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The Seven Deadly Sins


In a world similar to the European Middle Ages, the feared yet revered Holy Knights of Britannia use immensely powerful magic to protect the region of Britannia and its kingdoms. However, a small subset of the Knights supposedly betrayed their homeland and turned their blades against their comrades in an attempt to overthrow the ruler of Liones. They were defeated by the Holy Knights, but rumors continued to persist that these legendary knights, called the "Seven Deadly Sins," were still alive. Ten years later, the Holy Knights themselves staged a coup d’état, and thus became the new, tyrannical rulers of the Kingdom of Liones. Based on the best-selling manga series of the same name, Nanatsu no Taizai follows the adventures of Elizabeth, the third princess of the Kingdom of Liones, and her search for the Seven Deadly Sins. With their help, she endeavors to not only take back her kingdom from the Holy Knights, but to also seek justice in an unjust world. (Source: MAL Rewrite)

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: Teens 13 or older
  • Date aired: 2014-10-05 to 2015-03-29
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 72
  • In favorites: 2093
  • Popularity Rank: 11
  • Episode count: 24
  • Episode duration: 24 min/ep
  • Total duration: 9 h. 36 min.
  • Genre: Action , Adventure , Magic , Supernatural , Fantasy , Ecchi
nikita.bechtelar - 2016-01-07 00:34:57

Originally posted on Books & Bottles.

I'm a sucker for ridiculously overpowered characters.  There's nothing more frustrating than a character that's limp and useless (*ahem* Liz, I'm looking at you).  Meliodas is my favourite character, with King and Ban tying for second (especially when they bicker).  Hawk was hilarious at first, but became increasingly more annoying as the show progresses.  At the end she just made me feel guilty.  STOP THE FEELS, HAWK!

And I have a few things to say about Liz.

First, unless you turn out to be the re-incarnation of someone-we-won't-mention, or you have raging desire for Meliodas, PUSH HIM AWAY.  Seriously.  If it wasn't for Hawk.. well..
Second, I'm still mad at you for the ending.  Because you lied to everyone.  How rude.
Third, I'm jealous of your white hair.  And thank you for becoming friends with 

*ahem*  This show is still great and I loved it.  Apparently, we'll be getting season two sometime this year and I'm stoked!

nikko37 - 2016-01-02 08:33:17

Warning: This review has spoilers. Also, this is somewhat of a rant as well.

This anime started out pretty well. The characters were introduced, each having a mostly bearable character even the talking pig Hawk (though his presence soon became annoying). There was a pleasant reason behind some of the Sin's designations such as Diane being alone and becoming envious as a result of the bonds she could not have as a child. Meliodas's wrath is decently shown as well as King's sad reason for being designated as "sloth". I didn't instantly find any flaws like a lot of generic shonen these days. I can say that I enjoyed watching the show for the most part and it was a decent time consumer.  

The animation was pretty well done and besides the giant green CGI pig and a few other minor nitpicks, I enjoyed the style of the animation in its entirety. I thought the character designs were interesting and stood out decently for a shonen anime.

Sadly, it has a few flaws that keep it from getting a good review from me. While Diane, Meliodas, and Sloth had excellent reasons for their sins I can't say the same for say the same for Ban, Merlin or Gowther. Ban's reason seemed lackluster and didn't really hold up to the model of what "greed" really is. Got her was essentially the same. Should the designation of Lust have no emotions what-so-ever? It would be fine if he actually did something in regards to his title but no such thing occurs. Merlin has little to no character development. Of course she comes in late but it doesn't take much time to set up at least decent development. 

The villain was also kind of bland. Hendrickson simply wanted power like every other generic shonen villain.There was nothing but hot air and an empty character behind the scenes with no decent motivation. Such a waste especially considering a potential villain in Dreyfus who was more emotionally driven by much more then Hendrickson ever was but got redeemed and killed off. 

I also found fault in the "New Generation" as well. At the end of the anime they were deemed "the misguided wannabe heroes that were tricked" However, most of the characters, such as Guila and Jericho showed that they were pretty ruthless of their own accord and didn't seem to care for anyone but themselves early on. This being displayed as both were willingly responsible for the "death" of Veronica. So, while building up the dislike for these characters, the story writers completely squabbled it by trying to make the two likable despite the fact that their willingness to kill innocents loomed in the background, always present. They never showed remorse. Never repented. Even Gilthunder at the end said he was going to atone for what he did but never those two. At the end of the anime I still wanted those two dead but I knew I wasn't going to get the satisfaction because the plot wanted me to like them.

In the end, the show was entertaining, but it wasn't great, or even good. 

romaguera.keira - 2015-12-13 07:54:07

The seven deadly sins is one of the most satisfying shounen anime to watch out there. From incredible visuals to impeccably choreographed fights scenes this anime is pretty solid on all fronts. 
Visuals - I could gush for hours about how gorgeous the animation in this anime is. The characters move with real weight to them and there are no wasted movements. The animation is consistent and fluid, and the vivid colours and varied camera angles truly make it a treat to the eyes. The character designs are memorable and unique - I especially like the designs of the different kinds of armour. 

Sound - From the clanking of their armour, to the clashing of swords and the echoing of their voices from within their helmets everything sounds so satisfying and really contributes to the viewers immersion to the series. I watched the dub and it was absolutely superb - I definitely prefer it to the sub. The VAs did a great job bringing life to the characters and everyone was well cast. 

Writing - The characterization of the characters was really well done for the most part but I question some of their motivations and it almost seems like a disservice was done to them with the way that it was handled. There are some glaring flaws in the writing which is a shame because it really detracted from my enjoyment of the series. The story itself is not bad though and every moment of the series was filled with moving the plot forward. There were also some really weird pacing issues and the anime really could have used a few more episodes to help with that. 

So overall while it's not perfect the seven deadly sins was incredibly enjoyable for me to watch and I was never once bored. I truly think it's a much watch!

golden.lowe - 2015-12-01 03:50:31

The Seven Deadly Sins follows a girl named Elizabeth the third princess of Britannia, after her father gets taken by the holy knights she is out to find the seven deadly sins to help her save her father and save the kingdom. She meets a weird young man who owns his own tavern later she finds out he is Meliodas the Dragon Sin of Wrath the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins. She tells him what she is doing why she is trying to find the seven deadly sins and he agrees to go look for them. Throughout this journey they meet many hardships along the way including countless battles. As you go further through the series the holy knights plan starts to become more clear as they are planning to take over the kingdom and start a holy war. They are secretly trying to bring back demons into this world to start on a new holy war. So together the sins must take down the holy knights and bring them to justice while everyone still thinks they are traitors for the events of the past but they must prevail and show that all of this was a lie. I thought this series was very well made love the concept behind it and I thought it was very well executed. With a mix of action, adventure, and fantasy this series was right up the ally of things I enjoy to watch besides Romance. The art style was very pleasing and the story line was very strong after the first few slow episodes it really picked up.

emmerich.leonard - 2015-10-06 05:13:03

ansel.west - 2015-06-23 13:58:57

Nanatsu no Taizai is a shonenaction anime set in a fantasy world. It's the story of a princess that needshelp from the 7 deadly sins because the Holy Knights took control of Britannia(Code Geass please?). So, the princess and the chef of the 7 deadly sins starta journey to find the other members and to fight the evil Holy Knights. 


Informations: /Studio: A-1 Pictures/ Genres: action, fantasy, adventure,supernatural/ Demographic: shonen/ Director: Tensai Okamura (Ao no Exorcist,Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha) / Music: Hiroyuki Sawano/ Originalcreator: Nakaba Suzuki/ Manga link: /


Nanatsu is a typical shonen. That doesn't mean it's bad. It's certainly notthe best piece of writing but it does perfectly what an action shonen has todo: exciting fights, engage the viewer, great characters that you love, aninteresting world,... This anime is incredibly fun. Maybe I am extremly bias tothe shonen/fantasy genre but it does the job in my opinion. I especially likedthe world of Nanatsu. There's fairies, demons, humans, giants and talking pigs!It was fun to learn about the different types of creatures that live in thisworld. There's much more to see (other countries) but ,unfortunatly, there's nosecond season. I wish they would have explained the world just a little bitmore. They focused more on the situation of Britannia and the whole HolyKnights thing. The ending of the show was perfect even tho I wanted moooore! I think what's important in a shonen is that it's fun, there'sgood music and there's great characters (more than the overall story).


The characters in this show are just great! I LOVE THEM. Theyare all awesome and they have an interesting backgrounds. 


The animation is by A-1. It's not their best work but they did a good job. The CG was great (even tho I could tell it was CG). I loooove the character designs and how they colored the eyes

Some OST examples: 

My favorite OP/ED:

Enjoyment: I usually like these type of action anime and there was a lot of moments that I was like: "AWESOME". Now, excuse me, I need to go read the manga! :) 9/10

jbrown - 2015-04-03 12:48:09

Being able to know the Seven Deadly Sins, such as the Sloth, Envy, Wrath, Lust, Pride, Greed, and Gluttony, is greatly entertaining and exciting.great adventure anime

camron.harris - 2015-03-29 22:08:16

Great shounen anime, production is top notch, battle scenes are very well animated, great music that sets the mood overall just a great anime.

ksmitham - 2015-01-12 19:39:20

Being able to know the Seven Deadly Sins, such as the Sloth, Envy, Wrath, Lust, Pride, Greed, and Gluttony, is greatly entertaining and exciting.

fritchie - 2014-10-20 23:35:37

If you've read the manga, then you know this is going to be the next big thing!
Nanatsu no taizai is taking place in a medieval world where holy knights are maintaining the law.

Expect lots of big battles in the fantasy battle anime :)

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