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Non Non Biyori


When Hotaru Ichijo transfers from a school in Tokyo to the tiny little Asahigaoka Branch School in the rural countryside, she should be experiencing major culture shock. After all, there are only three other girls in the school, and none of them are even in the same grade as her. But she quickly finds herself adjusting to spending her time with first grader Renge and the Koshigaya sisters, Natsumi and Komari, who are in the seventh and eighth grade, respectively. The Koshigaya’s older brother, the only male student, isn’t so hard to get along with either. Even if it is 20 minutes by bicycle to the only place that sells comics and the video store is ten train stations away, there’s something about the laid-back lifestyle that makes her feel right at home and comfortable. It’s a big change from the big city, but there are still plenty of new adventures to look forward to as Hotaru learns that “home” really is where the heart is in NON NON BIYORI. (Source: Sentai Filmworks)

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: Teens 13 or older
  • Date aired: 2013-10-08 to 2013-12-24
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 800
  • In favorites: 662
  • Popularity Rank: 438
  • Episode count: 12
  • Episode duration: 24 min/ep
  • Total duration: 4 h. 48 min.
  • Genre:
anderson13 - 2016-05-06 08:33:41

Season 1 of Non Non Biyori is a great show because theaudience gets to watch how a country setting can nurture people and their relationships.

The setting itself is acharacter in Non Non Biyori. It has arelationship with the characters and it helps them grow and develop. This isamplified by the minimalistic but beautiful art design that accompanies theshow. The simple colors add to the personality of the setting, and beautifulbackgrounds help give the audience an emotional core to latch onto. This allowsfor the audience to feel the same emotional connection to the setting as thecharacters. Thus allowing the drama of the narrative to be more immersive.

Then there is thecharacters themselves, who are simple yet enjoyable to watch. The showsnarrative basically consists of situations that the setting puts them in. Andwhat makes this narrative so compelling is the characters themselves. Eachcharacter has a very different personality that when clash together make forgood television. Furthermore what makes this show so much better than othermoe-girl shows is how the characters grow throughout the story. The charactersgrow by learning to face these situations that are presented to them. Eachepisode a character learns something about growing up or themselves. But thereal crowning goal of Non Non Biyori’sstory is the relationships of the characters. Without these very specificrelationships that are made possible by the setting; the show would be nodifferent from the usual moe fare. These relationships are great because eachof them has a few specific quirks that work well with the other character’squirks. It’s this perfect balance of quirks that makes them work so well.

There are other pieces ofmerit within Non Non Biyori aswell.  For example, there is great comedicdelivery given to us from visual presentation of the film. Great timing andshot composition give the comedy the spark that the show needs to stayentertaining. Furthermore the music of the show is very adorable and fitting,and it gives the show the tone and character it needs.

So overall Non Non Biyori gives the medium of animea strong addition into the slice-of-life genre, and it is a show that canencourage other moe slice-of-life anime to properly use its setting and relationshipsto create an emotional core for the world presented in the show but also forthe people watching.   


Season 1 of Non Non Biyori is a great show because theaudience gets to watch how a country setting can nurture people and their relationships.

The setting itself is acharacter in Non Non Biyori. It has arelationship with the characters and it helps them grow and develop. This isamplified by the minimalistic but beautiful art design that accompanies theshow. The simple colors add to the personality of the setting, and beautifulbackgrounds help give the audience an emotional core to latch onto. This allowsfor the audience to feel the same emotional connection to the setting as thecharacters. Thus allowing the drama of the narrative to be more immersive.

Then there is thecharacters themselves, who are simple yet enjoyable to watch. The showsnarrative basically consists of situations that the setting puts them in. Andwhat makes this narrative so compelling is the characters themselves. Eachcharacter has a very different personality that when clash together make forgood television. Furthermore what makes this show so much better than othermoe-girl shows is how the characters grow throughout the story. The charactersgrow by learning to face these situations that are presented to them. Eachepisode a character learns something about growing up or themselves. But thereal crowning goal of Non Non Biyori’sstory is the relationships of the characters. Without these very specificrelationships that are made possible by the setting; the show would be nodifferent from the usual moe fare. These relationships are great because eachof them has a few specific quirks that work well with the other character’squirks. It’s this perfect balance of quirks that makes them work so well.

There are other pieces ofmerit within Non Non Biyori aswell.  For example, there is great comedicdelivery given to us from visual presentation of the film. Great timing andshot composition give the comedy the spark that the show needs to stayentertaining. Furthermore the music of the show is very adorable and fitting,and it gives the show the tone and character it needs.

So overall Non Non Biyori gives the medium of animea strong addition into the slice-of-life genre, and it is a show that canencourage other moe slice-of-life anime to properly use its setting and relationshipsto create an emotional core for the world presented in the show but also forthe people watching. - 2016-04-23 15:06:49

It's one of my first slice of life anime. and i was lucky to start watching it when springtime started : ) It made me feel so good and nostalgic. Remembering the good times as a kid, playing outside...

rstrosin - 2015-11-21 21:26:02

Non Non Biyori (lit. Non Non Weather), 

is a slice of life and a comedy anime that I would easily recommend to both young and older viewers. From the very first episode on to the end of season two, viewer’s interest remains captivated and soothed through the portrayal of pristine environments, thoroughly enjoyable and quirky adventures of its characters, and a calming soundtrack. There is much charm to the serene and slowly paced storyline, which is dynamically complemented by the incremented character development of a whimsical cast. Thus, if you wish to relax, laugh, and enjoy life; I couldn’t recommend this anime enough.

Story: 8/10

The story is fitting of the (SOL) genre, and has high rewatch value. Twenty minute-long episodes are segmented such that each new day in the countryside village of Asahigaoka is presented along with its quirky laughs, disputes and unique adventures.

Art: 10/10

Much attention and care has been invested into the artwork. This is witnessed through the impressive background scenery. As examples, viewers are presented with a view of rocks within a stream of running water, the gentle sway amongst fields of grass in the wind, as well as a buzzing reminder as to surrounding insect life. The smooth and perfect visual integration of movement or processes within nature such as these, all serve to bring the scenes and its interrelated components towards a nearer degree of reality.

Sound: 10/10

The songs utilized for the opening (by nano.RIPE) and ending (by ZAQ), are fitting to the anime’s theme and exceptional recordings that are well worth checking out. The original soundtrack is even more impressive, where the composer Hiromi Mizutani strikes dissonant notes at seemingly perfect times, dualistically capturing the essence of nature and its fragility through the simple and off key sounding of a child’s recorder (aka Renchon’s melody). Also too, I now acknowledge the excellent use of silence in many situations within this anime; I can ascertain that it has served as most effective in enhancing viewer’s (such as myself) emotional perceptibility and relatedness towards the characters during concurrent situations.

Characters: 8/10

The cast is rather simplistic, but individually they are also quirky and unique; each in their own ways. This is further conducive towards enabling many comedic moments all throughout the anime. In addition, a case can be made in regards to the prevalence of a shōjo atmosphere, this is because almost all characters are female, and the few males are rendered insignificant to the point that it is funny. 

Enjoyment: 10/10

As the story revolves around charming, and adorable girls, this means that inciting incidents mainly involve goofing around, dodging chores, and having fun in any which way possible. Then, from this I conclude that the degree of enjoyment derived from this anime lies in the beholder; in other words, that it depend’s on viewer’s preference or their appreciation for simplistic themes such as innocence and play.

Overall: 9/10

Thank you for reading,

I hope you enjoy~

finn.wuckert - 2015-11-03 03:10:26

Great show that is perfect for unwinding. Animation is beautiful for a slice of life show and the characters are just as likable. Loved the OP and the OST really helps set the mood for the entire series give a watch.

tmcdermott - 2015-05-09 22:25:48

Literally the best show ever if you dont like this then you need to get your fucking head checked

citlalli95 - 2015-04-06 13:11:53

Each episode is a wonderful ride that can be watched without an huge overarching story. Renge is to die for and a great kid  each of the cast is unique in their own way and the only male child in the show is ... i won't spoil it haha.

kamren.miller - 2014-08-07 18:22:09

A heartwarming Slice of Life wrapped up with charming characters, beautiful visuals, and a wonderful soundtrack. Although it's comedy segments were pretty hit or miss with me, Non Non Biyori never failed to put a smile on my face. Recommended to anyone who loves slice of life, or just wants a show that can make them smile without being too emotional (although the show does have it's share of emotional segments, which are paced perfectly to hit you hard with each one.)

thora81 - 2014-01-05 00:42:45

A lovely slice of life anime for those who enjoy it. It has some jokes but they're hit or miss and can sometimes be repetitive but in the end it's a pure slice of life anime. Very relaxing and not something I'd recommend you marathon since some episodes can be very uneventful. If you enjoy slice of life or wanting to watch something relaxing to unwind you'll absolutely love this one.

keebler.guy - 2013-12-27 07:12:40

Non Non Biyori is not your typical "slice-of-life with harem elements" anime. No, Non Non Biyori transcends space and time to deliver cute moments while still being relevant to the situation. You will smile when the characters laugh, and despair when they cry. Non Non Biyori will brighten your day with every episode you watch.


You follow Hotaru, a girl who is moving from the busy Tokyo to the quiet country. Everything she has known all her life is extremely different. Instead of crowded shops, people work in great wide farms Even the schools are different - there's only one classroom in the whole entire school! Hotaru will have to adapt to the country, while leaving behind her Tokyo home.

Not much in terms of story happens. The kids have adventures and mishaps during different points of the year. While each different adventure is interesting, this can make the show seem episodic. In terms of story, Non Non Biyori is your typical slice-of-life moe with the added comedy. But why would you watch a slice-of-life for the story?


The animators have really outdone themselves this time. With Non Non Biyori having a country setting, there must be a country atmosphere. The animators captured the country atmosphere perfectly. In almost every scene, you are presented with beautiful looking trees, shrubs, mountains, and many more nature elements. Everything is highly detailed, down to the individual leaves and branches of a tree. Really, the scenery is just so beautiful, you could stare at it all day.


The sound in this show is really toned down compared to other animes. The soundtrack isn't vast with amazing tracks. Instead, there's two or three simple tracks related to the laid back theme of the show. The voice actors do their roles well, giving life to their characters. Especially , with Renge's unique speech patterns. The Opening and Ending are nothing extreme, again going with the laid-back tone of the show. Overall, the sound is decent, but nothing stands out or is amazing.


The Characters are what really makes this show come alive. Being a slice-of-life, the show is dependent on the character interactions. With each episode, the characters develop and grow in their own unique ways.

Each character is unique - (minor spoilers for character personalities)

  • Komari is the shortest and oldest sister in the Koshigaya family. She works to keep her younger sister, Natsumi, in line.
  • Natsumi herself is the youngest of the family, and the tomboy. She likes playing pranks, and always seems to be getting into trouble.
  • Their oldest brother Suguru barley plays a role, but still manages to do something funny every time he pops in.
  • Ichijou Hotaru, the main focus of the plot, is an only child in her family. She over reacts to events, and has an obsession with Koma-plushies.
  • Finally, there is Miyauchi Renge, the youngest of all the characters in the show and her family. She is basically Non Non Biyori's symbol of moe. Everything she does will leave a smile on your face.

Even the non-essential characters have a role to play. No character feels under developed or just there for plot convince. Everyone has a episode or two involving their back story or major events. Every character has something special and unique to bring to the show.


I enjoyed this anime so much. Turning on that episode every Monday after school would brighten up my day. Renge especially, I cant get enough of her. Defiantly my favorite of the Fall 2013 season.


In short, if your looking for a heartwarming anime to perk your day up, this is the place to go. While not much may happen, the characters will make the show lively and enjoyable. This is a must watch for any fan of the slice-of-life genre. Sit down, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the moe.

nick.hoppe - 2013-12-26 09:49:48


Sometimes you want an anime that just washes over you, an anime that doesn't make you think but just makes you feel visually and aurally, an anime that does not show ordinary people doing extra-ordinary things but ordinary people doing ordinary things and yet keeps it entertaining. Comedy has always been part of such an entertainment and so is the case with Non Non Biyori.

Story: The plot of the show is to simply showcase the life and lifestyle in the countryside. Be it whether how everybody knows everybody or how nobody locks the door of the house or how there are stores with no storekeeper or the structure of the school where students of all grade are sitting in the same class because there aren't many students. The very many such simple aspects of countryside lifestyle are depicted along with the beautiful scenic shots of the country itself with its rivers and mountains, and these aspects form the basis for the interaction among the characters while deriving humour from these interactions. With such a simplistic structure, the story is nothing to write home about. Yet, the magic or strength of this anime is how it stays true to this simplistic plot without deviating ever and be able to deliver something that entertains you.

Animation: The anime is beautiful to watch with some very beautiful landscape shots

I enjoyed the character art and especially the range of visual expressions that are given to Renge.

Sound: The OP "Nanairo Biyori" sets the mood for the show. Throughout the show uses some very simple background soundtracks to complement the scenes and complement it does OH SO BEAUTIFULLY.

And in the end, it clinches the whole thing with the adorable ED theme "Non Non Biyori"

Character: The characters are the lifeblood of this show. Every character is given a very different but one dimensional characterization. Despite being one dimensional, their interaction is so colourful while being imbued with light-hearted humour and decorated with few tender moments, that you forgive them for being one dimensional. Be it the crush that Hotaru has for Komari or the sisterly love between Komari and Natsumi or the tender care that Kaede has for Renge, each of these relationship becomes the source of humour and that fluffy feeling that you are left with at the end of each episode.

Enjoyment: This anime is a treat for the heart. Each episode leaves you with a warm fuzzy feeling and a feeling of deep relaxation, as if you went on a vacation to countryside and came back.

Overall: This anime is not the greatest anime out there on any scale, yet if you seek an anime that just washes over you, an anime that doesn't make you think but just makes you feel visually and aurally, an anime that does not show ordinary people doing extra-ordinary things but ordinary people doing ordinary things and yet keeps it entertaining, then I would definitely urge you to watch Non Non Biyori.

Please watch Non Non Biyori

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