Tamayura: Hitotose
たまゆら~hitotose~As a little girl, Fuu Sawatari’s father taught her to love photography. They took pictures everywhere they went. But after he passed away, seeing those photographs only served as a reminder of her loss, so she locked them away to be forgotten. Years later, her brother Kou finds their father’s picture album, and as he flips through its pages, the pictures remind Fuu of all the happy memories of her father that she will carry with her forever. Now, as the shy Fuu enters her first year of high school, she once again takes up her father’s old camera, determined to take wonderful pictures that will bring joy and happiness to others. (Source: Nozomi Entertainment)

hkoelpin - 2013-07-04 16:32:56
Tamayura: Hitotose is a story of a shy girl named Fuu (nicknamed Potte) who likes taking pictures. Seems like this anime isn't worth your time, right?
Well, it IS worth your time. Tamayura: Hitotose is in the genres of Slice of Life and Comedy, though I really wouldn't call it a Comedy. Tamayura is more of a relaxing and warm "healing story."
Here's a disclaimer though, if you only like fast-paced, action-filled, destructive anime, you will NOT like this. The pacing for this series is really slow, which makes sense considering it's a Slice of Life and a story about a high school girl's life.
Story - 7
The story of Tamayura is very simplistic, and if you're looking for a plot like Code Geass, you're looking in the wrong place. Like I said before, Tamayura is about Potte's everyday life, and there isn't really a main conflict, which can make the story go really slow at times and can be pretty boring. Having a simplistic story for this helps though, because I wouldn't like an overly complicated plot for an anime that is meant to help you lean back and relax.
Animation/Art - 10
You don't really pay attention to the animation of Slice of Life anime too much, but the art is something that plays a big role. The art is definitely a HUGE part of this anime. After all, a main point of it is taking pictures. As you watch this, I highly encourage you to pay attention to details in the background and scenery, and small little details that normally would be left out. Just look at the details of the next pictures.
Sound - 9
The soundtrack for Tamayura is definitely great, because it's totally relaxing and well-picked for this anime. Also, you can get a sense of the overall tone of the Tamayura series just by listening to the OPs and EDs. Here's the (possible spoilers in the video) OP from Tamayura: More Aggressive, the next season. Listening to that is pretty relaxing, so I guess you can see my point now. The OPs and EDs from this and the OVA are also very nice to listen to.
Character - 8
The characters for this series really fit the anime. Each character has their unique personality, and they each have something that they want to pursue in life, Potte's being photography.
Overall, the characters really contribute a lot to the series, and each one is needed in order to make the anime complete. I rated this only a 8 though, because sometimes the characters can be "meh," and I've seen people who really don't like the characters here.
Enjoyment - 9
I really enjoyed Tamayura, because it was remarkably relaxing, and, even though most people don't like slow pacing, the pacing fit the overall feel of the anime. The best part about Tamayura is the fact that it makes you think about the world around you, and can really make you enjoy the world around you.
There isn't much more for me to say here, so I'll move onto the Overall rating.
Overall - 9
I'm giving Tamayura: Hitotose a 9, because in my opinion, it isn't really the best of the best, but it still deserves a pretty high rating. Also, it was really enjoyable to me, and it makes you think about the world around you. Even though it's not the best, it certainly is one of my favorites.
Okay then. Bye guys. I'll leave you guys with a Momoneko-sama!