Pan de Peace!
パンでPeace!The "cute and soft bread four-panel manga" centers around Minami, an air-headed girl who is starting high school and who loves eating bread for breakfast. Baked goods bring happiness everyday to her and her classmates the reliable Yuu, the pastry-baking Fuyumi, and the independent Noa. (Source: ANN)
ujaskolski - 2016-09-24 22:18:14
A cute 3min mini series of a club of bread bakers with a surprising amount of character development. Easy to like charters and a somewhat interesting plot (with what you can do in 3mins) this anime is a good time killer if you have time to spare.
Theres also a beach episode
hdietrich - 2016-06-25 22:37:12
Need more pan? Watch Sansha Sanyou.
Need more "peace"? Watch Sakura Trick.
beverly52 - 2016-04-20 02:36:21
Cute girls, bread and boobs. What else do you need in an anime?