Hell Girl: Three Vessels
地獄少女 三鼎After the events of the second season, Ai's three helpers, Ichimoku Ren, Wanyuudou, and Hone-Onna live out their lives in relative peace. This is suddenly shattered when Kikuri returns to recruit them. Meanwhile, Ai mysteriously reappears from the dead and uses the body of a young schoolgirl, Yuzuki Mikage, to continue the Jigoku Tsuushin operation. Yuzuki is aware of Ai's presence, however, when she can see what Ai sees.
emilie53 - 2013-06-11 19:43:21
First of All, watch Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae if..- You are JS or Ai Enma fan- You have seen both the season, and want some 'hell-grudge' stuff- You are not bored of people going to hellJigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae follows after the second season of the Jigoku shoujo Series. As spectacular the first and second season were, the third fails to appeal to that level. Even though this season has its own appeals, its not THAT great!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to elaborate:-STORYBasically, JS3 continues from the 2nd season. As the season starts Ai Enma doesn't have her body, so she passes judgement through the body of a girl, yuzuki. as the same People are going to hell in lots! and thats 2 for no particular reason. if your hate is enough, even the innocent go to hell. that's particulraly happening here!! Yuzuki is able to see people going to hell, and helpless when she finds out the reality. She is later told to be the future Ai Enma, thtas her destiny (good cliche 4 Ai Enma LOvers).... so in the end,.. Ai enma is the life-saver and takes the burden on herself saving Yuzuki.... how? watch the series (that's if Ur curious enough)The series has its own twist and turns but has tonnes of fillers filled in. i you skip those its almost a short series of 10-12 series, thats all! ART and SOUNDThe art is magnificent as ever. The animation has improved and is very appealing to the show.. at least that keeps you glued to the screen. Even the OST of the series is nice. the OP is good, but i prefer Snow's OP style as the have done in the previous series. the ending is also quite spooky. CHARACTERhere is the new parts. Ai Enma has a new member,Yamawaro along with her three companions, Hone Onna, Wanyūdō, Ren and Kikuri. Yuzuki's part is dull, but her life is full of twist-turns. she has a past quite similar to Ai and is always connceted to the hell corresspondence website or to the people using it . and what else, new characters and new short stories in every episode. Intrestingly, Tsugumi Shibata, the daughter of the journalist in the first season has her apperance in the season and a vital role.ENJOYMENTNot as much as the previous seasons, but it still is entertaining is you like the entire concept and set-up. you get to see various emotions that tend people to send people to hell. OVERALLBeing an JS fan, i enjoyed the season. i suggest you don't keep much expectation with the series, at least don't compare it with the previous seasons, to enjoy the season to its fullest. this season has its own stage set up, characters placed and concept running, just sit back and watch people going to hell for stupid and irrelevant reasons. Enjoy the wrap-up season of Jigoku shoujo becoz i don't think more will be coming!i give, Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae- ******* stars!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------