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Hi☆sCoool! SeHa Girls

Hi☆sCoool! セハガール

The story of the anime will revolve around Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, and Mega Drive, who have just enrolled in SeHaGaga Academy at Tokyo's Haneda Ōtorii station. They are given an assignment needed to graduate by a suspicious teacher, and to clear this assignment, the girls need to enter the world of Sega games. The girls must try their best to graduate without incident. (Source: ANN)

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: Teens 13 or older
  • Date aired: 2014-10-08 to 2014-12-24
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 9382
  • In favorites: 9
  • Popularity Rank: 4781
  • Episode count: 13
  • Episode duration: 11 min/ep
  • Total duration: 2 h. 23 min.
  • Genre: Comedy , Game
howell.jerrold - 2014-11-05 07:09:03

Let me get this out of the way. If you are a sega nerd like me then this anime will make you cream your freaking pants. There are refrences EVERYWHERE in this anime, from popular sega games, to consoles, to boot up sounds, everything you can think of.

To truely get the most out of this anime though you really have to be a real sega nerd. If you are then you are going to have a ball with this anime. It's got solid animation, a pretty catchy soundtrack, is hillarious with its refrences and is just overall awesome fun. If your not a sega fan though you might not have as much fun with this one.

clynch - 2014-10-15 15:52:55


So, this show is exactly what you'll get: girls personified as Sega consoles. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Yeah. It's been done twice. Choujigen Game Neptune the Animation and the very bad World War Blue. 

Basically, the show is this: it's doing what Choujigen Game Neptune did. It's re imagining Sega Consoles to be beautiful--bishojo girls. These girls are goddesses and they go to a school that is pretty much a video game. This anime doesn't have much going for it already as it's 11 minutes an episode. A half show, what have you.

Also, half of it is nonsense in the first episode. They're talking about their guy tastes, then they go to their classroom and whatnot. Apparently, they have to battle a lot of sega characters.

This is animated in CGI. The CGI isn't that bad. It's actually better than I expected. Just don't expect anything too 3D.

The sound is very..............Sega.

As far as I'm concerned, the characters are all that is keeping me from dropping this.

Anyway, first impression: it's half nonsense, but it's got some redeeming qualities, so don't drop it yet. 

Current impression (upated 11/18/14): keep watching it! it keeps getting more interesting and more and more Sega references are being made, such as SONIC AND EGGMAN. Don't drop it. It's fun. - 2014-08-25 02:20:12

Oh boy! Where to start with this one. First of all id like to point out the shows distinct lack of Mario, for an anime based on Sega consoles you'd think crash bandicoot, an iconic Sega character, would appear at least once in this anime. This show is also in lack of a solid soundtrack, famous music producer Bill Gates created a very indulging soundtrack to suit with all the ratchet and clank games that could easily fit will with the mood of this anime, yet they still decide to stick with cheap iPhone ringtones to display mood. Im sorry but this just doesn't cut it. As a fan of the original Sega systems im very disappointed in this recreation of the many famous consoles Sega has released and i am appalled at how little character development there was across the entire show. 1/10

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