ももくりThe story revolves around Yuki Kurihara, a girl who has finally been granted her wish of dating her crush Momo. At first glance, she just looks like a normal but very cute girl. However, she is in fact a maniac over Momo, taking notes of his activities and never missing the chance to see him in a cute moment. Momo, on the other hand, is inexperienced in love, and just wants to make Yuki happy. (Source: ANN)
trudie09 - 2016-08-20 07:28:22
Cute story loved how the main characters are different from each other and that's what draws them together
bonita.koch - 2016-07-24 11:34:25
I love this anime so much because it's so cute and adorable at the same time. I really love the relationship between Momo and Kurihara because they're so innocent and cute together.