Wonder Momo
ワンダーモモOne day, a group of aliens planning to take over the Earth invade Tokyo. Momoko, who aspires to be an idol, gets involved in the ensuing fight, albeit in an unexpected manner. Warudemon, king of the alien empire, uses various tactics to hunt down Momoko and the people around her. Momoko decides to stand up against this aggression. Wonder Momo was originally an arcade game released in 1987. A fairly simplistic (by today's standards) side-scrolling beat 'em up game, featuring a transforming, hoop-wielding heroine. (Source: MAL News)
hills.arno - 2014-02-11 21:09:27
Wonder momo is one anime based on Wondr Momo video game for arcade and computer on 1987.
Watch game trailer above:
Wonder Momo, Anime adptation have a good character design and a brilliant animation.
You can watch it on above image....
but in my opinion the Story is a little poor and very simple.
I Think this will have a 25 minutes serie in a near future.
The principal think in this anime is annunce a new game of Wonder Momo.