C - Control
「C」 THE MONEY OF SOUL AND POSSIBILITY CONTROLDescription: Kimimaro works two jobs to make ends meet. He could go from pauper to prince in a parallel world called the Financial District—if he’ll invest his future as collateral in a dangerous game. Winning gets you more wealth, but losing could erase you from existence. When the destructive forces at play compel Kimimaro to confront the most powerful player, can he save the real world from total collapse?
taylor53 - 2015-09-08 08:05:29
C: Control - The Money and Soul of Possibility follows Kimimaro a young boy after the loss of his parents he wants to have a normal future, making just enough money to support a family. A simple and normal life till one day a mysterious man comes to his door named, Masakaki he helps maintain the financial district where people fight for money with collateral of there future. Throughout this series you watch as Kimimaro struggles to keep the present the same and to look forward for the future while all these horrible changes are happening with the financial district. So Kimimaro is required to fight to save the worlds future. Personally I loved this series it just wasn't quite a 10 but really close to it. I found there were minor things I didn't like the short amount of episodes only at 11 and the way they ended it off they could have done more but it was also great ether way. I love the artwork in this anime series it was just beautiful with amazing story and characters to back it up this series really grips you in from the first episode.
gertrude36 - 2015-02-14 13:25:08
When I first saw this anime it was mindblowing. I didn't really know what to think of it. I initially though it to be bad. I gave it a chance however and it happens to now be one of my favorite anime I have seen of all time. Then ending disappointed me a little if only because they can easily make a second season but so far have not. Also that fact that it's only 11 episodes up set me too but I couldn't stop watching it after I started. I have watched all 11 episodes in 4 hours. It was amazing and is well worth the watch. Just don't judge it by it's first 2 or 3 episodes. The anime picks up and when it does you don't wanna put it down.
bdooley - 2014-10-24 19:58:59
C: The money of Sould and Possibility control is an anime that focuses entirely on the aspect of money and its effects, while still managing to keep characters and story interesting.
Besides the modern existing Japan exists another world, the so-called "Finance District". There chosen people can fight battles (called "Deals") and win thus money, always depending on the strength/wealthiness of your opponnent. However, the consequences of a loss are fatal, as most people commit suicide or everything they loved vanished. The support for the fighters are so-called assets, which are an incarnation of their future and gain power by investing money in them.
The anime contains 11 episodes, which may seem short, but are quite fitting. There might have been more to show, but this way it avoids fillers and keeps it compact.
The story itself is quite predictable. As you have a clear protagonist, it is quite obvious how things will turn out in the end. You could really take a basic schematic on "How to structure an anime" and it would perfectly fit.
Also, the "Deals" themself are not great either. Most of the fights are really simple, because mostly Kimimaro takes some hits, then uses one Ultra attack and finishes them in one strike.
However, this is not the good part of the story. The best part is the idea. The fact that the battles have consequences on the real world is great. It becomes soon quite clear that the "Deals" are just a means to show how the money can affect real life. I can't go too much into detail, as everything I mention would take a lot of enjoyment from watching the anime. However, the interactions between the Finance District and real world are filled with plot twists and make the show exciting and fun to watch.
Story/Idea: Even though the story is quite simple, the Idea is beautifully executed and the reason why this anime deserves a lot of respect. 9,5/10
The animation is quite ok. There is nothing outstanding, but it is not bad either. I personally liked it a lot, but must admit that the battles could have been better, especially since the main focus of them are just one over-the-top ability and that's it. If the battles would have been highlighted a bit more, it would have fitted its genre "Action" more.
However, the design of the world is a lot better than might one think. While Tokyo is quite normal, the Finance District is portrayed nicely. It looks disturbingly boring, while still being completely abnormal for the watcher. The white buildings with zero detail and everything build out of money, it fits perfectly to the motive of money.
Animation/Design: The "Deals" lack a huge amount of fighting scenes, which I blame on the animations. However, the design is executed well enough. 7,5/10
Nothing special here, really. As the anime contains a lot of sad moments, it has one or two good songs in there. However, most of the songs resemble each other, making basically only one or two songs really stand out. I personally loved the "Deal"-OST, called "Bondage Head", because it gets you hyped for the battle.
The OP is quite well made, the ED not that much, but that is just personal opinion and people may differ.
As I've watched the Sub, I have to say... Meh. Even though the announcer is really well-done ("OPEN DEAL! DIRECT!"), the normal voices are quite standard. Mikasaki and the taxi driver stand out, but again, its just normal for their characters.
But one thing the anime screwed up was trying to include english-speaking people into the japanese version of the anime. Luckily, their scenes were not all too long, but I was still annoyed everytime they appeared.
Sound: Normal soundtrack with one/two good songs. Standard voices with some terrible english-speakers. 6/10
Now comes a part where most people may disagree with me. Also, it contains quite a few spoilers, so I gave you the fair chance of skipping it.
Kimimaro, the protagonist: A lot of people I met call him the "cliché good guy", having a strong moral sense and still being the only one of his kind in the Finance District. However, I wouldn't push him so easily in one of these categories and leave him with that. Kimimaro is the uncorrupted being of the Finance District, who is then the first time confronted with the possibilities of money. He is also unique, as there has been nearly no newcomer to the Finance District. Now, if you look at all the other characters, you will see that nearly all of them are corrupted in one way or another, most of them thinking only about money ("I see in your eyes that you still think about other things than only money"), including Mikuni. Both Mikuni and Kimimaro were the same as they were younger, and it's explained how Mikuni became like he is today. It is just an antithesis, the young uncorrupted being against the corrupt old version of him, and how he handles this conflict. That's what I would call Kimimaro's real role, not just that he is the main over-the-top guy.
With that being said, I would also mention that Kimimaro is the most realistic guy in the anime. If I would have been dragged into a world which forces me to kill, always in between of two sides, I would probably act the same as he does...
The reason the anime is so likeable. A typical tsundere, quite normal for anime standards. However, the fact that she doesn't understand the typical world of humans makes her character a lot more enjoyable. Scenes where she tries to imitate Kimimaro or eats some instant noodles are just adorable. Also, the relationship between Kimimaro and her is probably one of the best there is. It is a bit bumpy at first, but quickly evolves into a relationship that is just beautiful. Especially some certain scenes towards the end are really enjoyable.
Mikuni, the antagonist:
Mikuni is probably one of the most controverse characters. On the one hand, he is a helper, doing everything he can to keep the economy of the real world stable and supporting Kimimaro. On the other side, he misunderstands a few of this theories. He does everything he judges as right and has actually a various set of morals. His actions are explained throughout the anime and are not wrong labeled as wrong at the end either. Thus it is hard to say if Mikuni is really a "bad guy", as the consequences he avoided could have been actually worse than what he produced.
The other side characters are unique, all of them have different motives and goals, standing on one side or another. I would call them well-done and really distinguished from everyone else. Even the minor ones (Ebazaki, the one guy he battles first) are occurring again and again in the anime, showing how well the anime cares about the world it created.
Characters: The characters are created very well, as everyone of their actions is explained by motives and their goals. Their connection to the anime's motive "Money" is also making them unique in their own way, thus making it impossible to put them into just one category. Also, the anime's first lady is one of the best there is. 9/10
The anime wants you to start thinking. It seems very confusing at first, but as the anime continues, the deeper it goes into the topic, revealing a lot of the questions you asked yourself. That's why it is different from the animes that mainly focus on enjoyment (Hellsing Ultimate, SAO), who have their strengths in other aspects.
But I am not saying the anime is only for the well-educated, french elitists, as its topic is also the romance. The relationship between Mash and Kimimaro is great, and I was more than once just going "Aww" over how those both interact.
Lacklusters are here the "Deals", which are, as explained before, way too short for an action anime, and the episodes with just explaining stuff. They are interesting, yes, but sometimes you get the feeling you're running around in circles, especially when you get the feeling that you would want to see Kirimaro x Mashu or some "Deals" right now.
Enjoyment: An anime that keeps you philosophically interested, while also not missing the aspect of a great romance. Minus points are collected in "Deals" and mini-fillers. 8/10
The anime is the best anime out there concerning the aspect of money. It deals with that topic throughout the anime quite seriously, while always highlighting different aspects, good as evil. Also, it shows that the interests of money can't be breaken down on some simple matter, such as right or wrong, as every interest has its justification and motives.
Besides that, the anime contains beautiful characters, all unique in their way. Mashu is the highlight of the anime, a beautfiul tsundere knowing nothing of the nomal people's ways. Her romance with Kimimaro is enjoyable until the last bit.
Concluding one can say, the anime is a highly philosophical anime about money. Even though it has some flaws, such as the lacking "Deals" and the standard sound, it covers that up with the execution of his main idea and the beautiful romance between Masyu and Kimimaro.
Definitely a recommendation to watch, especially for those who seek something different than the normal settings.
Total score: 8 out of 10
lonie16 - 2013-08-29 14:05:08
Well then lets start this review shall we?
C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control Is an anime that takes the value of money into a completely different perspective.
The plot line takes place in what is known as the "Financial District" with people
known as Entreprenerurs (Entres) who fight it out in weekly battles know as "Deals" to earn money and avoid becoming bankrupt then being kicked out of the "Financial District" for good. Among these people is a highschool student by the name of Kimimaro. Every Entres is given a "Asset" to fight for them something like in Fate/Zero or sekirai. One thing I would have to complain about is how confusing the anime is from the start and only gets explained in a little more detail deeper into the anime.
I will not go further into the story for that it is a fairly short anime. 8.5/10
The animation was nicely done with the colour scheme of the Financial District having very odd but nice colours and textures to them. For me what really stood out is the animation in the fight scenes particularly the ones near the end with bright spark swords explosions from attacks all the lot. The fights scenes were very well done. 9/10
Just to clarify things I watched this anime in subbed and have not watched it in dubbed.
The voice acting is just the same you hear in every anime with each character sounding how they looked on screen, the painful cries of getting your arms ripped off (yeah I'm looking at you Mashu. Must have hurt ehy). Now you may ask why I giving the voice acting such a high score well its because of how funny the attempted English scenes they tried to act out there were a few but they were just halirous really here I'll provide times for you
C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control Episode 5 20:20
The characters of this anime were well just generic really.
You have your main character who know nothing at all and becomes a power house by the end of the anime (Kimimaro)
His female companion who falls in love with him (Mashu)
The evil master mind (Mikuni)
and of course the side cast who I will not list. 7/10
Now comes the part where I can throw in a bit of my opinion. Did I enjoy the anime?
Yes. Yes I did. The anime was something I haven't completely seen before. Yes I have seen types of anime where if you lose you get killed or kicked out of something but I haven't seen something like this which can affect the real world depending on how much money you earn or lose. This added to how much I enjoyed this anime. Another reason I enjoyed this anime is because of the beautiful love story. Yes there are many out there like SAO or or I'll get back to you on that, something like this is hard to come by where when something happens the duo just keep pushing on in the most loveable way possible. 10/10
Overall this anime is a great watch and only being 11 episodes long any one could pick it up and most likely finish it in a well which makes it hard to get bored of because it is dragged on for so long and gets repetitive (Yeah I'm looking at you Naruto) All in all I would highly recommend any one who is looking for a great love story or just people smashing each other in the body with spark swords which come out of there hands.
Final score 8.6/10
Thanks for reading Thumbs me up if you found this review useful.
mallory02 - 2013-07-31 17:23:41
I'm defending this anime, why? because it had potential to be the best, but the fucking team was too god damn lazy to actually put some effort into the time, injustice. they probably could have pulled off a full 3 stars if some effort was made; I bet if a series like Oriemo was given 11 episodes they would have been breaking they're necks. I'm not ignorant yes this anime was poorly made, but its what I see, what could have been, this is why I'm a fan. Misunderstood, and a lazy ass team, I hope they will remake this anime.
if you read my review don't pay too close attention to the way they produced this anime, pay more attention to the messages than you'll understand why this anime needs merits to its name.
annette.hagenes - 2013-07-10 08:25:15
Many people had misunderstood this anime, even me. Sometime the economical undercurrent dominates the whole setting too much, which in turn shadow the philosophical complexity. It's basically a clash of two viewpoints, two ideologies and two worlds - one in favor of protecting present and others in future. The anime precisely tries to keep it related to reality as much as possible. Judging this anime by ignoring this fact is the same as judging the strength of an object just by staring at it, though it might put off some people.
I do feel that only 11 episodes, when making a series, leaves a little room for character development and this show is no exception when it comes to suffer in that part. Yes, the character development has suffered but not as badly as one might think it would have.
As for the art, attention to detail has been given proper justification. Though the scenes with 2D and 3D blending feels like an eyesore sometimes. Apart from that detailing in characters and BG's makes up for it, especially the variety of facial expressions makes it easy to grasp the ongoing conflicts within those characters.
The use of metaphors are pretty direct, anyone can easily grasp where are they pointed at.
As for the music, i believe it's one of the best selling points of this anime. It injects you with the adrenaline rush during action sequences and can also enhance the effect of a sad/emotional scene.
I loved how they treated the plot. The plot which looked shrouded in ambiguity at first, develops beautifully with "just the necessary" revelations. It doesn't leave everything on viewer's imagination and at them same time, just reveals that much which can serve as the start and end points...thus letting the viewers to fill the in-between with their imagination rather than escaping in ambiguity.
There are basically two reasons as to why am i posting about this anime which seems good but far from being the best:-
1. Originality - after watching so many new anime with either stereotypical plots or characters, this anime impressed me with the imagination mixed with some original concepts and characters.
2. Enjoyment - the first and foremost responsibility for an art work is to entertain, the amount and nature of influence might differ among various viewers but it is HIGHLY entertaining nonetheless.
I recommend this short anime of just 11 to people who are looking for an original concept. By placing this show under the underrated category i'm not stating it's superiority over the well known and highly entertaining shows, but simple saying that this is not an anime that deserves 4 or 5 out of 10.
P.S. - Also, one of it's characters "Masasaki" has been voiced by Takahiro, the same VA who voiced Kusuriuri in Mononoke, need i say more. :3
kmoore - 2013-07-05 02:02:08
When I said I was planning to watch this show, my friends told me not to; that it wasn't any good. While I did find it enjoyable overall and don't think I wasted my time, it certainly had its share of flaws. If you're interested in a story that revolves around the nature of money and the meaning of future though, this might be for you. The thing I found most irritating was the characters, particularly the protagonist, Kimimaro Yoga, who was just incredibly cliche in his role as a naive university student who never really accomplished anything important, and has strong feelings about what's right and wrong, who of course was unexpectedly paired up with a hot-tempered, scantily-clad cliche female character, Msyu. Of course, Kimimaro is the only person who is like this in his world, as many of the supporting characters were incredibly selfish with no obvious reason for their behaviour. The story involves Kimimaro being drawn into a secret parallel world of money, promising the possibility of riches in the outside world in exchange for his future as collateral. Of course, being the cliche male anime protagonist, he tries to refuse, but ends up getting drawn in anyway. In this world, he is paired up with an "asset", Msyu, to do battles (or "deals" in the series' terminology) in order to take money from the opponent, which I found highly predictable in outcome and lacking in explanation. Of course, Kimimaro is the only person who cares about the feelings of his "asset", which everyone else merely regards as property, in accordance with his cliche personality. Now, what's interesting about this story is how it explores the manipulative nature of money in reality; what sort of effect it has on people's lives, both positive and negative; and how the very wealthy behind the scenes inadvertently affect others through their actions. In this series, the outcome of the deals can produce serious negative changes in the life of the loser (particularly if they lose everything) as reality of their life in the outside world suddenly shifts to a different one, where things their money influenced simply vanish. This is not explained very well in the series, but will probably make sense to anyone familiar with the Many Worlds Hypothesis. The other aspect it explores is the nature of the future. Kimimaro is seeking stability in his life and doesn't want to deal with an uncertain future, but after watching the antagonist wreak havoc on the world for the nominal goal of stability, his views on what the future really is begin to change. Beyond that, the artwork is lovely although some of the scenes are dizzying in orientation. I found the opening and ending themes somewhat bland, but this is highly subjective and you might love them, and otherwise the soundtrack is fairly decent. There are some random amusing moments in the series, such as side character Jennifer Satou's (the IMF woman who's name is rarely mentioned) love of junk food or Msyu's lack of understanding of humans, which did make it more enjoyable. Overall, it could have been better, but I still liked it.
xzavier.koelpin - 2013-04-25 22:18:23
First off, 10/10 so far! (based on 1 ep') :pYet this is just me, we're all different; I have been known to disslike stuff that receive much praise down to a few key cliche elements, therefore, I'll fill you in on a few things you need to know in order to make a decent judgement in whether or not to start; from story, to artwork to character types.Story...The plot is something out of the ordinary, yet oddly, relateable, especially to the independant.It seems, during a great reccession, demons have came up with a great method of stealing human souls; setting up a credit card firm.This isn't a spoiler...Though the summary doesn't say 'they're demons' (after one episode, I could be wrong? They could be aliens? :P), the title makes it a little clear and the plot becomes evident from the first five minutes; which is all you need to know.Still, dispite seemin straightforward, it's quite the opposite; the first episode leaves you asking yourself plenty of questions, a clever method of easily gripping an audience.Potential...Being that this is an original anime, you're not going to find a spoiler, so there's no cutting corners via skipping forward or even to the end and seeing if the serise is worth it (I have done this before), or checking out manga reviews. We have no choice but to venture in with an open mind.Again, the story is both quirky and realistic; it's likely to stand out, in the eyes of adventure lovers and 'slice of life' fans.I'm an individual, in my early 20s, who has watched countless anime over the years and I'm a huge fan of the supernatural, however, since I have seen so much, I'm seeing similarities in many recent serise's that makes them fail to stand out. A serise gets plus points when it receives praise from people like myself; individuals who feels they've "just about seen everything".11 episodes is a decent length, even if you don't like it, atleast you haven't wasted too much of your life on the series.There's endless potential for fanfiction too.Art...The scenery seems quite well though out, yet the couloring is fairly neautral, which can be a good thing; not obnoxiously bright and not so dark production are trying too hard to crete atmosphere; a good balance for the mellow mood so far.The characters designs seem to simply follow what is popular at the moment; fairly box and triangle 2Desque with little expression in the face, however, the extras have distinguishing features (basically, the mains are plain, which equals flawless, which equals cute) the clothing designs are flawless.Characters...So far, what you would expect; the quiet, the eccentric and the mysterious, the type that seem to be staples in al anime. Though it's only been one episode and it seems atleast one main character has yet to arrive.*This is a review based on what the series gives out initially, i.e. ep' one, I'll leave the opinions up to you if you consider following the series, to avoid spoilers**Since it's now finished, I look over the series as something many will fnd generic, some will find fun; depending on your views and the time period you have been watdching anime in general - this should say it all*