TOKKÔ[特公]"Shindou Ranmaru has just graduated from police academy and assigned to Tokko: Special Mobile Investigation Force. On the day of his graduation, he meets the half-naked girl he has been seeing in his dreams. Her name is Rokujo Sakura and she works for a secret group within Tokki, known as Tokko: Special Public Safety Task Force. Shindou ends up joining Tokko to avenge his parents' death, and solve the mysterious mass murder of residents in his hometown of Machida. Meanwhile, bottomless pits begin appearing around Japan, and mysterious creatures emerge from them. Could these events be linked to Machida Massacre?" (Source: DVD Complete Series Back Cover)

reagan41 - 2013-07-29 02:24:50
Tokko was recommended to me by a friend who fairly knew some of the qualities I seek in an anime, which is vague even for myself. However, he seemed pretty positive that I'd like it, and he was right. Tokko is a fairly good anime that knows how to keep the story flow. If you are a fan of gory, bloody and gushing gruesome horror, Tokko doesn't hold up to the standard highly, however it makes a fair attempt to deliver those qualities to the viewer. I liked the anime a lot because simply I'm sucker when it comes to body-ripping, blood-flooding death scene, but also because the story line itself holds up a continuous event. The anime succeeds in holding up secrets that slowly reveal its truth throughout the anime. The characters have a nice connection between each other, the sister, the cursed brother and the people who were effected by the incident at the hospital. The way they also slowly develop their relationship is well written. Some of the things I disliked about the anime is the way the main devil presented itself and the very vague ending. Maybe I did not understand the ending, maybe I should watch the last episode again, but there was something missing to wrap up the anime with. The element of a good-ending. Overall, I enjoyed this anime and definitely recommend it. If you liked animes between the lines of Gantz, Elfen Lied or even Hakuouki, I'm sure you will enjoy this shounen. There's also a very high chance that I'd watch this again.