The Rolling Girls
ローリング☆ガールズIn a dystopian future where Japan's political organization has crumbled after the Great Tokyo War, Japan is broken up into 10 independent nations, with each nation controlled by a gang led by a "Best," a human-proclaimed prophet with destructive superpowers. Nozomi Moritomo is a "Rest"—a normal girl that has just started out as a rookie in the local gang. She wants to help the Best Masami Utoku, her childhood friend and role model, in the ongoing territorial dispute. When Masami becomes severely injured and unable to fight, Nozomi decides to go on a mission to complete the requests sent to Masami from all over Japan. Along the way, she meets Yukina Kosaka, a shy girl with no sense of direction; Ai Hibiki, an upbeat girl who loves eating; and Chiaya Misono, a quiet and mysterious girl that wears a gas mask. Together, the four girls travel all over the country on their motorcycles while getting involved in territorial wars, disagreements, and even suspicious conspiracies. (Source: MAL Rewrite)
destinee73 - 2016-07-05 22:39:08
How come this show is categorized as an unique series?
What I can tell from watching the early eps is, it is indeed odd on its own way, the feeling of watching it is on the similar vibe with watching Kill La Kill. Perhaps it's happened because the freaky stuffs of it (mostly art) is on the similar line.
Basically, the art or colour is somewhat water painting. The battles occur in this show are increasing at top speed, impossible to stop at any rate which could endanger citizens, and for us the viewers is something so beautiful to watch. We've got lot of rich spectrum of colors, vivid colouring. It's damn interesting and funny when those girls are out with their own powers and weapons with the sense (mostly) justice to hold. Sometimes the battle itself means to conquer or expand territory of the involved groups there. I really love its water painting style!'
The story tells us in the time after "Great Tokyo War", the effect of its war split several parts of region in Japan. Simply to put, every prefecture or territorial has one Best, who's in charge represent their territories and keep it in peace. In this show, those Best always have a heart-shaped stone, the believes about the power of its stone is different for each person own it. Grievously not all of the region stand in the same principle to maintain common prosperity, it is often to find fight or war amongst them. And this is when our heroines are in action to travel around Japan replacing Maccha Green—a Best—for fulfill requests from the senders, here, our heroine loves peace.
Every request has complicated problems, it isn't just about peace or town areas but also individual thingy like emotional stuff, experience matters, and many more that makes The Rolling☆Girls is so colourful (aside from the really colourful colouring used). Eventho' the series is using episodic way to entertain us which I usually bothered with that, for this series I had no problem along the show because it could grant our need to enjoy the show to the fullest by its uniqueness. The uniqueness itself, I even mentioned before, like pretty absorbed colouring, kawaii character designs, nice problems in every point, make the greatest pleasure. The characterization is nice but not too deep, the connection and relationship/friendship among them have greatest impact for character development.
[somewhat SPOILER] After few scene of battles as introduction the situation and condition, more like terms of the plot, then the main characters are rising. I guessed it is cleared on 2 or 3 eps for our main characters to get introduced, here is our 4 girls in appearance like bikers travel around countries carrying missions to receive requests sent to Maccha Green for help. (Finally they decide to travel together and we can guess the progress of its story) lol
Later, they have their own goal, they set their own goal to know better about the stone heart-shaped and collected it, the stone looks really alike with every leader group has. As they set their goal, first they visit Always Comima and by the encounter with the captain who keep the peace in this area named Thunderoad. This place is the first thing they need to settle with, declaring themselves as substitutes of Maccha Green, they begin to travel around to accept any request and helping those in need.
With a nice beautiful art we are also getting spoiled by good music, some of them are arranged nicely, upbeat and easy to listen too. For OP theme, sung by THE ROLLING GIRLS is "Hito ni Yasashiku (人にやさしく)". The ED theme songs are vary but mostly "Tsuki no Bakugekiki (月の爆撃機)" by THE ROLLING GIRLS. And for the 4th ep, "Noutenki (脳天気)" by THE ROLLING GIRLS, while the 8th ep, "STONES" by Kaoru Kubota. The 4th ep and 8th ep have different theme songs related to the ending of the story on that episode. You have to check it out by yourself ( ̳ •ಲ• ̳ ) ♪
The Rolling☆Girls blends our enjoyment with unique graphics, nice characters and songs, also meaning of obstacles. In my point of view, this show is worth 9 and I want sequel for this series. Badly want it,
I miss how cheerful their friendship, journey, and art here!
- So unique, story and art absolutely
- Nice characters here. even the minor characters have its own roles and placed smoothly
- The songs
*) Maccha Green: A Best in Tokorozawa. Tokorozawa is the place where our main heroine lives.
irowe - 2015-04-22 07:29:24
Summary: Anyone remember the younger sister of FLCL, well this is her. Coming out with an explosive three episodes enough to make anyone wonder if this would be the reincarnation of kill la kill, everyone was very excited for Rolling girls. However due to poor writing and characters this show would fall short of greatness.
Story 5 “At last they tried.”
Ten years after the Great Tokyo War Japan split up into several independent nations. Each nation is ruled and watched over by at least one “best” and their mob otherwise known as the “rest”. The story follows a strange group of four mob girls from Wakō, Saitam named Nozomi, Yukina, Ai, and Chiaya. Nozomi and her odd crew go out on a journey as peace brokersand the rest is history. Well except it isn't, the story tries to be a fun colorful show. Showing a bunch of oddball events, with different settings and crazy bizarre everything. You can easily become blasted by the shows fun factor forgetting that this show actually has a subplot under the episodic appearance. This can become very confusing with the latter half making for some unenjoyable moments for the lack of exposition of the plot. Since the plot can never really be took serious, the main objective (gathering the moonstone, core, whatever the fuck they are called) of the plot line utterly useless. This makes the show seem too disjointed, choppy and hard to understand. One can only characterize this as poor writing, but hey who needs good writing when you cute girls doing weird things?
Characters 3 “Wtf is she a fucking squid? Who the fuck is this?”
The characters were the poorest part of the show. There were far too many and not enough time to sort out or flesh out character interactions. Again I will have to blame this on poor writing, there was simple not enough time to understand the characters or their motives. Much of the dialogue appeared to be draft my an either a five year old or 15 year old who refuses to grow up. The passions that the characters have seem force or make little sense (especially toward the end) and there was never enough development or backstory to any of the characters.
Nozomi: The strong headed honest and all around good hearted leader of the group. She isn’t much of anything that similar moe anime have offered, but still not someone that will annoy you.
Yukina: By far the worst character. She is never give any depth, nor do we actually know anything about other than the fact that she is always get lost. Beyond that she seems to be tone deaf (wtf…) but it is never made clear in the show. She never sings by herself, but that’s hardly reason to jump the gun on her being tone-deaf.
Ai: Very arrogant childish and overly assertive personality. I actually found myself like this character the most. She clearly explains what she is after, but is still capable of owning up to mistakes or being nice sometimes.
Chiaya: She is very child-like despite the fact that she should be the same age as the others. Beyond her childish mind and her adorable appearance there is nothing else other than the fact that she is a huge part of the plot that doesn’t make sense. Honestly the character with the most potential to propel the plot was never really explain till the very end. This makes me believe that the characters were all after thoughts.
For the rest of the characters they had their special quirks but none stood out. Sometimes it would be hard to recall their names, other times they would lack an evenly paced development and so were just didn’t make sense. I’m sure in hindsight the writers realized their mistake.
Sound 6 “mehh, whatever”
The sound was alright. A strong cute opening to match the theme and tone of the show, with a nice ending. However, the rest OST was okay, they used a few good songs for their moments of climax; however, during time or speech or travel the OST was just plain bland or non-existing.
Voice acting was okay for both the sub and dub. Neither one peak my interest more, very standard nothing great, but I will say Felecia Angelle did a lovely job when compare to everyone else and both the sub and dub.
Art/Animation 9 “this porn I mean art makes me happy.”
The art was fairly great. A wide usage of different styles depending on the setting, with lovely light colors was beautiful to look. There was decent amount of contrast so that things did not blend together. The character design were a bit lazy. They were typical moe style design that honestly could be found anywhere. However many of the support characters were able to sport their on design style which allowed them to stand out a bit more.
Animation was solid throughout the entire show. Great execution and angles in fight scenes. The animation single handy made the entire show much more enjoyable because the amount of craziness and wackiness you could see out of each scene.
Enjoyment 6 “So much cutest.”
Overall the lack of plot and characterization didn’t bother me as much. I could easily see what this show was trying to do. It failed but at the same time seceded. Show prove to be full of passion and fun. It didn’t need the complex plot line, it just need the wackiness and cuteness to have something great. In some parts it did just that; however, in other scenes of the show it fell flat on its face. This show is definitely a show to relax to and kill time.
Overall 6.0
Good enough to watch but be prepared for some flaws.
green.foster - 2015-03-30 13:46:16
Im not sure how a I feel about The Rolling Girls. I loved the character’s and art style but I felt the two episode arc and then repeat really killed the momentum of the show. The best parts were when It stuck to telling the broader story, particularly in the last 4 episodes. Kinda disappointed in how it played out because it showed a lot of promise in the opening two episodes. I would love to see a more focused season 2.
bschamberger - 2015-02-11 20:30:06
So this is my first "review" on this site, I'll just keep it short and will update it more later as the anime is still ongoing but i have found that reviews are really good when you are looking for what to watch, so hopefully this will help some of you decided to watch the Rolling Girls.
At first this anime might come across as childish or silly, and in some respects that is just what it is, however this adds to the character and beauty of The Rolling Girls. Its gets off to rather odd start, with a quirky back story and strange opening scenes. But as the episodes role on the sense of youthful adventure brings more interesting themes into the fray.
The characters, although still under developed are also very unique and i am sure will become even more interesting through there development, but at current, still have me rather intrigued. Their design is also quite nice and very colourful, which i view as a plus, some might see otherwise but if you are into bubbly characters, and bright cheerful animations this show is already looking promising, in spite of its young age.
Its hard to put into words that special something that makes this anime so likeable, but its there none the less, being honest this is already contender for my favourite anime of the new year. It has a uniqueness too it, being as carefree and easy viewing as a slice of life but with a cute adventure theme that unwittingly makes the show very very interesting as well, it brings out a desire in the viewer to keep watching it and wanting to learn more about the characters and the world they live in.
lia36 - 2015-01-28 06:08:57
Through three episodes, the show is enjoyable. The story hasn't decided where it's going and the characters are more slapstick than relatable. Some really great fights here with top notch animation though, which is probably the reason why you'd want to watch the show. I know that's my reason. Anyone who can hit hard enough that explosions of rainbows come from their fist gets my attention... at least until episode 6.
Overall Grade: B-
josephine63 - 2015-01-11 07:13:41
A uniquely colorful anime in more ways than one. If you can look past the sparkles and silliness you're in for a fun ride. ;3