Kaibutsu Oujo (OVA)
怪物王女Based on a manga by Mitsunaga Yasunori, serialised in Monthly Shounen Sirius. Hiyorimi Hiro moves to a new city to live with his older sister, but dies before he can find her. He then awakens to a new life as a servant of a Princess of the Monster Realm, who just happens to be employing his sister. Monsters soon appear to attack or pester the princess since she is in line for the royal throne, and Hiro must protect her with his life (and repeated deaths). (Soure: ANN)
lebsack.ansel - 2014-11-07 20:13:52
if you watch this OAV is gonna be very different and nowhere if you know what i mean is totally different compared to the serie everything have change and not soo funny... -_-'
golden.dibbert - 2014-10-30 23:37:19
I found this small OVA series more entertaining than the main show for a couple of reasons.
For one they change a few fundamental premises of the story - like the manner in which the princess resurrects the main protagonist for instance - to something a little more "horror" than "fairy tale". And they tone down the slice-of-life in favor of more plot and action.
The animation seem to have taken a notch upwards as well, and we see more of the colorful royal family in action during these three episodes than we did in the entire main show.
However the problem with the shows reluctance to sacrifice any major characters - even badguys - remains. This is one of my main gripes because it drains the tension when you know that everybody is safe regardless of how bad it looks, and since the fundamental idea is a battle royale (literally) to the death there is never any sense of progression when you know that the loser in a battle never dies.
But all nitpicking aside, this OVA is not to be missed if you liked the show. There are explosions, duels, monsters and everything else you'd expect, so you will not leave disappointed. If - on the other hand - you didn't care for the show, you will probably not like this either.