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The story follows the school life of the three girls, Yuzuko, Yukari, and Yui, who join their high school's Data Processing Club. The odd friendship between the three make for wacky humor in even the most mundane of events.

  • Type: TV
  • Age rating: Teens 13 or older
  • Date aired: 2013-04-10 to 2013-06-26
  • Status: finished
  • Next release: -
  • Rating: 2519
  • In favorites: 128
  • Popularity Rank: 1295
  • Episode count: 12
  • Episode duration: 23 min/ep
  • Total duration: 4 h. 36 min.
  • Genre: Comedy , Slice of Life , School
coralie.cremin - 2014-08-13 02:39:31

Now in all seriousness Yuyushiki actually is a very good show. It's a very laid back and chill anime that takes you out of your own world and puts you in the club room of these three adorable girls. It's in a way kin to what Lucky Star and K-On try to be but done soooo much better. It doesn't try to be something it's not and never takes itself seriously. If you ever need a break from a sad/hectic/action anime, then by God this is THE anime to watch. Plus who doesn't want to smush Yui's face. I mean come on, look at it, its adorable.12/10 would watch again.

 "Watch the show, bitch."

evangeline37 - 2014-07-31 23:53:27

No shut up I'm not crying because it's over and the ending was all heartwarming and I'm never gonna see Yuzka's smiling face ever again because no season 2 shut up

viola.yost - 2014-03-17 17:15:17

Story: Three 'normal' girls. Two 'lesbians'. One school. Zero possiblities. This is the anime known as: Yuyushiki

Yuyushiki: The most average anime I've ever seen in my entire life.

Story: Ok

Animation: Ok

Art: Ok

Music: Ok

Voice acting: Ok

Characters: Ok

Everything else: Ok

It's not that there's anything remotely terrible it's just that I cannot find anything good or standoutish in this anime apart from some lines and the fact that the whole season takes place in a year instead of two or three and a half (kudos for that by the way)!

Want to see an ok anime? Check this one out, you'll not be disappoint.

Thanks for reading my 16.5 review (note: this is not meant to be taken seriously in any way, shape, or form. Happy [not] April Fools Day XD)~

annette85 - 2014-01-11 21:56:00

Oh lookie! It's another all girl cast slice of life! Will this one be worth watching or is it yet another weak standing anime that tries a little too hard? I'm happy to inform you that Yuyushiki falls into the first category of being a good time watching indeed!

Story and Characters

Yuyushiki was written and illustrated by Komata Mikami with the anime version being produced by Kinema Citrus which aired in Japan between April and June 2013.The story follows the everyday lives of three high school girls who decide to join their high school's Data Processing Club with the trios method of 'processing data' being quite amusing and very loose. It does sound rather boring when you explain it, and to be truthful I thought the same thing when I came across this anime the very first time but if you give it a chance for an episode or two it becomes a very light-hearted, cute little set of 12 episodes.

The trio of Yuyushiki is quite the lovable bunch and the chemistry between them is undeniably adorable. Yui Ichii is the first of the trio introduced in episode one, she is 'the straight man' of the trio and because of this she has a few tsundere traits but this isn't over done so it makes her rather likable. Next we have the most outgoing of the trio, Yuzuko Nonohara who normally has an innocent nature but is rather prone to explosions of outrageous behavior, much to the dismay of Yui but this too isn't over done and is the defining feature of Yuzuko's cuteness and likability. Lastly there is Yukari Hinata, a childhood friend of Yui and comes from a rich family background, she is quite slow in nature but she is the essence of cuteness throughout most of the episodes I would almost call her a second Osaka from Azumanga Daioh but I say that very lightly. There are other characters but in this anime, they really don't shine as much as the main trio do which is why I neglect to say there isn't much to them besides referring to them as 'Girl A' and her friend 'Girl B' as well as the exepctional 'Girl C'! i.e. there is a second trio of girls who are basically clones of the main trio in terms of personality and get this... they have normal colored hair!. Oh there's a teacher they refer to as 'Mom' too.

Animation and Sound

Whilst the sound and musical score for this anime is brilliant it isn't anything to run home about, like the previous mention of Azumanga Daioh, the musical score is pretty much a close second, sounds nice but isn't anything new. The animation is very nice, especially for a more recent anime too, it moves nicely, the colors are bright and beautiful and really brings in the type of the mood the anime is going for.

Enjoyment and Overall opinion

I'll be honest, I have seen better slice of life animes than Yuyushiki but what I will not deny is that Yuyushiki is a very enjoyable anime full of cute moments, simple enjoyment and left me with a comforting feeling after finishing an episode. I would recommend this one on the condition that you can tolerate having a lack of character development for the side characters for the sake of stronger main characters, if you're one of those people then give Yuyushiki a shot!

bechtelar.willis - 2013-07-08 06:23:17

Yuyushiki sides in the better part of all girl cast shows. There are a few things that set this aside from many quick cash "cute girls doing cute things" show. (Not that I'm trying to imply that it ISN'T) If you are reading this to find out if Yuyushiki is below or on the line of mediocrity, then I'm here to tell you that it's worth watching. This is coming from someone who generally do not enjoy watching these types of shows. The characters consist of the most typical (I think the other review put it best); one dumb, one crazed, and one who is closest to being "normal". Even though they behave are often odd, it is VERY convincing. The things they say feel very natural, which is something many other slice-of-life shows fail to catch. And it's not afraid to admit that these girls most certainly do not represent the population of "normal" girls that we see today. A few side characters even comment in the anime that the girls are strange and sort of awkward. They do not pretend to be innocent when it comes to the topic of lewdness or go overboard with it like in Seitokai Yakuindomo (not that I'm trying to bash it). Surprisingly, Yuyushiki has some pretty visuals. This is one of the reasons why I want to separate this show from other cash-grab shows. It doesn't suffer from the Lucky Star syndrome of never showing their legs or not having more than 2 cam angle/perspective. The animation effort is quite impressive for a slice of life comedy show. Yuyushiki is a great show to give your brain a nice little rest. So far it had been very enjoyable for me. And I pretty much went on a spree to watch 1-6 in one day without any regrets. This is coming from someone who do not follow every school girl slice of life shows.Yuyushiki is closer to Soredemo Machiwa Mawatteiru than Lucky Star/K-on. Though you will still have a good time if you came for the latter.

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