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Kill la Kill


After the murder of her father, Ryuuko Matoi has been wandering the land in search of his killer. Following her only lead—the missing half of his invention, the Scissor Blade—she arrives at the prestigious Honnouji Academy, a high school unlike any other. The academy is ruled by the imposing and cold-hearted student council president Satsuki Kiryuuin alongside her powerful underlings, the Elite Four. In the school's brutally competitive hierarchy, Satsuki bestows upon those at the top special clothes called "Goku Uniforms," which grant the wearer unique superhuman abilities. Thoroughly beaten in a fight against one of the students in uniform, Ryuuko retreats to her razed home where she stumbles across Senketsu, a rare and sentient "Kamui," or God Clothes. After coming into contact with Ryuuko's blood, Senketsu awakens, latching onto her and providing her with immense power. Now, armed with Senketsu and the Scissor Blade, Ryuuko makes a stand against the Elite Four, hoping to reach Satsuki and uncover the culprit behind her father's murder once and for all. (Source: MAL Rewrite)

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: Violence, Profanity
  • Date aired: 2013-10-04 to 2014-03-28
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 477
  • In favorites: 3607
  • Popularity Rank: 62
  • Episode count: 24
  • Episode duration: 24 min/ep
  • Total duration: 9 h. 36 min.
  • Genre: Action , Comedy , Super Power , School , Ecchi
abbott.elmira - 2014-01-03 22:05:34

When I first saw this anime appear on Crunchyroll, I was indifferent. However my brother recommended it to me so I decided to give it a try. I can summarize this anime in two words: Mindless Fun! That's really what this anime is. It is made to be watched and enjoyed by anyone without any prior knowledge of the story, if there even is one.... From that you might think my opinion of this show is bad, but it really isn't. In all honesty I love this show for a number of reasons despite containing obvious flaws.

Storywise, there really isn't one. If you are trying to seriously follow the story you'll find it mediocre and cheesy.... but that's if you ARE trying to take this show seriously. If you realize early one this show is supposed to be mind numbing action, you'll have no problem. If anything, you'll find the story to add to the ridiculous situations, comedy, and the action the main characters are constantly in. In that respect I actually am thankful to the producers of this show, because unlike Gurren Lagann, that was made by these same people, there's no serious aspect thus far. If you recall, Gurren Lagann had several episodes after the time skip that tried to force serious and DEEP themes on the viewer. In the end, they realized that everyone didn't care and just wanted to see over the top, ball to wall, insane action. And as anyone who watched that show knows, that's exactly what we got. Here in Kill La Kill, the writers were smart enough to realize a majority of the fan base is there for the action and the fanservice, and the comedy, of which there is PLENTY.

This leads me to my next point: Characters. If you thought Eren was maybe a little stereotypical in the whole revenge character, then you've never seen Ms. Matoi. Our main character is there for two reasons: Fan service as well as inspirational speeches to herself... like I said, this anime should NOT be taken seriously. The characters at least are all interesting and over the type. That makes them all surprisingly enjoyable.

To sum up my points, this anime isn't bad. It is fun to watch and I found myself enjoying every episode. If you hate fanservice and girls fighting in REVEALING outfits... this anime is NOT for you. If you accept this anime is crazy and meant to be fun, you'll enjoy it!

mcdermott.myrna - 2013-12-30 06:37:39

Can't. Stop. Watching. It. Aaaaand now I'm waiting for new episodes. Dammit.

price.kylee - 2013-12-27 05:54:37

I am thinking back through my years of anime watching in order to discover if I can recall a moment where classical musical tunes were used as offensive weapons. At the moment, I cannot recall any such incident. More on that in a bit.

For Ryuuko’s second fight, I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by Houka only lasting half an episode. Again, Trigger does things to try to avoid being too cliched as they parody theYu Yu Hakusho type battle tournament setting (and whatever countless other titles have done it, including Negima!). As such, it was refreshingly surprising to see Houka give up, but with an actual, legitimate reason to give up — protecting the data he’d gathered on Senketsu

Houka’s flashback to meeting Satsuki didn’t have the weight that Ira’s or Uzu’s had, but it does show how Satsuki constantly set out to find the best of the best for when she founded Honnouji Gakuen.

Nonon starts the third fight with what I considered an awesome entrance since I was in a marching band back in high school. ^_^ Indeed, one year, we played the “Charge of the Light Cavalry” portion of “Light Calvary Overture” as our opening march, so hearing that really brought a smile to my face. I’ve also played the “William Tell Overture” in symphonic band, so that brought an added element of awesomeness to Nonon’s entire fighting style.

Nonon’s flashback to having gone to school with Satsuki since kindergarten (explaining why she’s the only one to address Satsuki as “Satsuki-chan” rather than “Satsuki-sama”) was OK, but it didn’t explain what made Nonon an elite. Nonon was shown back then to be an ojousama type in how she got others to do her bidding for in order to please her best friend. I understand Nonon wanting to support Satsuki all the way, but I would have liked to have seen that element that makes Nonon so powerful.

Satsuki’s apparently displeasure at seeing how Ryuuko had worked with Senketsu to evolve the uniform so radically in such a short time does make me wonder if she’s just jealous of Ryuuko, because Satsuki hasn’t gotten to those kind of levels with Junketsu. With Ryuuko having dispatched two of Elites (three if you consider that she’s already defeated Uzu once, but lost once as well), I also wonder if Satsuki is becoming worried.

I can’t help but wonder if Mikisugi-sensei &Tsumugu will end up being the ultimate villains of this series. Right now, it is easy to argue that they are worried about Senketsu going out of control, but thus far, we’ve seen no reason to think it would run amok. That may come later, but I think it would be interesting if Satsuki and Ryuuko end up fighting Mikisugi-sensei’s Nudist Beach group.

Finally, I couldn’t help but get a chuckle out of Ira deciding to sit with Mako and her reaction to that, followed by Houka’s decision to join them and her reaction to that. While those scenes were done primarily for comedic purposes, it also adds to my thinking that this is a type of foreshadowing, implying that Satsuki and her Elite Four will join forces with Ryuuko and Mako.

vwyman - 2013-12-21 02:05:29

Whatever drugs Trigger is on, I want some of that. This anime is action-packed, spectacularly explosive, crazily outrageous, filled with sexual innuendos and semi-H scenes, and awesome. Kill la Kill is Trigger's first original anime project and they're doing it right.

Story - 8

The first episode started the show with a nice and very spontaneous bang of crazy. You can't really tell what the direction the anime is going, but you can tell it's going to be interesting. It takes a good few episodes in to get exactly what Ryuko Matoi, the main character, is trying to do and what story the show is trying to tell. A story about avenging a parent's death is not original, but the going-about it for Kill la Kill makes it that much more enjoyable. The show isn't just mindless destruction and revenge; there actually are some life lessons.

Animation - 8

Trigger chose a nice style that fits the setting of Kill la Kill. Nothing needs to be extravagant and simple details get the job nicely done. I hope you understand that this show, and particularly some of Trigger's works, like to do some pretty interesting animation such as distorted bodies and exaggerated actions like their other work, Gurren Lagann. If you've watched Gurren Lagann, you'll feel at home with Kill la Kill. There are some lip-syncing mismatch, but that's generally normal in animation.

Sound - 10

Everything fits perfectly. The voice actors fit their respective characters neatly and with great precision and accuracy. The sound effects and music matches the scenes accordingly and I've yet to find something amiss.

Character - 10

Generally everyone in this show is missing some logic and self-restraint (Yes, I'm talking about you, Mankanshoku family.) There is no middle-ground or 'normal' people. All the characters are special in their own way with their quirks and personality. In this show, you'll find characters ranging from an overzealous masochist, to a talkative, buzzing airhead, to a stripping acupuncturist disguised as a teacher, and all the things in between and around. The way characters are introduced are seamlessly and stylishly placed in the episodes. The way Trigger make characters appear makes sure the viewer remembers the characters with their respective quirks.

Enjoyment - 9

Throughout my watch of Kill la Kill, I've never once found myself bored. Episodes are filled with content through either character development, comedy, or sheer destruction. A lot of explosions and action are to be had and there's always something going on. The frequency of fan service is never-ending and is available in every episode. The show was certainly entertaining.

Overall, this show receives my nine not because of ingenuity, but because of it's enjoyment. It's fun to watch and is vacant of any really deep thoughts. A good show to watch if you're bored , waiting for the next episode of another show, or just for fun.

lakin.ross - 2013-10-19 02:15:39

I haven't been around for a while , but I dont want my first post summer review to be long here goes:

17 year old transfer student comes to a f**ked-all-to-shit city , where School is the government as a whole. Matoi is Immediately befriended by "Mako" who didn't give two-cents about how her classrom neighbor was murder "happens all the time her." The School decides where you live , slums or high-end dormitories .

Matoi picks up a two piece demon-clothing made out of "life fiber" as it contains more than 50% "life fiber" it has a conscience .

Its funny , dramatic , and cant decide on whether it's a show for men or women , I love it for the most part.Except for a teacher who starts out DRRR! and finishes FREE ! Iwatobi . You'll see what I mean.

hickle.ottis - 2013-10-18 04:24:34

This anime is hyperkinetic and has a Gurren Lagann/Dead Leaves/Scott Pilgrim feel to it. Tons of energy, lots of action, ridiculous story. Fun!

julien.rice - 2013-10-12 15:55:33

This is honestly my first written review ever so bare with me but I felt like throwing my opinions in on this one.

Story- Honestly, yes at this point the story seems pretty one dimensional and is by far the least exciting part about this anime. However I honestly feel it falls into a similar line as it's obvious inspiration Gurren Lagann in that yes, the plot is fairly basic, there is a set goal and the protag will fight progressively stronger enemies to reach this goal, but like Gurren Lagann before it I honestly think there is a lot of room for some interesting twists. 7/10 for now

Animation- This seems to be one of the most controversial things about this anime, some people are absolutely loving it, some think it's downright awful by today's standards, I personally am of the former, I think it's great. It brings up wonderful feelings of past Gainax works as well as reminding me of action movies such as Bunraku visually. The only downside is there are a couple of moments where it really does look like they're just trying to save frames, but overall the animation is amazingly stylized and smooth where it counts. 9/10

Sound- Honestly I'm not a huge sound person so not much for me to say here, it fits the mood and the voice acting is top notch so 8/10 for me

Character- I simply love the characters, they all have so much well, character, each one having such a strong personality that comes through very strongly. It is a little bit of a shame how they try to kind of half-ass an antagonist for each episode who is then immediately defeated, but the characters that are recurring so far are so colorful I've gotta give a 9/10

Enjoyment- THIS is what Kill la Kill is all about, despite a few flaws here and there what this anime does above all else is be enjoyable. The entire time I'm watching I'm just filled with this wonderful feeling of excitement and joy. It just creates such a dynamic atmosphere that I personally find it impossible not to enjoy. I've heard a few people say that the abundant fan service kind of detracts in some ways I think it fits right in, it goes perfectly with the over-the-top vibe Kill la Kill exudes. From the way the MC blushes furiously while donning her skimpy outfit that she'd get beaten without to the way the frumpy male teacher suddenly has the appearance of a male model it really ads to the wacky vibe. I could ramble here forever. 10/10

Overall- All in all at this point in time Kill la Kill sits at a 9/10 purely because the story appears to be going somewhere fairly generic at this point, if it lives up to my hopes and throws some solid twists into the standard battle format I could easily see bumping it up to a 10

Kill la Kill - 9/10

jhirthe - 2013-10-12 05:42:07

Kill la Kill first impression.

I actually had no expectations for this anime.

Its has an over-dramatic plot and full of action. It is laid out well, and the pace and tempo is done neatly and concisely. The plot is shown clearly and succinctly and has obviously been given a lot of thought towards the alluring of the obvious target audience, however the done side, to this, is that some will immediately not take a liking to this anime and leaves a clean cut in its likability.

The art style gives it leeway and enhances the suspension of disbelief well. The crazy plot line and cartoon-like art style brings about fondness and nostalgia of being childish and just enjoying the fun and craziness of life, which is the anime's plus side.

The fact that its overdramatic and action pack, contributes to its epicness, however, this anime will most likely only be enjoyed by, yes the majority of anime fans, but only those who can allow themselves to shut off logic and watch for the thrill, fighting,action and drama.

The anime has potiential and the production company knows how to steer it properly, and is hard to actual distinguish an anime review with an appropriate score, because this anime cannot be properly reviewed and scored with this scoring system, as its aspects which make it good, can't be reviewed as per usual.

kiehn.chaya - 2013-10-11 16:52:28

Mindless fun, action and drama. What's not to love about Kill La Kill? The first 2 episodes show that the Trigger will go as over the top as possible with it's hilarious animations and scantily clad main character. If you enjoy nonsensical animation, a random yet still hilarious story, fan service that actually feels appropriate, and some dramatic action, Kill La Kill may be for you.

Will edit as time moves on.

rau.elwin - 2013-10-08 19:36:19

A really good animation of Trigger. Gud Chinese cartoon 2/2

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