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Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions!


Yuta Togashi has a problem. He used to be a "chunibyo," one of the thousands of Japanese students so desperate to stand out that they've literally convinced themselves that they have secret knowledge and hidden powers. But now that he's starting high school, he's determined to put aside his delusions and face life head on. The trouble is Rikka Takanashi, his upstairs neighbor, is just a little bit delusional herself. And she knows all about his past indiscretions. (Source: Crunchyroll)

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: Teens 13 or older
  • Date aired: 2012-10-04 to 2012-12-20
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 1033
  • In favorites: 1419
  • Popularity Rank: 103
  • Episode count: 12
  • Episode duration: 24 min/ep
  • Total duration: 4 h. 48 min.
  • Genre: Comedy , Drama , Romance , Slice of Life , School
oreilly.jany - 2013-09-24 17:12:44

So, with S2 of Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai on the way, a review/recommendation (reviendation?) of S1 seems in order.

Now, I went into Chūnibyō as a skeptic, I was expecting it to be your average Slice of Life comedy anime that was good for passing the time but not much more.

I was very wrong about that.

The simplest definition of the term 'chūnibyō' is when a child/young teenager acts as if they are some sort of supernatural character 24/7, almost like they are in a permanent state of role-play and they actually believe it's all real.

Now this is when I was instantly hooked because of how amusingly relatable it is to the days when I was young and stupid (I may have been a chūnibyō but I didn't go around chanting 'Watashi wa, Dahk Flamu Mastah!' or anything like that).

The plot of Chūnibyō revolves around Yūta Togashi, an ex-chūnibyō, and Rikka Takanashi, a chūnibyō terminal case, if it were a illness then Rikka would be on life-support.

The story is in two main parts, but the general jist of it is that Yūta is trying to escape his chūnibyō past, and just as he thinks he is in the clear, Rikka shows up.

The first part is mainly a comedy with hints of romance thrown into the mix, which succeeds at being absolutely hilarious, some of it may be slapstick but everyone loves a bit of random slapstick if it works well right?

The second half has a much bigger emphasis on the romantic elements but I'll not be spoiling incase you're reading for a recommendation, in which case, have it.
While both parts of the story are great, the transition between the two is quite jarring; the romance arc may still have comedy, but towards the end it is far more serious.

The characters are definitely the highlight of the show, and each one gets a pretty well fleshed out personality. Almost all of the main cast gets a decent chunk of backstory too, and the ones who didn't still ended up being fairly well developed and likable. One of the greatest strengths of the characters however, is how much their personalities change over the course of the show, and how we, the viewers, feel towards them.

One moment I could really like a character, a few episodes later I could almost hate them, and in the next I feel sorry for them. One minute I feel proud of a character, the next I want to punch them in the face.

Whether the feels are good or bad, the fact that this show managed to get so many different feelings out of me is a sign that they are doing something right.

The music is a mixed bag for me, while it has a brilliant opening, and a pretty good ending, the soundtrack as a whole is great, but not perfect. Don't get me wrong, all of the music fits the situation brilliantly, creating a really good atmosphere, and there are about 3 or 4 soundtracks which are beautiful all on their own, but some of the soundtracks, specifically from the first half, aren't as amazing when played on their own without the scene.

The animation is Kyoto Animation, which means it's obviously done incredibly well. Most of the time the show is your basic high school setting, which is all flawlessly animated but it's nothing to shout about. When we get to the chūnibyō fantasies however, you get a pretty spectacular display.

Overall I'd recommend this to anyone who likes romance, comedy, slice of life, or any other chūnibyōs if I meet any. Also, the fact that Chūnibyō is only 13 episodes means that whether you're after a deep story or if you're just here for the slapstick comedy, it isn't going to waste your time.

Story: 8

Animation: 9

Sound: 9

Characters: 10

Enjoyment: 9

Rikka's English: 10

Overall: 9

giuseppe65 - 2013-09-22 03:23:46

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai brought out the true essence of relationships, and how changing another for love might not have been the best idea. Although at the start I believed it to be some strange high school comedy, nearing the end, I could see this was not the case. In fact, when you got closer to the end you could see the development of the love between the two main characters and it really hit me when you finally understand her background story.


This anime, under the genres it is placed under, is one that definitely differs from the norm, and as a result the story was very unique and interesting to watch and unfold. It's about a boy named Yuuta, trying to live a normal school life after suffering from '8th Grade Syndrome', an 'illness' that sort of traps you in a fantasy world of your own, where you have imaginary friends and talks to himself. The development of the story hit me as a surprise, and I definitely loved the storyline.


The animation, like all anime made in the recent times, were flawless, and the involvement of unique '8th Grade Syndrome Battles', with tons of action involved ( =.= ) added that extra impact to the anime series. The animations were done perfectly, and it really does catch the eye when you watch it.


Chuunibyou picked the sounds perfectly and situationally. When there were action scenes, the music delivered. When there were romantic scenes or reflective scenes, the music amplified that feeling, and allowed the viewers to get into the scenes with the characters in the anime.


In Chuunibyou, you probably have the widest variety of characters you could ever get. You have Yuuta, who is trying to forget his past but still contains remnants of his 8th Grade Syndrome. Rikka is the extreme case of 8th Grade Syndrome, but not without a reason, and eventually you feel attached to her. The friends and group surrounding this pair also never ceases to amaze you, and you can connect with them very easily.


I absolutely loved this anime series, and it definitely was the most enjoyable to watch; so enjoyable that I stayed up from 12:30am to 4:50am to finish the entire series. Tired as, but completely worth staying up for the view. I would definitely recommend this anime to ANYONE who enjoys both comedy, romance and slice of life action.

By yomaswe, with a 10/10 from me :)

jean.renner - 2013-09-21 23:32:46

I absolutely fell in love with this anime. Because, as a kid I use to play like I had magic. This anime is a romantic comedy about a high school boy, Yuuta who transfer school to avoid people who knew about him being the Dark Flame Master in is little delusional world caused by something called the eight grade syndrome or Chuunibyou. While watching this anime I thought it wasn't going to have much romantic progress but it actually does have a lot of progress toward the romance. I don't want to ruin the anime for people who haven't seen it but I think this one is a good watch for any one who loves romantic animes. Watch it is all I have to say. Story, was good and keep me interested at all moments. Animation, is great looking. Sound, It has a great soundtrack and opening it really fits this show. Characters, consists of a average dude,and a couple of strange girls that make the show enjoyable by most I love most of the character in this show.

ryley89 - 2013-09-01 02:12:31

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai - Spoiler-free review

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai, at first glance, I thought this would be just some regular high school comedy with the addition of extreme moe added to the art-style, but this is far different from the average high school comedy coming out nowadays. It's unique flavour to the story and amazing art/animation proves to be one of the most enjoyable anime series that I've ever watched.

Story: 8/10
The story is about a boy named Yuuta, who just started high school and is trying to start a new normal school life unlike in his last school where he had middle school-syndrome, translation: he talks to himself and has imaginary friends, AKA, he's a weirdo. And along the way, he meets Rikka, who also appears to have middle school-syndrome. The story is great and it is quite unique too, the only down-side is that it should have more episodes (12 episodes isn't that much for such a good anime).

Art/Animation: 9/10
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai's art style is one of the of the most eye-catching anime I've ever seen. It's moe level is over 9000!!! It's animation is also a fantastic work of it's own, from it's ridiculously hilarious comedy, to it's crazy action scenes, the animation was put together so well, it was almost perfection, I could even compare it's animation to Fate/Zero.

Sound: 8/10
It's sound is very good, it sets the mood for almost any situation. It will calm you down at the romantic scenes, make you laugh at the funny scenes, and get your heart pumping in it's amazing fights. The opening theme song was also something that I really liked, it was perfect for the show, while the ending theme was fine.

Character: 6/10
The character's were definitely the weakest parts to Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai. Aside from Yuuta, and Rikka who are the two stars of the show, there weren't many other character that were good or serve a purpose. Such as Shinka, she didn't serve much a purpose to the story, she was just an interesting character, or Kumin, where all she did most of the time was sleep throughout the entire anime, she had no purpose at all.

Enjoyment: 9/10
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai is without a question, one of the most enjoying anime for me to watch. It is ridiculously funny, it's jaw-dropping action scenes should not be missed, and it's romance is pretty good as well.
I would recommend this to anyone because it is great to watch for everyone.
Also you got to love the moe :)

Overall, Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai is a great anime to watch, especially for those who are looking for a more different and unique school-life, romance anime to watch. I'm ohhenry2, and I give Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai a great 8/10

uwest - 2013-08-16 09:40:02

Comedy, Drama, Romance, School, Slice of Life

Episodes: 12


Yuuta Togashi suffered from chuunibyou (8th grader syndrome) while he was in middle school. When he graduated, he put that dark history behind him and forgot about it... or he was supposed to. High school was smooth sailing and full of enjoyment—until the unavoidable, sad event occurs. The event that locks Yuuta into a contract with Rikka Takanashi and disrupts his desperately ordinary life.

Story: 10/10

Yuuta is desperatly trying to avoid and trash his past, but he can't because Rikka is always following him around like a lost child, and to add to his luck she also goes to his school. As Yuuta and Rikka's lives become more and more joined, they start to become closer. Can't get better than that~

Characters: 8/10

The characters are awesome. I don't really know what else I can say about them..

I didn't like sleep-girl or cheerleading-girl that much though.

For me, it was ALL Rikka, Dekomori, and Yuuta~

Just they're pasts, stories, and imagination are something I've never seen in an anime before~

Music: 10/10

Art: 10/10

When it comes to seeing through Rikka and Dekomori's (her "servant") eyes, the story becomes very magical. Since they see everything different, it is a whole new adventure for people to see. Pretend battles, alternate playing fields are all part of Rikka's eighth grader syndrome. Not to mention that everything outside of their imagination is also brilliant. The lighting and colouring hit the spot well and gave off a surperb feeling.

Overall Enjoyment: 10/10

I was going to give Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! a 9/10, but couldn't when I saw the ending >.<

Everything seemed in place and well co-ordinated, and to be honest I don't know how they pulled it off. Watching the characters develop and adjust to situations was great and an experience I can live over and over again.

To clarify in case one didn't realize this already, I'm rating this anime so high because I personally thoroughly enjoyed it. You might be able to tell by now that I'm not in any way a serious critic and simply rate the anime I like, what I rate them - for me. This is in no shape or form the best anime ever, but it's one of my favourites thus this score. I love anime that are unique and give me a new experience that I've never seen before, and this anime is one of them~

Was really surprised that a second season was announced, but I'm not complaining! Can't wait for that to air next season hopefully~ Obviously recommending EVERYONE to watch this anime, I'd definitely say that people of all ages will enjoy it.


There's nothing else like this anime. It's one of those definite must-watch masterpieces.

natasha.lockman - 2013-08-08 11:05:18

Chuunibyou looks and feels like an anime which goes way above and beyond of what is to be expected from a typical romantic comedy, though in essence it's stuck amongst the mere average. Unfortunately the things which make the series into a great experience can't be given the credit needed to save the actual foundation which lies underneath the veil of its great visuals, amazing sound and solid directing. You desperately want the anime to be really good, and it often feels like it is, but in reflection I can't be anything but disappointed seeing its poor story and development.

Normally the setting of an anime is clear after the first episode or two, but for Chuunibyou it takes 6. Half the series is devoted to introducing the characters and setting up the overall situation in which the actual story will be taking place. It is an introduction which wasn't really needed seeing as how most people watching this series will be overly familiar with the setting provided. It is simply the generic Japanese high-school setting with the only unique factor being 'chuunibyou', which is merely a juiced up version of the craziness many other anime simply throw right in your face from the start (and they usually get away with it).
There is of course nothing wrong with a setting like this; I didn't watch this anime expecting anything else but a generic high-school setting, and in fact wanting it to be exactly that. I, and most likely anyone who would think about watching the series, enjoy the typical setting to such an extent that I just want to keep watching more series like it. But the setting wasn't special by any means, and didn't need 6 episodes entirely devoted to it. The lack of a plot and any development whatsoever in these introductory episodes didn't make for a good start or foundation on which to base the rest of the anime.

As mentioned, the plot only really picks up after the introductions are over. At first it consists of nothing more than characters meeting each other, learning about their secrets and personalities and basically just forming the cast for the remaining half of the series. Then, all of a sudden, the story starts, and event after event receives an explanation, a solution or an end. It is remarkable how strict and straightforward the plot is put together, never do two story-lines intertwine or are there two things happening at once. It seems to take the structure from other successful romantic comedies, and organizes it further into an orderly chronological string of events. Most of those events can be easily predicted beforehand since there isn't really anything else which could interfere; there's no dilemmas, no fork in the road, just the orderly path from a given point towards the to be expected ending.

The characters seem to suffer from the same problem, they are simply too structured and obvious. The different personality traits each character have don't seem to mix, at a given moment in time each character is reduced to simply having one trait; they change from one moment to the next, they are only one 'type' at a time. The best example of this is Rikka; usually she's just weird, but the moment she's hit on the head she's nothing but moe. The characters as they are presented lack the subtlety, the depth and the flexibility which their actions require them to have. They do the things they should, the things the plot requires them to; but it's hard to see how they come to their decisions. The character they were in a previous scene wouldn't do a certain thing, but the next scene they are suddenly perfect to do what's required for the story to progress. The collection of traits each person possesses make them into good and interesting characters, but they are never all at once, they are fragmented into a collection of plain and boring individuals.

But the main problem lies in the development, starting with the sudden start of what makes up the main story in episode 7. The strict plot in itself is not even a bad thing, it may be simple but it's easy to follow and is a nice and proven basis for some drama to develop. But none of the drama or events are introduced, they just happen. As suddenly as the characters change from one point to the next, just as suddenly does the situation in which they find themselves in change as well. A person is happy one episode, and sad or bothered by something in the next. They decide to do one thing, and suddenly change their mind without giving it any (expressed) thought beforehand. And the same goes for other plot devices, they are introduced without warning at just the right time to keep the story going. There is no reason, explanation or meaning for why and when stuff happens, it just happens when it's needed. This 'it just happens' or 'they just do it' attitude made the series feel too meaningless and lacking reason, which in the end is very unfortunate because what the series was trying to show was great.

The first half isn't too exciting, it just shows you things you basically already knew. But the well-timed and entertaining comedy elements, the great audio and visuals, and the primarily good characters keep it interesting enough to watch. The second half of the series picks up the pace and makes sure there's always something new going on or something going to happen every episode. Even though you can basically predict the outcome, every scene is well enough put together to make you just want to see and experience it. The flaws in the story aren't as off-putting when the execution is so good.

Though the lack of development and the simple story make it also more of a sequence of different scenes, which are all good in their own way, but which don't tie the story together enough as to get you truly involved. You want to see what's going on, but you just want to be there to sit and watch. You don't get pulled in emotionally and don't really get a feel for the characters to a point where you will care for their thoughts and emotions. You want to see the events unfold and happening, but you don't really think about anything beyond it. The amazingly well-directed scenes can fool you sometimes, but other than being great to watch it's not a series you will learn a great deal from.

Voice Acting
The voice acting is simply great, up to a point where I actually took notice of it. When the voice acting is good you won't hear anything remarkable, because it just sounds like it should. But when you get to the point where you actually notice how fitting and well executed the dialogue is, then it is more than just ordinary. It's not how you feel the characters should sound, but they sound better than expected.

The animation is of great quality, movements are smooth and detailed without any really noticeable flaws. CGI and effects are very well implemented and the character designs and wardrobes are simple yet striking. And despite Rikka having the worst character design, they made up for it by giving her the cutest clothes. Though the backgrounds weren't noticeably good or bad, they worked for the overall art style chosen for the series. But the primary reason for wanting to watch the series is how well-directed it is, it makes the visuals into a real experience instead of just a moving picture.

And the sound and music fulfill that same role of making the series into an experience even better. The sounds are convincingly realistic-sounding, true to the series and well implemented; they really fit everything and complete the overall experience. The music is simple but properly timed and fit the emotions and events in the corresponding scenes. Not much more to say here than that they did a great job.

Overall personal experience
But even though I have many good things to say about the series I still ended up only rating it a 6. This is mainly because I feel like the plot, characters, development, immersion and emersion are much more important than the other aspects, and unfortunately it were exactly those aspects in which the series left a lot to be desired. The overall audio-visual experience made it fun to watch, but other than that it didn't really do anything for me. It's just watching, not so much something really 'grasping'. The conclusion of the story also gave the wrong idea in my opinion, and the message which the series tried to get across wasn't clearly defined. I couldn't readily accept it or identify with it, it was merely a questionable proposal to me on how to identify yourself in relation to the world. (It reminded me of the essay on Sartre I was supposed to be working on).

Story (setting, plot, development), Animation (art), Sound (sound, voice acting), Character (characters) and Enjoyment (immersion, emersion, overall experience) were split up into more manageable portions so I could remain focused on 1 aspect of the series in an attempt to remain objective and spoiler-free. Also no unnecessary synopsis, and the OP and ED of a series aren't an actual part of the anime! Know that all feedback is appreciated, please use the helpful button like you should, and thanks for reading!

jaycee.kulas - 2013-07-31 11:04:32


Chuunibyou is a weird anime that I can comfortably call unique, if nothing else. It revolves around the idea of growing up and focuses on something called "eighth-grade syndrome", where people that are in or around eighth-grade can become so caught up in their own delusions that they think of their daydreams as reality, which I'm sure most people have experienced.


The story of Chuunibyou revolves around Yuuta, a boy who has just started high school and had gone out of his way to pick a high school where he knows no one. This is because he had a bad case of eighth-grade syndrome and couldn't handle the embarrassment of taking the reputation he had made for himself through high school. Unfortunately, on his first day he meets a girl called Rikka who is still suffering from her eighth-grade syndrome and persists to following Yuuta around, calling him "Dark Flame Master", and creating a magic club to help her in her fantasy/quest, in which Yuuta is a founding member (not by his own will).

Although it takes a while to get going, the story picks up a lot of steam towards the end and takes a u-turn from the light-hearted way it started, to looking at why some people develop eighth-grade syndrome and why some people can't let it go. This makes it a bit dark and quite emotional at the end, but gives it a depth that truly makes it remarkable.


The animation in Chuunibyou is done by Kyoto Animation, who are a personal favourite of mine because of how beautiful they make an anime, and this is no exception. This is definitely one of the best looking animes I have seen, from the over-the-top (imaginary) fight scenes, to the perfectly smooth transitions (some of which are incredibly unnecessary), and so I've rated it as such.


So, not a massive amount I can say for this section, but I'll say what I can. Firstly, the opening and closing were decent, but forgettable. Secondly, I don't think there was a dub, so I won't say anything about character voices. Finally, the background music was following the same path, until the last few episodes, where there was more depth to the story, the music was much more memorable.


The main character, Yuuto, is a rather typical main character for this kind of anime, aside from the fact that he used to dress up as a necromancer, he starts out as a nice guy who is trying to have a normal school life. His character really becomes interesting in the latter half, when he starts becoming conflicted about stuff (trying to avoid spoilers). The other main character, Rikka, is however not your typical character. She still believes that she has magical powers and is trying to find the "Ethereal Horizon" with the help of the members of her club, and because of her delusions, ends up being a very lovable character and adds most of the comedy to the show. The rest of the club make up the supporting characters, most of which are really worth mentioning, other than that they each get a little time in the spotlight for around half an episode or so, then fall back to the background.


In terms of enjoyment, this is definitely an anime of two halves. For the first part, I could not see anything special about the show and almost dropped it as a result. The main reason I didn't drop it was because of Rikka, as she was the only character that seemed interesting to begin with, but I'm glad I did stay for the second half, because it was great and deserves a lot of credit, mostly for how deep the story gets without trying too hard, and how it really shows the struggle that people can have with growing up and learning what growing up is about.

It's hard really to sum up my overall enjoyment, because my opinion changed so much in the last few episodes. I can't exactly say "try it to see if you like it", because you have to finish it to see how good it is, but I would say that if you've like other Kyoto Animation shows, then you may like this one.

sally.fritsch - 2013-06-28 08:18:31

Review out of 100. 35 for Story, 35 for Characters, 15 for Sound, and 15 for Animation. Story: (27/35) Really good first half, second half bogged down by a little too much drama.Characters: (28/35) Overall entertaining. You'll like them, but you probably wont love them (well, maybe Rikka). Sound: (12/15) Good Opening and Ending, a tad above average everywhere else. Animation: (13/15) Pretty High, very good fight scenes, nothing special in the character designs department. I'd be lying to you if I said I didn't have things in my past that I regret doing, especially in middle school. If we were allowed to go back in time and change it, most of us would, and we would change a lot. Yutta, the main character, is in that situation. He never made friends in middle school because of his Chuunibyou, or 8th Grade Syndrome. Now a first year in highschool, he wants to change all that by being a normal kid. Of course, that doesn't really work out for him. The story of Chuunibyou is a pretty simple one, in that it is your everyday slice of life mixed in with some weird, but funny characters. There are also some pretty kickass fight scenes. Anyway, the first half of Chuunibyou is really good, being a really enjoyable slice of life with a hint of romance and action sprinkled on top. Sadly, the second half adds something to it, drama. I'll admit the drama didn't bug me that much as it isn't as bad as I was expecting, but I'll be damned if it wasn't a little cheesy. The show got too serious for its own good IMO. Thankfully the show had a pretty good ending which made up for this, but the show would have been better if it were less serious. (27/35)There weren't any "bad" characters in Chuunibyou. Some were better than others, and Yutta wasn't the most interesting main character ever, but they all brought something to the show in a good way. The characters work very well together and are entertaining to watch. It isn't full of character development or anything (well, aside from Rikka), but in the end you will be satisfied with how all the characters ended up. (29/35) Being a Kyoto Ani show, the production values are fairly high in this show. You won't go away very impressed with the soundtrack though. It was fairly average, if not a little above average, and both the opening and the ending songs are very good. (12/15) The animation is also very good, especially the fight scenes. You would think you were watching a full on action show since they were so good, even though it's only a slice of life. (13/15)If you just want to see a pretty good, original slice of life show that'll bring back some embarrassing memories from you younger days, I suggest you watch this show. The second half isn't as good as the first with all the drama spread everywhere, and get progressively worse up until the last episode (which was pretty good). It sort of redeems itself with a pretty good ending though. You might not fall in love with the entire cast, but I'll be damned if you didn't find them entertaining at all. There are some pretty fun moments to be had overall. (81/100)

allen.bogan - 2013-06-17 18:54:58

I am going to try and keep this review very brief... 'try'.

This is Mike's review for Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!

Chuunibyou comes from the animation studio Kyoto Animation; a studio known for it's high quality animation. This is a romantic comedy anime with a huge part of this anime taking place in a school environment. This isn't a bad thing, since most anime have something to do with a school in one way or another.


This anime follows our main character called Yuuta Togashi who suffered with 'Chuunibyou' or 'eighth-grade syndrome' back in middle school. This is where a person acts out their 'fantasies', in his case... he pretended he was the 'Dark Flame Master' with special powers and abilities.

He has outgrown that now, and is now heading into high school, looking for a fresh start. He has deliberately chosen a high school further away from him, so that nobody will know who he is and thus he can start with a fresh slate.

Unfortunately, it seems fate won't allow it. He meets a girl named Rikka Takanashi, who is currently suffering from Chuunibyou and is going to the same high school as Yuuta. This starts off a funny and sometimes sad set of events until the anime comes to its conclusion. The anime ends very well, the entire story in well-paced and nothing feels rushed or forced.

STORY - 9/10


The animation in Chuunibyou comes from Kyoto Animation, whom I would think have a very healthy budget when it comes to the quality of an anime's animation. In the case of Chuunibyou, at least; it seems like this is true. 

Chuunibyou is one of the best looking anime's I have ever set eyes upon, it's really something you have to see for yourself to believe. Maybe I am over exaggerating a tiny bit; but it is my opinion, and this is how I feel. 

I am going to provide you with a link to a YouTube video with a cute little scene between both Yuuta and Rikka. WARNING: THIS DOES INCLUDE POSSIBLE SPOILERS, SO WATCH BEARING THAT IN MIND, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

This should give you a slight idea of the animation quality:



The sound in Chuunibyou is pretty good, some really good voice acting and a decent soundtrack to go along with it. Music plays at the right moments to set the scene and create the right atmosphere.

SOUND - 8/10


The characters in Chuunibyou are really likeable and the entire cast works well together; no one character feels out of place. The main character, Yuuta is your typical high-school teenage boy in an anime such as this; occasionally dumb and sometimes can't help but think dirty thoughts. Still, he is likeable as he is mostly considerate towards everyone else, except he does have some issue when it comes to attacking poor Rikka. (See video below.)

This comes to one of my favourite characters in anime; Rikka herself. She is a VERY cute girl and is one of the stars of the show. She suffers from Chuunibyou, but does have a troubled past, as Yuuta finds out mid-way through the anime. Then you begin to realise why she acts like she does; she believes she has the power of 'The Tyrant's Eye' and is constantly on the search for 'The Unseen Horizon'. 

She has an older sister, who is a chef at the high school they go to. Many 'battles' take place between Rikka and her older sister, the anime does a great job of making these look really awesome! Rikka lives above Yuuta and often ropes down to his balcony window to surprise him. 

Basically... I love this anime's cast; especially Yuuta and Rikka.



I will keep this particular section very brief; this anime is very enjoyable for those of you who enjoy a good romantic comedy anime. Great quality animation, likeable characters and very funny scenes are just a few of the things you will find within this anime. It's only 12 Episodes long; check it out!



One of the best romance anime that I've seen in a while, with a great cast of characters and high production values. If you like comedy or romance in your anime, this is a recommendation for you. 

Even though it's only 12 Episodes long, a second season is in the works from Kyoto Animation... can't wait!

OVERALL - 9/10

wendell.price - 2013-05-19 04:30:07

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!: All my feels are everywhere

I was absolutely in love with this anime and everything it had to do with.


This anime hit me hard, it reflected a lot of my own life and really made me emotional. It sticks well with the theme it established and really let you sink into the story. It gives you amazing back stories for each character and demonstrates that even though it has a cute/moe art style it can really get deep into your inner thoughts and how you work.


The animation was beautiful, it was so well done and fit the way this anime was meant to be perfectly.


I can't put this anime anywhere but near the very top of my list, it has a perfect theme, a great portrayal of each character and shows how the characters think, and the reason they choose to be that way. This anime got me very emotional and it was not something I expected right as a I started watching it.


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