kitauji High School with plans to reinvent herself. In the beginning, she wasn't planning on joining the school's concert band, but would later join anyway alongside her new friends.

It was all good fun from there on out; we see the concert band improve whilst all of the typical Slice of Life plot developments get thrown at us left, right, and centre. And yet, the show struck a chord with me, and I realized that I can't help but like it.

jenkins.chet - 2016-02-14 12:53:23

Hibike Euphonium is about a school music band. It is made by Kyoto Animation. A lot of people just thought about K-On here and thought this is just a clone of that show. That is very much not true. While the plot may sound similar on the surface level with the members of the band struggling to become better musicians while living their daily lives the strengt of Hibike lays not in the plot but in the character interaction and attention to detail. 
The main character is Kumiko the player of the titular euphonium who plans to give up on the instrument after entering highschool. What made her such a great main character in my opinion was how real she felt. She is a little distant to people but still lively. She sometimes gets self-concious but she's still confident. She is not skewed to far in any direction and has a depth to her. She is not caricature that so many anime characters are but a character that people can relate to because she feels real. The rest of the cast also gets a lot of screentime which brings a lot of depth to the show. The show gives many of the supporting cast the time needed to explore who they are and understand what made them what they is and see how they change during the shows run. The show has so many good characters and watching the interactions between them is a joy. Especially the relationship between Kumiko and the mysterious Reina is something that was beatiful to watch unfold and grow. 
The other thing that really makes Hibike shine is the attention to detail. The art, sound, animation, music are all great and has so much detail to them. The motions feel fluid, the sceneries are beatiful and has the perfect amount of lighting to them. The voice actors all make a great job and really brings out the best in respective roles. The attention to detail is also in the music. You hear at the beginning that they are not that great as a band. But instead of just hearing a character say it you can actually hear the mistakes in the music they play and as the show goes on you can hear how they gradually get better and better. 
Even if the story is not something that has not been done before the detail that has gone into making this show brings a whole lot of depth to the show. It is a show where the strength lies not in the big story but in the little moments of character interaction. This is a show where you really savour the little moments and watch the characters become more and more real. 
This show may not be the best show I have seen but it is one of the best shows I have seen in terms of enjoyment. 

elvis.purdy - 2015-11-15 10:52:24

Sound! Euphonium charts the journey of Kumiko, a somewhat distant and disinterested student, who, having just entered high school, seeks a clean-break. An experienced Euphonium player in her middle school’s band, she left under a cloud, having inadvertently insulted her one-time friend, Reina. Despite her resistance, Kumiko is pressured into joining the school brass band, upon the insistence of her new friends, Sapphire and Haruki.

Things quickly become complicated, as former band-mate Reina also joins the school, as does a new and driven band teacher, Noboru Taki. It’s not long before promises are made, alliances are forged, and their road to the national competition begins.

Not only does the series follow the progress of the band, but also our protagonist, Kumiko. She quickly identifies the band’s ability is mediocre, yet is completely apathetic to their cause. She’s likeable as a character, because of how normal she is - almost terrifyingly so.

Passive to her surroundings, as well as those who around her, as she readily concedes to whatever the norm may be. This overriding dispassion is what causes the rift between her and Reina, though she struggles to understand and accept this. Choosing despondency over any sort of reconciliation is what drives her to find solace in conformity. 

Imbuing the mundane with the spectacular seems to something of Kyoto Animation’s forte, and it’s through the unassuming premise, that ranges of emotions are explored.

A brass band is big, and so are the individual egos of its players. To its credit, this isn’t something that is quickly glossed over - a lot of time is spent with these teenagers, as they toil with their practice, and each other. The resolutions are not always clean, as it explores some relatable ideas/questions. Can effort/intent, alone, supplant talent? Is sentiment more valuable than success? The nicest people are not necessarily those who are the most deserving of success.

Depicting the adolescent experience in a way that may surprise you, because it hits close, and it hits often. It isn’t melodramatic, or maudlin in its approach. This is a somber coming-of-age story that has a real deftness in its execution. 

The characters grow, but as a result of taking charge of their own destiny, which sometimes involves conceding to the harshness that often comes with it. Kumiko encapsulates all of this, beginning as an atypical teen, and gradually transitioning into someone with real conviction and drive.

Like other Kyoto Animation show’s that have preceded it, Sound! Euphonium retains a familiar house-style, most closely resembling the likes of Hyouka. It retains the lavish production values that we have come to associate with their works - animation, direction, and music, altogether sumptuous. The detail, which has gone into the musical aspects, deserves special praise - it really treats it with a real reverence, something that draws you into caring about it implicitly. 

That said, there is lack of bombast here, and chances are that, if you’re not a fan of Kyoto’s particular brand, you won’t find much to keep you satisfied. It’s a presentation, which neither belabors, nor patronizes, but is thoughtful - and rewards its audience for coming along for the ride. 

Cute without the creepy. Slice of life, minus the fantastical. Sound! Euphonium succeeds through its earnestness in showing the reality and romance associated with the world in which it inhabits. 

Highly recommended.

grant.evelyn - 2015-08-05 05:14:48

If videos aren't your thing, here's the script I wrote with some added notes below...



Welcome to the wonderful world of an anime high school, where cute girls and boys who might as well be girls(*because I would fuck them) play music, engage in teenage drama, and further push me along the line of disappointing my family, all while simultaneously raising the question… does KyoAni even have a budget? And if you were one of the smart ones who managed to read the video title, but not the timecode, then you already some idea of what’s gonna go on here.



Hibike! Euphonium, or Sound! Euphonium if you’re a goddamn normie, is a 13 episode slice of life series from the ever-popular Kyoto Animation, whom you may have heard of by this point…

Eh? EHH? EHHH?!? Hehe, I know I have...

[dependant on video]

If you’re even considering picking this one up, I’m going to assume you’re familiar with the slice-of-life genre, and how this approach to telling a story can drastically slow down the pacing and cover seemingly mundane events; and Euphonium is no different in this case. The ongoing relationships between different members in the band can feel like a slow, and at times melodramatic progression to the viewer expecting something a little heavier. But at the same time I can’t help but feel that Euphonium at least partially succeeds in its goal to accurately depict the day to day life of a high school band member while still feeling like it’s going somewhere worth following through with.

Besides! Even if you don’t care about all that hoopla just look at all these cute girls with their music and hairstyles!

At the end of it all, Euphonium is a harder show to give a definite “yes or no” answer, and whether or not it’s an enjoyable experience, or a slog through the mud; is going to come down to personal preference. I fell into the former finding it to be a good passing of time, but I also like shit like this; so if you find yourself disagreeing with my taste then remember that that is totally daijoubu! Haha… Kill me.


In this particular review people seemed to have gotten the idea that I was trying to remain neutral with this show as a means to not deter people from the video itself. I suppose in the rush of writing and recording this video, I didn't realize that my impression of the show kinda flies by. I'm sorry for that, and I can assure you that was not my goal.

Hibike! Euphonium is a good show for people who don't mind the slower stuff without any really heavy development. That's really what it comes down to in the end. Frequents to shounen be aware! You probably won't like this one! However for anybody looking to relax and possibly save some wallpapers in the process, I'd have to recommend it.

Asuka best.

raegan.bradtke - 2015-07-19 13:23:00

Music is amazing to hear, and the characters are pretty damn authentic as high school band members can get. A certain ship needs to go all the way if another season happens
KyoAni always finds a way to make something interesting

jaren04 - 2015-07-15 13:40:32

One of the most popular shows to air during the Spring Anime Season of 2015, Hibike! Euphonium delivers the Kyoto Animation quality that we all expect for a show of their caliber and standards. The series delivered on the cute girls becoming friends, but it stood out both through some controversy as well as a surprising focus on musicianship.

To read more, click here to go to my blog.

karen41 - 2015-07-04 14:39:44

Solid animation with great character development that leaves you wanting more! I will admit for me it started off slow but once I got a couple episodes in, I was HOOKED until the end! I highly recommend watching this show! :) 

mheathcote - 2015-07-01 02:57:27

What is there to say other than this:

This is an anime for those who have lived the high school marching band life, or maybe the concert band life if you did competitions (In U.S., marching band is usually the only band to compete), since if you have never experienced the life portrayed in the anime, there goes about 50% of the enjoyment of this anime. Another reason why one must have walked that path is that Sound! Euphonium is an anime that showcases music (obviously), but only to a certain point. Many of the negative reviews I have seen regarding this anime were due to the fact that this "supposedly music anime" did not actually revolve around the music but rather the characters.

Uh, duh.

What most people that never picked up an instrument, to say nothing of a music performance, fail to appreciate is the amount of work that is put into a piece to perform for whatever event. A competition raises the stakes even higher. This anime doesn't scrub all of that away, and instead incorporates the different aspects of the practices and the lives of the musicians as they all collectively worked together towards the goal of performing their piece, despite being unique in all their walks of life. Something I have been dying to write down somewhere is that the only music you would hear (or should hear) is them practicing the same piece, over and over and over again, according to many of the people whom I speak about and what their expectations were, apparently.

Moving on from that, the story was pretty lacking for all intents and purposes. I honestly felt as though I was watching characters just move about, we didn't see too much development of certain characters such as the teachers, nor some of the students that would have been amazing to see (the reason for this being in the story's fault is largely to the fact that the story was all about character progression and the overall band improving towards their goal), the story was not completely lost however, as it did have an endpoint to achieve, so in that regard, there was some momentum to bear with.

KyoAni is known for their animation and style. This was 10/10 before the anime was even considered to be made.

Sound was excellent, I loved the musicians that played and recorded for this series. Remember what I said about the "Should be a musician before watching this"? Yeah, this aspect would be lost completely to a person who lacks ability to enjoy music beyond pop and rap. Not an insult, simply how it is.

As I aforementioned, some characters lacked some serious development, namely the vice-president, and the teachers seen in the anime. However, Oumae, Kousaka, Midori, etc, all had amazing development and I loved everyone. I felt very "there" in the scene and I just overall loved this aspect of the anime like there was no tomorrow (Nakagawa-senpai is best girl).

To simply put it, you must have some kind of musical affiliation or experience in order to enjoy this anime to any degree. If you still wish to try to watch the anime without these qualifications, and happen to like it, great! the chances of this happening is rather low though. As for those who are musically inclined, so to speak, and have gone through the experience of band and competition, then watch this. Drop whatever you are watching, and watch this. You're fapping? Doesn't matter, watch this. Mom is threatening to pull the plug on you basement hub? Doesn't matter (....maybe), watch this. Why? Because it is the most perfect representation of marching band and band life, to the extent where you will laugh at just how exact it is...

emilie82 - 2015-06-10 11:54:23

Since it's a SoL, the story is without action or something fantastical. It's simple. It's about a band trying their best to overcome the struggles they're facing to get to the top in the Nationals. The thing I love about Slice of Life's is that it can be a hit or miss. Since most SoL premises are quite simple, it is up to the other elements of the story to give life to the show. For anime, it would be the characters, the animation, and more importantly for this show's case than in others, the sound.

*BEWARE: This review includes a few spoilers that some of you may not want reading about. I will put a signal for spoilers though*

This show is the proof that KyoAni has perfected the art of stealing people's hearts, sure maybe it's because of the moe but I was never really drawn to that. It still stole my heart, though! That's because of everything else this show  has done so spectacularly.

The animation done by KyoAni here was as well-done as usual but I feel like it was done extra better here. I can observe the mannerisms that some of the characters have, their small and subtle actions, the way they move - everything is so fluid and it gives the show a more realistic feel because these are things that people do in real life. From the tiniest detail, this studio has given care for the animation so much. The background art and scenery were beautiful. Again, their attention to detail amazes me. They make things like the water going out of the drinking water fountain or the dirty old rabbit statue at the back of where the characters of talking, look so special. Really solid animation.

Sound-wise, I like how the sound of the instruments are made and interpreted in this series. It truly gives life to one of the central themes of the show - music, although they do give as much attention to the other themes as they do with this. The band, when they play, it sounds so beautiful and even when some of the characters have played solo, the sound is very good. I did not take note of the OST as much though. There was none that stood out for me but I think that the chosen soundtracks suit the scenes they were played in. For the voice acting, I think the actors did a solid job at giving life to their roles. I feel more emotion from them. Sure, the girls sound very moe but there were times where I felt the actors make a good job. One example is the (( SPOILER )) the confession of Kazuki to Shuuichi. After being rejected, I felt Kazuki's voice shaking for less than two seconds before it reached composure once agian, a representation of how Kazuki, being the girl that she is, tries to sound happy all the time to cover up for the bad things she's facing.

Most of the characters were very likable, not just because of their appearance, but because of their personalities. Of course, there are cliches and stereotypes present in some but that can never really be avoided most of the time. Each character has something to offer to you, whether it be their talent or their worries and insecurities, making them feel human to me. At least, the major characters were given more depth than the others and they were fleshed out. If you watch it from episode 1 until, let's say, episode 10, you can see how some of them were able to grow and change - mostly for the better - it's in your eyes what you want to see in them.

I want to talk about Kumiko's and Reina's relationship a little here. I think this pair is the most intriguing one of all the friendships or couples existing in this show. They truly are special, especially if you put them together. The way their relationship was developed is perfect. I liked the pacing and the way things became for them. Yuri or not, they are one of a kind. They have something special, as special as they both are as indiviuals, and none of the people they know can grasp that. They show their true, bare selves to each other, not to anyone else. Sure, for Kumiko, I think she shows this side of herself to Shuuichi as well but Shuuichi doesn't understand her as well as Reina does. 

If it wasn't obvious enough, I enjoyed this show immensely and waiting for the last two episodes makes me both sad and happy. This show really found a special place in my heart, bringing me to say that it is the best anime of the season for me, not fate/stay night or oregairu. 

In conclusion, Hibike! Euphonium is a great slice of life with a feeling of being alive that not all SoL shows succeed to do. It has a sense of realism as well as fiction that are combined in balance. It's all about becoming better as a person, as a musician or any other passion you may have, and learning to adapt with the changes and hardships that you are facing everyday. It has the magic that I missed feeling so much. A magic I felt long before, when I first started watching anime.

I would give it a perfect 10 overall (because if you didnt notice, I'm obsessed with this show) but I decided to just calculate it fairly. Many people will beg to disagree of my opinion of this show but I can't do anything about what I'm feeling. 

gbraun - 2015-05-30 01:09:21

[Original, but I would prefer you read the extension]
What a charming anime we have here.

The overall story is fairly simplistic: A band must work together, overcome drama and laziness, and become a single unit to have a strong chance at winning nationals. The characters aren't too complicated either. The ones that matter are more fleshed out than the ones that don't. Overall, each feel very unique and likable. A step above the usual slice of life. One of most interesting characters would definitely have to be Reina. She adds a layer of vitality to the show, and gives it a good bit of charisma that makes everything just work more. If drama arises, she would ring out with her trumpet, to say none of it mattered. A conflict of interest arises with one of the characters who lacked the inspiration to work hard. She quits, leading to the death of the old band and the birth of a superior one. More excitement shows up: a love triangle. I chuckled when one of the characters involved sketches it out on paper, as if the show was making fun of itself.

This is not something that will excite someone who craves action. This is a story about challenging oneself in being able to perform well on a personal, technical level, and with many other people as a band. There seems to be some hint at emotional stuff that may surface as the anime progresses, but as of yet, it is not very heavy on the feels.

I suppose you would argue that it shouldn't warrant the numbers I gave it. It's very understandable if someone would make this argument, but I stick by the numbers. There is something alive about this anime, something big and magnificent that many people seem to just be missing because they don't take it too seriously. You just have to watch it to see.

[Extension, read this]

I had been on a massive break from watching anime and so I missed several seasons of shows. I had also stopped at the eighth of this show. I came back to anime recently. After watching Re:Zero and being utterly disappointed, I decided to re-watch all episodes of this show and I can honestly say that the original review I gave it is not enough.

This show is a meticulously written drama that touches upon growing up, finding oneself, competition, and hard work. It does not tackle these concepts superficially, instead giving them a realistic and whole-hearted portrayal.
At no point in watching did I ever feel that it was written lazily. The liveliness that I mentioned in the original part of the review is in fact the passion and heat you feel emanating through every scene and every piece of dialogue.
There is also a level of quirkiness that makes the show feel so lifelike it's scary. At one point there was a scene where Kumiko lays on her bed and holds her little toe. As funny as it sounds, that simple little quirk made her feel alive on a whole other level. Because that is something a human being would do. Humans do weird things and they think weird things and the show was honest with that.
In a landscape of silly moe and dumb romcoms, 'Hibike Euphonium!' packs a lifelike punch with a serious but fun drama. It is a show that puts the human front and center. And if you want to dismiss it because the humans are high school kids, you are doing yourself a massive disservice.

Scoring changes:
Story 6 -> 7
Character 7 -> 9
Enjoyment 9 -> 10
Overall 8 -> 10

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