てーきゅうTeekyuu is all about the wacky antics of four schoolgirls—Kanae Shinjou gets bored easily and often breaks the laws of physics to get what she wants; Nasuno Takamiya is incredibly rich and knows how to make things go her way; Marimo Bandou would probably get arrested from her actions like eating panties or kidnapping children; and Yuri Oshimoto, their ordinary junior, rounds out the eccentric bunch that forms the sole members of their school's tennis club. Despite their interest in learning the sport, the older girls prefer messing around, while Yuri, being the only one who actually knows how to play and the most mature in spite of being younger, has to deal with her seniors' out of control behavior. When these four girls come together, insanity ensues in this lightning-paced comedy about a tennis club that doesn't really play tennis. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
emelia.zieme - 2017-06-22 14:58:20
They all die at the end.
prunte - 2015-10-17 20:47:20
Because this has to be 50 characters...watch the video? Check out my other stuff? Uh...yeah.
quigley.elody - 2015-07-23 06:48:57
2 minutes of organized chaos and nothing to do with tennis.
afunk - 2015-07-04 02:01:56
Did you expect something beyond that sentence?
demarco.wehner - 2015-05-03 21:10:39
EMP's Reviews #2:Teekyuu
Version Watched: Commie Subs 720p BD
Teekyuu is a short series about tennis.... supposedly anyways.While it's name does literally translate into tennis, Teekyuu is actually abouta group of girls that are absolutely bonkers. It's insanely fast paced to thepoint it sometimes seems like it's been sped up by double or triple theoriginal speed, and completely random. If you don't ask yourself "WTF justhappened?" after each and every episode you probably have a godlikeattention span or consume more than the recommended dosage of Adderall.
In truth, there is not much story in Teekyuu at all. The series follows a groupof girls, some more insane than others, and their daily activities which mayoccasionally be tennis, or an attempt at tennis anyways. When I say the girlsare insane, I really do mean it. If I knew a word for ascending outside theboundaries of insanity, it would be more applicable here.
Teekyuu is at heart, a comedy. Even though it is tagged as a sports anime aswell, don't expect to see any of the common elements of a sports anime here.The show relies on three forms of comedy:
1) Surreal Humor (Random and non-sensical)
2) Visual Gag Humor
3) Referential Humor
If none of these forms of humor appeal to you, it's safe to say you will hateTeekyuu. If you do like those forms of humor, there will be one more factorthat will likely either make or break the show for you....
Teekyuu's pacing is, well, in short it's faster than a rocket powered by 100 Sonic the Hedgehogs running in wheel generators. If you're a quick reader, you will be able to keep up, just barely anyways, but the real problem is that you will be reading so quickly you won't have time to take in the visuals as much. Unfortunately, if you don't understand Japanese and have to watch subs, some of the jokes will be diminished in delivery because in order to get the full breadth of the jokes you will be pausing the video constantly throughout.
All the characters have unique personalities, and while they are cliche the manic nature of the show makes the characters feel unique. Of course since this is a short series you won't see much development, but for comedic purposes the characters are great.
The art of Teekyuu is appealing, and fits the shows' writing fairly well. The character designs are quirky and visual gags are presented very well. Unfortunately you won't be finding much detail in the art though, which isn't as big of a deal considering how long each scene stays on screen.
Animation is a big downfall of Teekyuu. It's choppy and lacks polish, it's abundantly obvious the series didn't have much of a budget. The fast pace of the show doesn't help much with concealing the choppy animation either, if anything it draws attention to it.
There is not much to say about the sound of Teekyuu. It's a short series so is no OSTor ED and the OP is very condensed. The OP is decent enough, but definitely not something you would listen to after watching the show. The voice acting however is very good, you can tell the VA's put in the energy and emotion that the characters they are portraying show.
In conclusion, Teekyuu is a short series with many shortcomings but a great sense of humor. It's a great example of how comedy short series can be done well with such a short time frame, but unfortunately that style does not translate well to subtitles. When it comes to comedy titles, whether or not you will like the product is based mostly on whether or not the comedy styles appeal to you personally. If Teekyuu's humor seems to your taste, definitely give it a shot, it can easily be watched in one sitting and is sure to make you crack a smile at least a few times.
If you're interested in checking out my other reviews they can be found here.
abbey11 - 2014-11-08 15:19:11
Tennis club. Suuuuuuure. Tennis is only played in about half of the episodes IF THAT! Each episode is 2 minutes long and has a 30s intro song which is pretty much whats to be expected of this kind of anime. However, this anime fits about 6 minutes of content into the 1 and a half minute with extremely fast-paced, slap in the face style humour. The only anime that do comedy this well on a larger scale are Nichijou and Noucome as far as I know. Overall, Teekyuu is well worth taking half an hour of your time to watch and Im pretty sure youll be laughing for most of the time.
chyna.spinka - 2014-07-23 16:33:33
This review covers all 3 seasons of Teekyuu.
Ostensibly a comedy about four girls in a tennis club, Teekyuu is a comedy that has very little to do with tennis. Each 2 minute episode (1:30 not including the OP) works on a simple premise and packs in as many rapid fire gags as possible and typically a punchline to the episode at the very end. There is no overarching plot, and each episode is basically a slice of life. However, the episode premises get increasingly crazy as the series goes on.
On a technical level the series has an obviously low budget, with animation lacking in-betweens entirely, but this doesn't detract much from the experience.
The humor relies on a lot of weird unexpected punchlines and sight gags, which you may find hilarious or possibly just stupid depending on your disposition, though I'm in the former camp. Teekyuu is pretty hilarious. This is all delivered at Sonic-the-hedgehog-mainlining-crystal-meth speed by the voice actors and gives the series a constant energy that never lets up, taking full advantage of only having 2 minute episodes. As the lyrics in the second OP go, it really is "a hurricane of energy and insanity that'll get you dizzy."
monte.brown - 2014-04-09 18:18:08
Story: I'm not even going to bother with the story since there is barely any of that here [its supposed to be about tennis]... not to say its a bad thing if its done right but.... they rarely do that here.
Animation: The animation is fast and lively. Perhaps its TOO fast since I can almost barely see what is going on! Everything in this is animated so randomly and it could give you some giggles but the whole show is like that. Very rarely will you see them pause and catch a break but...
Sound: The OP is surprisingly catchy and fun to listen to, and is not at all FAST and hard to follow. Animation looks pretty bad in it though, but its more a funny bad per se :P The voices are pretty bad, though its quite impressive that they all say those lines of dialouge so flipping fast. Yeah, even when weird stuff does not happen you still gotta put up with the voices on ludicrous speed or something. Crazy I know
Characters: Character art looks uninsipred to say the least and looks as if it was in a shounen anime and not a shoujo (at least I think its a shoujo). The girls are also one dimensional with almost no personality. Kanae is weird, Nasuno is weirder, and Marimo? The less I say the better. Honestly Yuri is the only one that's actually quite normal and shares my reactions to the stuff around her but even then she's pretty boring.
Enjoyment: I gotta say, despite what I'm letting on, I actually quite like this anime. It's not a good one per se, but I had fun watching how bizarre and cool and fast the show was. I guess you could say its another one of them guilty pleasures of mine :>
Overall: If you want to see a messed up anime done right (sort of?) then go ahead and get some friends together and have fun seeing the weirdest reactions you and your friends will ever have.
Also: If you want an actual good anime about tennis, then I recommend you watch Softenni instead, just a thought.
Thanks for looking at my 36th review~
barry.marks - 2013-12-25 07:19:11
The title was originally “A Case Study in Unfunny Anime” because anime is rarely funny. Teekyu just happens to be a recent example I watched ten minutes ago. Too often do anime writers depend on puns, quite possibly the lowest form of comedy. It’s great if you want to rack up karma on reddit, but it’s not so great if you want to be legitimately funny. Teekyuis all about puns and fast delivery—none of which are funny. At all. About the only part I actually chuckled was when pink-haired girl started sinking into the court. It’s sad when the funniest part of the three episodes I watched was a visual gag in which the dialogue contributed nothing.
I’m not sure if everyone was being sarcastic because Teekyu is terrible, like all of Fall 2012 anime, save for maybe two.
I hope you can tell how much I hate this show as well as the majority of shows marketed as pure comedy shows. Incompetent writers will never (okay, rarely) be funny.
Anyway,next on my list is an in-depth analysis of why My Little Monster (Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun) is the definitive show of the season bar none. If you disagree, you’re a faggot, and I hate you. After that, I’ll probably watch Even Faggots Want to be Loved! (Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitau!) over Thanksgiving break and write some in-depth analysis on that as well: Is KyoAni saving anime, or are they wasting my goddamn time instead of animating Haruhi? I’ll also see if I can’t think of anything special about My Little Monster or Faggots: the Anime to write.Until next time.