Ultraman USA
ウルトラマンUSAThe lives of three stunt pilots (Scott, Chuck, and Beth) are changed when they gain the ability to transform into three new Ultra-beings, and form the Ultra Force, to battle four giant Sorkin Monsters. (Source: AniDB)
robb.rohan - 2015-05-04 14:40:53
A co-production between Hanna-Barbera and Tsuburaya Productions meant to be a pilot for a series that never happened.
This movie is your typical 80's American Saturday morning cartoon style of writing complete with shoehorned in romance & comic relief robot sidekicks. The Ultra Series elements feel very thin and are barely touched upon in this and unless your a die hard Ultra fan you won't recognize them.
The animation is very much in the style of the old G.I. Joe & Transformers cartoons. The fight scenes and mech action look decent enough for a pilot
The characters are wholly one dimensional cut outs and don't do much except react to to stuff.
Ultraman USA is mediocre at best, there's nothing about it that makes it stand out from the crowd. It's a curiosity watch at best for die hard Ultra Series fans or people who like watching obscure animation.