Riki-Oh: The Wall of Hell
力王 等括地獄A Retelling of the prison arc of the manga RIKI-OH! The story follows Saiga Riki-Oh, a young man blessed with inhuman strength. After taking revenge against a yakuza boss who was responsible for the death of his girlfriend, he ends up in a maximum security prison owned by a private organization. The prison is divided into four blocks, each run by a member of prisoners known as the Gang of Four. The first member is a tattooed knife wielder known as Hai that runs his block in a mafia style family system. The second member is a giant man (known as Tarzan in the live action) with incredible strength. The third member is a effeminate fighter named Huang Chaun that is growing Opium in the prison. The final member is a small man that use sewing needles as his weapons.
nikolaus.keven - 2013-03-15 13:07:41
This is an OVA adaptation of Saruwatari Tetsuya's manga of the same name. You may know Saruwatari from his work on Tough!, the Shootfighter Tekken OVAs, or Dog Soldier.The animation is okay, the story is okay, and the character design is pretty faithful. HOWEVER, this is a poor adapation of the source material. It's not nearly as violent or crazy as the original manga.For people who prefer watching anime to reading manga, these OVAs aren't really going to do anything for you, since they gloss over so much and they're missing a lot of what makes the manga great.At the end of the day, it's just okay. Whereas the manga, in my opinion, is pure awesomeness.