Ikoku Irokoi Romantan
異国色恋浪漫譚Japanese yakuza clan heir Ranmaru just got married on a lavish cruise ship, but things aren't as they seem. The marriage is just for the appearances, and he ends up getting drunk and spending the night not with his bride but with the sexy ship captain. When the two men meet again in Italy, it is the start of a spectacular love story. (Source: MU)

kirlin.vincenza - 2016-11-05 15:45:08
Ranmaru thinks of himself as the quintessential Japanese man. Albert is a keen appreciator of all things Japanese. Oh yeah. What starts out as a promising story descends into tiresome BL tropes: yakuza, kidnapping, sexual assault.

lelia02 - 2014-05-27 21:59:49
Since the OVA's cover review is enough to make you understand what the show is all about, let me review the technical aspect of Ikoku Irokoi Romantan and the romance factor.
There's not much to say about Ikoku Irokoi Romantan. It's a short and enjoyable OVA. The story/setting is simple, fanservice included!
If you expect a heavy-yaoi you're wrong and would probably waste your time on Ikoku Irokoi Romantan. There's little love, sex and romance. The story is short, too short for my tastes. The characters are lovely- really, I loved them-, but, they don't manage to draw you in and because of that everything they do seems predictable. It's as if this short OVA, at least the first OVA( out of 2), was meant to accompany an entire series, but then the directors decided to cancel the series. We don't really get to know the characters and that's why I was unable to follow the story and comprehend the characters and their actions.There's just too much of everything with no deep meaning. If you like to dwell in romance and the land of red roses, don't expect much, because Ikoku Irokoi Romantan can't make you feel that way. It's a short story for in-between, one you can watch and most probably forget.
My opinion:
It's well drawn, the chracters are sweet and so not girly- a big plus from me. The Anime shows capacity to develop into something better- in other words, it's lost potential!
Grab some snacks, sit down, turn it on, feel the WOW effect, watch it, forget the WOW, forget the show! Period