Good Luck Girl!
貧乏神が!Born with a silver spoon, Ichiko Sakura is overflowing with good fortune. She is wealthy, beautiful, athletic, and smart. Not only that, but everyone around her does whatever they can to ensure that her perfect life is not disturbed in any way. Talk about luck! Unfortunately for everyone else, it turns out she is actually sponging up all of the good fortune from them and leaving them high and dry! On the opposite end of the spectrum lies Momiji, who is a god of poverty. She has been sent to take Ichiko down a peg or two in order to restore balance to the world, and will attempt to use everything else at her disposal to suck out all of that fortune.Binbougami Ga! is a battle between fortune and misfortune. A battle that will employ verbal jabs, dirty tricks, and odd-ball bets. Will the human with all the luck in the world or the deity with nothing but misfortune come out on top?

joanne.denesik - 2016-01-01 16:59:55
Weird as Hell but very funny. Very good for rainy days!

hbraun - 2015-08-16 05:16:06
This is such a good anime soooooooooooooo unheard of.

jabbott - 2015-07-15 00:47:29
I saw a short preview of this show in one of those youtube's top comedy shows. Man was this funny! =')

karen.pagac - 2015-04-05 21:10:06
An entertaining 13-episode long show. It contains all the good "stereotypes" of characters you want in an anime ( i.e. a hentai, masochist, tomboy). Momiji grew to my hearth especially. I gave this anime a pretty high rating because it contains all the parts of a good gag show and actually doesn't overdo it :)

haleigh98 - 2015-02-09 05:44:09
NOTE: Since this is a comedy, so the story rating section will act in place of humor. Since the humor is what is important in a comedy, not the story.
**The Viewing of the show was in Dub** (To clear up any confusion of terms)
I thought this was a decently funny show. Its better if you seen the anime classics to understand the references but its still pretty humorous regardless. For example I have not seen Deathnote at the time I watched this show, but those references were still funny. They go from Deathnote, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, One Piece, and Dragonball to name a few. It breaks the fourth wall a little too much. I think if its too much you start to lose the illusion of the show, but that's just my preference. Its still funny.
The story, was alright. Its about how this girl Sakura was born with too much fortune, AKA Happiness Energy. And the Poverty God is sent on a mission to take that Happiness away from her. Sakura has a tendency to suck happiness energy away from everyone shes close to. At first Momiji (Poverty God) stays on point of the mission, but there's a good chunk of the show where shes just lounging around in Sakura's house. They don't really give an explanation on why but whatever. A lot of things in this show don't make sense just to be silly.
Animation can be lacking in frames at times, most noticeable in the opening when the characters are running. But other then that the people and backgrounds are really detailed on Blu Ray.
Characters for the most part are all likeable. Sakura is spoiled and pushes everyone away from her. Which I find it pretty funny when she makes fun of poor people. Poverty God is sarcastic which is fitting. Put these two together you spark one hell of a fire. There is this girl Nadeshiko who is secretly hidden within all the episodes, I always find it funny when spotting her. It seems so forced you can't help but laugh.
Overall, pretty funny show. I've seen funnier but its above average and stays away from basic Japanese tropes of humor which is a plus. A good show if want a short comedy with likeable characters.

jenifer22 - 2015-01-03 20:24:01
I went into Binbougami Ga! with low expectations, and was pleasantly surprised and impressed by the series on all fronts. The show has an incredibly unique premise and the comedic execution of it is spot-on.
I was amazed at the consistency with which this comedy had me in stitches. I would say it is up there with Gintama as being one of the most hilarious comedies I've seen.
7.5/10. Sit back and laugh your ass off.

jast.raegan - 2013-03-15 08:28:53
Ichiko is a rich, beautiful mary-sue of a teenage girl, who is adored by all of the boys of her class–but hated by the females. In short, she’s pretty much the stereotypical bitch, but underneath her apparent superiority-complex, she’s really a lonely child longing for friendship. She also has an excessive amount of “Fortune,” which causes her suck other Fortune energy from those around her. This causes Momiji, a god of misfortune, to try and steal Ichiko’s fortune, and a beautiful love-hate relationship is formed!Binbougami ga! is a very silly series. In fact, it’s a really stupid series–sometimes in the positive ha-ha kind of stupid, and others times in bad sense of the word. In general it’s one of those shows that allows to simply relax and enjoy it for what it is and not vehemently critique it, although there are scenes that stand out as mediocre or subpar.The dramatic aspects are by the far the shows weak-point, as it’s fairly mediocre all the way through. It’s a predictable action-comedy from the get-go, and pretty forgettable. Initially the execution alone is done well enough to make it enjoyable, but it’s doesn’t take long for the formulaic nature of the plot to override that. More often than not the the comedy makes up for all this, so it’s an enjoyable series for the most partMuch of the comedy relies on the specific quirks of each character. This allows for plenty of quality comedy for quite a while, but towards the end of the series they all start to lose their charm, and everything starts to seem tedious. Ichiko and Momiji are relatively more complex, but every other character literally has their quirk define them; every time Ranmaru shows up, the scene pokes fun at her tomboy demeanor, as with Bobby’s pervertism, or Momoo’s masochism.Thankfully, the actual ending of the series (episode 11-13) breaks out of the formula, and gives us a satisfying conclusion.