Ixion Saga DT
イクシオン サーガ DTThe game and anime follow Kon Hokaze, a boy who embarks on a journey from our world to an alternate world known as Mira, which is full a mysterious energy known as Alma. After saving Princess Ecarlate from attackers, he soon finds himself in the middle of a struggle around Alma.
luciano61 - 2015-01-20 01:45:09
This show is very tongue and cheek..it does not take itself seriously...but this is where it excels!!! The decent animation, with the simple story line is it driving point...you will find yourself.... smiling because the jokes and running gags are so funny...especially when you get the to point in the anime when one character loses his balls...TOO FUNNY!!!
Don't over think this...this is not gantz or paranoid agent...it is a simple, funny, show!