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Hoshi no Umi no Amuri


The 3D modeled anime is set in Year 019 of the Insonity Progressive Revolution - a future era in which mankind has evolved into a new species called Adapters. Three very young Adapter girls from Japan, China and France set out on a space adventure that will affect the rest of their species. (Source: animekon)

  • Type: OVA
  • Age rating: Teens 13 or older
  • Date aired: 2008-04-01 to 2008-09-26
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 9990
  • In favorites: 0
  • Popularity Rank: 7830
  • Episode count: 3
  • Episode duration: 30 min/ep
  • Total duration: 1 h. 30 min.
  • Genre: Adventure , Sci-Fi , Fantasy
tyree09 - 2015-01-20 20:54:38

This was one of my worst animes with good songs. It had absolutely no plot it was boring so i skipped to the parts where they were sings. I would NEVER EVER EVER!!!!! watch this again unless i was bored.

ofarrell - 2014-09-17 14:33:34

Story: In the year 01 of the new age (2012), the sun began to radiate increased amounts of radiation. A few years later, very strong children with unique abilities, or 'Allergies', began to be born. Amuri Kakyoin is a 13 year old girl born with a special 'Allergy', called 'Repulsion'. This ability keeps her from actually touching most of her environment, but also protects her from harm. During a trip to space station Pink Coral in year 019 (2030), unknown enemies from the junk planet Galapagos attack and destroy the entire space station. Amuri survives being launched into space because of her 'Allergy', but is picked up by the attackers. When the machines of Galapagos attempt to destroy her, a girl named Ling "Suzu" Yunque shows up with a kimono-like space suit designed from Amuri's DNA. The suit lets her use her 'Repulsion' ability on a large scale.

The 3D modeled anime is set in Year 019 of the Insonity Progressive Revolution - a future era in which mankind has evolved into a new species called Adapters. Three very young Adapter girls from Japan, China and France set out on a space adventure that will affect the rest of their species.

Confused? Sorry to tell you but that's almost all of the information and explaining you'll get in this anime. Simply put, the story is abysmal. And the sad part is it could have been a rather interesting one too, but they just throw us into everything in the first few minutes of the show and it's really hard to shallow and get invested in if you don't even know what's going on.

Where'd they get their powers and their allergies? Why do the enemies want them dead or something? Why are the problems solved with bland and repetitious singing!? Guess what for the most part they never even tell us! Almost all the information you want to know about and are questioning are either explained half assed and aren't brought up again (or in inopportune times) or not at all.

I wouldn't mind so much except this anime is trying to be serious, now if it that weren't the case or if they at least lampshaded it then maybe I wouldn't have minded AS much but... how can you get invested if you don't know what's going on? And what's up with the out of nowhere commercials in between the episode time slots anyway!?

Animation: Alright, I will give it this, the animation is actually pretty well done. The character and background designs and animation are pretty fluid for CG animation (though the animation, well some of them are just awkward, like this one girl named Ling who almost always moves her arms around rapidly. I think they explain why but like I said its pretty half assed) and the fight scenes look pretty stellar, the transformation looks over the top but its really pretty to look at and the battles while getting used to at first, is actually pretty well done. Too bad there isn't much and the last fight was just stupid and anti climatic. Also, for some reason the are shots of girls accidentally bumping into one another making it look like there kissing and... they replay it over and over for some inexplicable reason :/

Sound: The songs in this are all laughably horrible. There's that out of nowhere happy song they play in the beginning of episode 2 and the end of episode 1, that ED song for episode isn't any better, and that song for those guys who only show up in one or two scenes? Hysterical if you ask me. Probably the only song I didn't like was... the Seabird Flower song. Its a nice and soothing song but they overplay it so many times and it always somehow ends up saving the day for some reason. Yeah, they play that song about once or twice... per episode. Other than that, I think the songs are pretty bad in a funny way.

However I cannot say the same thing about the voice acting, it is bad. The characters have absolutely no emotion, even when you see one of the them get electrocuted (its poorly animated and isn't that shocking since the character doesn't seem to care) she still sounds so bored. Characters in this either sound bored, annoyed, or keep relying on annoying stock... and do not get me started on that stupid rabbit mascot, that thing needs to DIE.

Characters: Speaking of which, the characters, how do they hold up? Well not so much actually. The main girl Amuri has a sad backstory about her power and not being able to go near anyone including her family. I do feel sorry for her but there's a difference between sympathizing and emphasizing a character. She doesn't have any personality to speak of other than being wimpy and then deciding to stand up for herself... its one of the most clichéd character development traits you can pull.

But hey, at least she gets developed, Perrier just watches from a distance with either a shocked or an emotionless expression on her face. Not only does she NOT do anything, but doesn't really develop either or try to be a stronger independent woman until her friends save her and her sister does all the work for her (no offense but what are you stubborn?)!

Ling has the most development and even thing its still super clichéd and half assed and considering all the other things I mentioned, you're probably not going to care in the slightest about any of these characters.

There's also a bad guy with a poorly explained motivation, a nurse, a super smart three year old who I don't think acts like she's three... at all, and an obnoxious mascot who never shuts up, serves no purpose to the story, comes in inopportune times, loses its batteries easily, is more useless than Perrier, and is aggravating as all hell.

So yeah the characters all kind of suck, but at least they tried... for the most part.

Enjoyment: Well I gotta say even after all that, its still messy, but I can see some people liking it. I think they were probably going for a so bad its funny or a mindless anime cause that's what it really is. Its not that funny but its impossible to take this seriously in all honesty.

Overall: If you just shut your brain off for a while and like mindless entertainment or wanna MST an anime with friends, then I think you might like this. If want something serious, then don't bother with this one. If you want a better actual good CG anime that's also kind of silly and serious, watch RWBY. If you want a good anime with space, watch Rocket Girls. If you like guilty pleasures, you might also like Robot Girls Z. If you want an anime with fighting space mecha, watch a mecha anime. I dunno, just throwing in my two cents. Hell, even Bottle Fairy is more serious than this :P

Pros: Art and animation is really stellar, battles are fluid and intense, definitely something to MST3K with friends.

Cons: Story is abysmal and confusing, not much is explained or is explained in a half-assed way that'll make you not care, the characters are either bland or annoying, the voice work is absolutely horrendous, the ending is super anti-climatic.

Thanks for reading my 62nd review~

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