Taking place 70 years after the events of "Avatar: The Last Airbender," this story follows the adventures of the Avatar after Aang - a passionate, rebellious, and fearless teenage girl from the Southern Water Tribe named Korra. With three of the four elements under her belt (Earth, Water, and Fire), Korra seeks to master the final element, Air. Her quest leads her to the epicenter of the modern "Avatar" world, Republic City - a metropolis that is fueled by steampunk technology. It is a virtual melting pot where benders and non-benders from all nations live and thrive. However, Korra discovers that Republic City is plagued by crime as well as a growing anti-bending revolution that threatens to rip it apart. Under the tutelage of Aang's son, Tenzin, Korra begins her airbending training while dealing with the dangers at large.
jerde.marcelino - 2015-10-07 01:31:18
I want to give an in-depth review for each season for this show but all of it is just so bad...
bechtelar.humberto - 2015-10-05 03:24:12
This is an impressively abysmal show that I felt compelled to complete a review.
The fast version- The Legend of Korra takes the inspiring work of amazement that is Avatar the Last Airbender, twists, mangles, and poisons it over a drawn out but immediately potent time frame until it reforms with its new evil identity.
This show is a skillful snatch at the ignorant, arrogant, and foolish young-twenties audience, which foams at the mouth for any immoral and despicable filth like Korra.
Books could be written on the sad truth that this show exists, but the brevity of this review will stand as a testament to the truth its quality.
In one sentence, "This show is the reason bottom ratings exist."
green.philip - 2015-08-11 15:54:14
For all of Korra
[Says it in the numbers. I say 2.5/10 is average/bit harsher, so my scores are probably a little bit low for you. So when there is a 5/10 its the real shit]
jglover - 2015-03-24 03:45:40
I could say many things about this show... But all you need to really know is that...... The original is better..
brandt35 - 2015-02-15 23:24:58
Story: I'll try to keep this spoiler free. "Korra's" setting is vastly different from The Last Airbender. This time, the area of Republic City is more modern and has a 1920s vibe which is a great change of pace and opens up many possibilities. The plot of "Korra" is definitely a darker one than its predecessor to the point where you question "How did this air in Nickelodeon?" This isn't bad, in fact "Korra" is at its best when its mature and focused on its main plot. Its engaging, thought provoking, and a at times shocking ride, especially towards the last half of the show. "Korra" only has 12 episodes to tell its story which is why its frustrating to see the first 5 episodes drag with the pro-bending arc. Don't get me wrong, pro-bending is a great concept, but 5 episodes on such a simple concept is a waste of time only complicated by an even worse love triangle (more on that later). This ruins the pacing and sucks out precious time and potential that could have been used to make the main plot better and explore its darker themes in better depth. 7/10
Characters: Definitely "Korra's" weakest point. The characters range from intriguing to just boring. For those who have seen "Last Airbender", Korra is a great contrast to Aang. Rather than clam and mellow, Korra is aggressive and sorts things out with her fists. While this may make Korra seem annoying and overpowered, this leaves lots of room for development and the show does a good job of making her a strong female lead. The love triangle between Korra, Mako, Bolin, and Asami was incredibly forced and took the focus away from the show. The worst offender being Mako who is simply a plot device to put a romantic relationship with Korra. He's boring, lacks any chemistry with Korra, and is the pretty much a tsundere in a nutshell. Unlike Korra, his aggressive personality is aggravating and unpleasant. But for everyone else, their personalities were more fleshed out and interesting. The stand out was the villain Amon. He's mysterious and his plot arc will keep you wondering who he is and what are his intentions. His personality is chilling and his influence and manipulation is certainly more interesting than the power-hungry Ozai. 6.5/10
Animation: Like "The Last Airbender", "Korra's" animation is outstanding even surpasses its predecessor. The top-notch quality remains consistent throughout. The area of Republic City was well designed and quite detailed. The fighting scenes are fluid and the elements look as amazing as ever. The character designs are appealing and everyone is distinct from one another. The animals such as Naga (show's equivalent to Appa) are certainly creative. The only problem is the use of CGI towards the second half of the show. The CGI looked very jarring and paled in comparison to the otherwise amazing animation. 8.5/10
Sound: The soundtrack has always been the strong point of the series and its no exception here. Each track fits in with the individual scene to convey the lighthearted humor and the show's more dramatic moments. The ending credits is beautiful and is something I almost never skip. The lack of an opening, however, is disappointing and doesn't even try which is something becoming more apparent in today's western cartoons (Ex: Regular Show and Gumball). The voice acting is top-notch as usual with each voice actor fitting with their character's personalities. My only nit-pick is Prince Zuko's grandson General Iroh. While I understand its a call-back to the "Last Airbender" as its the same voice actor as Zuko, its turns out rather odd and jarring. It would have been better to get a new voice actor so General Iroh can be remembered as his own character than simply a relative to Zuko. 8.5/10
Enjoyment: The rocky pacing might turn some viewers off before the plot excels and the irritating love triangle was at times cringe worthy and needless. But once your past this arc, you are in for a treat as the main plot makes up for this. I'll admit I was hooked as I wanted to see more of Amon, I wanted to see what Korra would do next, and I wanted to see how the story would finally end. The shows emotional moments will keep you in awe and possibly strike a tear. The ending is certainly a hit or miss, but personally I thought it was well-foreshadowed and overall satisfying. 8/10
Overall: It doesn't live up to "The Last Airbender", but "Korra" has enough enjoyable moments of its own to warrant a watch. I would recommend this to Avatar fans, anyone interested in fantasy, and viewers who want something more thought provoking than the average cartoon. I give Legend of Korra a 7.7/10 (Good)
crona.jerry - 2013-11-02 11:31:02
The Legend of korra, has many flaws. It's rushed is the main one off the top of my head.
The Pro's however, far, far outweigh the cons.
The Legend of Korra is a beautifully animated story of an amazing, detailed, imaginative world.
A world influenced heavily by asian culture, where there are four nations of the four elements; Earth, Water, Fire and Air. People in these nations, not all, can manipulate their said element.
Korra, who is the "avatar", is the only person who can bend all four of these elements. Everytime an avatar dies, a new one is born. This cycles has been going on for thousands of years, and the avatar's purpose is two maintain balance and harmony in the world.
Book 1 of the Legend of Korra is an exciting story of a revolution. Non-benders are unhappy that benders are the ones in power, and demand reform.
Would recommend to anyone, especially if you enjoyed avatar: The Last Airbender.
I'm giving it a 10, not because it is flawless, its not.
But because I love it so much. For what ever reason, this show really spoke to me.
The soundtrack and animation are both extremely beautiful, its worth watching for that alone.
hansen.annie - 2013-08-26 23:35:19
Legends and Last Airbenders: A Summary of All Avatar so Far...