えとたま(干支魂)When Takeru Amato moved into his new apartment in Akihabara, he was warned that there was one problem with it. He wasn’t warned, however, that the problem was a hole in the floor that leads to the realm of the zodiac gods. He also wasn’t told about Nyaa-tan, the eccentric, immature, prospective zodiac-sign cat. Nyaa-tan would like nothing more than to join the rest of the girls, otherwise known as Eto-shin, in the Chineze zodiac, but she’s going to have to fight to work her way in. Fortunately, establishing a relationship with Takeru can help her with that. In Etotama the members of the zodiac don’t just represent people’s births; they draw their power from positive human emotions in the form of energy called Sol/Lull. With this power, the Eto-musume, or potential Eto-shin, can change from their mostly humanoid appearances into smaller “pretty modes” that can battle with each other in the Eto world. Nyaa-tan needs to get Takeru to warm up to him fast, and not just because they’re living together. The ETM12 selection festival to determine the next member of the zodiac is coming soon. With Takeru’s good graces, Nyaa-tan just might be able to fight off the other Eto-musume and the 12 Eto-shin themselves, and finally take her place in the zodiac.
chelsea06 - 2015-06-22 22:53:32
I wouldn’t blame you for overlooking Etotama. At first glance, it looks like a generic moe-blob show with a twist in that all the girls are animal spirits. In truth, it’s doesn’t do anything too impressive, but I’d still say it’s a great timewaster, and a solid all around comedy!
The story of Etotama is… Weird. Written at the last minute, aka. rushed/insignificant kind of weird… Our main character *insert generic ecchi
protagonist here* just bought a new apartment, and in said apartment, female animal spirits spawn from a hole in the floor of his living room
(don’t question it). Said animal spirits include, but not limited to; the animals of the chinese zodiac. You can usually expect an episode to go as
following; Shenanigans, conflict, badass fighting scene, victory pose, end. It is nothing really to write home about. All for pure enjoyment. Its very
much a “do not think too much about it” kind of anime. That being said, the show does like to do a complete 180°, by having a character stabbed
through the head with a sword, and ultimately dying! In an ecchi mahou shoujo anime… Yeah…
Characters : As mentioned before, the main cast consists of Takeru Amato, whom is *Insert generic ecchi protagonist traits here*, and a
plethera of female animal spirits whom either has a speech impediment related to their race, or abuse the top notch comedy known as punology. For
example, there is a cat character introduced in the first episode whom ends every sentence with nyan (japanese perception of meow). There is a saying
that a rooster looses its memory after walking three steps, and of course there is a girl spirit thingy whom looses her memory every third step,
though not as obnoxious as she could have turned out, gladly. I figured the main antagonist would be a bee-spirit, since fuck bees, but I digress.
Also, the animal spirits possess superpowers fueled by others happiness. After having experienced the euphoria of uttering a god deed, the animal
spirits, after a transformation sequence, turn into cgi chibi characters in a fighting game along the lines of Tekken, on a tv that magically appears
on the spot. (As i said earlier, don’t think too much about it). So in a nutshell, the show is a magical girl anime on acid, or should i rather say;
magical chinese zodiac girl anime. As for characterisation, there were quite too many characters for the show to go through each and every one, but
you do get the general idea of them quickly, due to everyone being buildt of a stereotype of an animal, which also made it quite entertaining. With
this being a comedy, the characterisation does not need to be perfect, as long as the interaction is on point, which for the most part, it is! You
could say a lot about the characters themselves, but the fact stands that most of them are just tropes to get the story progressing.
The art and animation of Etotama is a weird case. On one end, it is “shortcuts, the animation”, in the sense that there are still frames, repeated
sequences and other lazy shortcuts everywhere. On the other hand, the actual cgi fights themselves look fantastic! Cgi done well in an anime! What is
this? 20XX? The cgi art-style is done in such a way that it looks quite a bit like it is drawn, which is weird… You’l get were I’m going with this, as
the entire anime is presented to us within the first few episodes. The rest is just rinse and repeat with a few twists and turns here and there for
good measure.
In the musics department, there is absolutely nothing to talk about. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. The opening is a typical “this is going to be
stuck in my head for the shows runtime, then become forgotten for good”. You know, a typical ecchi opening -> DxD, Love-Ru, HotD, SAO, etc.. Songs
that will ultimately be forgotten, however unfortunate. As for the actual soundtrack itself, it is the epitome of mediocrity. Neither good, nor
unfitting. Just meh supporting tracks.
Ultimately, what is the appeal of the show? Jokes, puns, shenanigans, pop cult references, and the utter destruction of the 4th wall. This is by
all means a “this is bad and I know it is bad” kind of anime, but I still can’t help it… It is simply very enjoyable. Thank god this anime does not
try to take itself seriously. What makes it bearable, is how it acknowledges it’s own stupidity. With the exception of fan-service and comedy, there
are no redeeming factors whatshowever. If you look for an actually good anime (plot-, character-, animation- and sound-wise), then I advise you to
stay as far away from this as possible, unless you’re of course looking for a change of pace. If you on the other hand if you want to sit back and
enjoy 12 episodes of absolute bullshit, then go ahead! Etotama is dumb entertainment at its finest, which has me giving it a 3/5, which is a great
score for your run of the mill “12ep one of ecchi”
wisozk.mariana - 2015-04-10 05:55:20
a funny anime with a some 3D Fighting style with a lot of comedy and troll things this anime have been popular and being a event into a game too thats a nice funny little anime but anyway lets begin..
About The Storya guy who buy a house who no one want to buy because this is haunted when this is not... the Zodiac choose to live with this guy but the story is not with the guy this is more with Nya-tan than anything because she want to be more strong and defeat all the others for being one of them so.. she need to have their talismans if we can say this is more simple like that ... a lot of events will happened and a lot of Comedy is present sometimes this is completely stupid.. LOOL
About The Animation and Sounds
the animation is very clean but the most awesome thing to watch is the graphics when their fight... in 3D the color are freaking amazing with the effect and all the others things thats just too nice to watch , for the sound thats normal i dont jump on my chair when i see the Opening but i like the Opening/Ending i leave you the link...
About The Characters
all the zodiac have awesome characters but i will talk about the one i want to talk about it.. xD we have a nice main characters too
Takeru Amato / thats the main characters or.. not sure about it but thats a nice one he is a little different compared to some characters i have see in others anime thats make the thing a little different
Nyaa-tan / i will not hide it she can bother you because she is stupid or just too tiresome.. by that i mean... she can be despicable but thats a nice character thats just his personality who cause a little problem..
Moo-tan / thats a real pervert girl and a funny one and she talk a little bit english sometimes but she is just too funny and ridiculous when she want.. , thats a really nice girl ... but she is everytime on Nyaa-tan she stalk her sometimes.. LOOL
Pyo-tan / poor girl i have liked this one but she is soo unlucky.. 3 step and she forgot everything...thats a nice one but poor her... i hope 1 day she will stop to have this problem... thats just sad.. but she can be funny too and his problem about the 3 step can be funny because she really react like nothing have happened and just left like that.. LOOL
Sha-tan / i want to talk about her because i like how she is calm and i like his outfit too we dont see her soo much i have wanted to see her more but thats not have happened but anyway i deal with it some of you can probably like her too
About The Enjoyment
thats a funny anime i dont think you will find it boring you have a lot of Comedy and stupid things and the fighthing are awesome to watch because of the graphics thats a little fun to see how the story will turn after all the things but this anime can sometimes trolling you i warning in advance before you watch it.. !
i can recommand something like that , thats the kind of anime that you cant hate and will watch it without question yourself and probably just watching it because you want to watch it.. thats a great anime to follow i dont know if we gonna have more or not but i think this is clearly finish ! if you like Comedy genre and ridiculous things... this is for you !