DAYSThe series is about two boys named Tsukushi and Jin. Tsukushi is a boy with no special talent or traits while Jin is considered a soccer genius. On one stormy night, Jin meets Tsukushi, and they get dragged into the world of soccer. (Source: MAL News)
lgoodwin - 2017-06-18 22:31:45
generic but the gay makes it all gud 4 me
ashtyn.hansen - 2016-12-27 00:37:03
It may seem like a typical sport anime…but you would be wrong….It’s good ole fashion coming of age underdog story….very well written even so it seems typical at times….it reminds me of giant killing, eyeshield 21, or stride….please check it out.
maurine.halvorson - 2016-12-23 08:43:12
Okay so I don’t know why but I love anime where the main character is a total noob and wants to get better in what he’s doing, in this case soccer. The training progress is just awesome to watch and it can motivate people like yourself aswel. There’s some bromance in this anime but who cares it makes it more emotional.
aliya.skiles - 2016-12-17 23:54:55
Seisekii! Fight!!
jacobs.william - 2016-12-14 02:17:38
Great sports anime