Vampire Knight: Guilty
ヴァンパイア騎士〈ナイト〉GuiltyAs a direct continuation of the first season, Zero comes back after his disappearance from the academy. Despite her relief, Yuuki, whose past is still shrouded in mystery, wonders what exactly happened to Zero during the separation. As Zero continues having the strange vision that appeared since the day he drank Kaname's blood, he visits the now awakened Maria Kurenai in an attempt to find answers. She only provides him with a cryptic answer that suggests who the true enemy really might be. In the meantime, vampires from the Supreme Vampire Council arrive at the academy in order to punish Zero with death for his sin of killing a pureblood. However, Kaname intervenes with the council's decision with not only the intention of saving Zero but with another purpose unbeknown to everyone around him. [Written by MAL Rewrite]

elliott61 - 2016-04-11 15:34:07
It's cheesy.
I watched this 7 years ago and liked it.
I'm now, admitted ashamed.
But I still kinda like it...because it nostalgia.
But would i recommend it? No.
This is like an anime twilight with more vampires that don't sparkle and more hot childhood vampire friend and hot brother"-who-is-okey-to-date-because-thats-what-pure-blooded-vampires-do-okey-it's-not-weird". Why would i recommend it to anyone. I only talk about it with people who had this as a guilty pleassure too. Cheesy shoujo will be cheesy.

liliana.jakubowski - 2015-03-28 23:14:32
In the beginning i wasn't to sure if i would enjoy this anime. I'm glad i did watch it. I liked the fact that it strayed from the manga and wasn't completely the same. I don't like the brother sister love but thats my personal opinion. Its not an anime that i would normally chose because in the start of the very first episode i wanted to turn it off.
I stuck it out and continued to watch. I enjoyed the art and the unexpected twist from the manga, It has comedy and love.
Kaien Cross had to be ONE of my favourites. He kept me laughing when i would become upset for the other characters.
I enjoyed how passionate the characters were.
Overall i enjoyed Vampire Knight and i would say to people to give it a go. Even though i did enjoy it, it does take a lot to get into i was disinterested until after the 5 episode.

harvey.veronica - 2013-07-19 09:38:42
{Rants, rants and more rants}
Story - 2 Here we have humans and vampires separated. But does that gotta do anything for now? We have some useless girl going "Kaname! Kaname!" and Kaname loves Yuki so much he is just sitting on his ass. From what I see Zero does the main work and Kanapedo hates him for doing that.
Art - 6 I actually love the art. Very outstanding. Despite how shitty the characters are they look good. Though the big eyes of the females are highly annoying and the greasy looks on them can get annoying.
Sound - 10 Very beautiful. Very fitting. Probably the only thing I liked about the anime besides the art.
Character - 3 Kaname: some useless, whiny, sad-excuse-for-a-dracula pedo who is 'protecting' Yuki.
Yuki: An useless twit who cries "Kaname! Zero!" And once Kaname asked her out, and she always said in EVERY episode on "omg ilu Kaname bby i'l do anythang" and when she was asked out she was like "No! why should i tell me why u luv miii!!!"
Zero: Finally, a badass who made me like this series a little better.
Rido: Another badass who's the REAL Dracula. I wish he killed Yuki anyway. I'd probably liked this anime more
The other characters appear useless, no offense. Well, I liked Kaien and Hanabusa.
Enjoyment - 2 What is there to enjoy except my favorite characters doing their things and the blood?
Overall - 2.7 [rounded to 3] If you love whiney characters and whiney pedo 'dracula' or just bishies, here's an anime for you.

lockman.barney - 2013-03-19 02:16:40
Story - [10]
If you haven't read the manga or saw some episodes of the anime, you'll probably already have an idea what this is about... Vampires. I say that you're right, but if you watch or read Vampire Knight, you'll find out that it's more than only ''vampires''. Let's start with the beginning.
Vampire Knight revolves between Yuki, Zero and Kaname. Yuki and Zero are Cross-Academy's prefects (guardians). It's their duty to prevent the contact between the Day and the Night-class, even through it's very hard for them because all the girls from the Day-class have a big crush on the guys from the Night-class, that's not very rare because everyone in the Night-class looks gorgeous. Why are prefects needed? To prevent the Day-class of finding out the secret from the Night-class, in reality, all of them are vampires. The ''leader'' of the Night-class is Kaname Kuran, the one who saved Yuki's life when she was little. Ofcourse he's a vampire too and the most powerful of all, a pureblood. Yuki and Zero both live with the chairmain of Cross-Academy, Cross Kaien. Yuki doesn't have any memories from when she was a kid, her memories begin on the day that Kaname saved her from a vampire. Kaname asked the chairman to look after her, and he did. The same goes of Zero, a couple of years later he comes to live with Yuki and the chairmain to, after his parents where killed by a vampire.
What is so loveable about all this? Both the anime and the manga have a mysterious feeling to it, that you know that something is going on but you don't know what. You'll also notice and the story gets ''darker'' each time, and that the characters change. It takes a while until you really understand everything because they tell you the story bit by bit, you may also expect some big changes, I warn you. I wish that I could tell you more, but I don't want to spoil it for you guys. I really recommend you guys both the manga and the anime.
Animation - [8]
Well, the animation. I must say that it's alot better than I expected. Still, I know that alot of manga-fans might be dissapointed. The manga might have better art, but I think that the anime is really well made. They put alot of effort in this, and with succes. If the manga didn't excist, the anime would probably get higher ratings. Well, my opinion is that that the Vampire Knight anime is a good adaptation to the manga, I really think so.
Sound - [9]
The sound, or better said, the music. The songs that the picked for both the opening and ending where really the right choice for this anime. Futatsu no Kodou to Akai Tsumi is the opening-song, sung by ON/OFF, and I really love it. It really matches the anime and gives you the Vampire Knight-feeling. I really like it. Then, for the ending-song, Still Doll sung by Wakeshima Kanon, was the biggest plus-point for me. I just loved it the first time that I heard it! How come? It's mysterious and matches Vampire Knight perfectly. When you listen to it, I'm sure that you'll also get the feeling that there's something that you don't know yet. For the soundeffects in this anime, I have nothing to complain. When you needed one, you got one, just how it is in real life. The good sound in Vampire Knight made it realistic.
Character - [10]
Ha, this was a easy one. The characters, you'll absolutely love them when you get to know them! What is good about this is that you don't only get to know Yuki, Zero and Kaname, but also the other people from the Night-Class and other random characters. Let's take Aidou as an example, he's not a main character, still, you know exactly who he is! I'll tell you something about the 3 main characters now.
Yuki - I think that you all know her type of character, but Yuki is not the typical ''shoujo'' heroine. No, she's different. You can see that she tries her best to help Zero and get a place in his heart, she really cares alot for others, which might also be her weakness. To save Zero from turning into a Level E, she let him drink her blood. Yuki was attacked as a little girl by a vampire who was fallen to a Level E, and than was saved by Kaname. She has no memories of her parents or who she really is. Because Kaname saved her, she has a great affection for him, and she trusts the vampires in the Night-Class.
Zero - He might look like a cold-hearted guy in the beginning, but he really isn't. Zero's family where killed by a vampire, that's why he really hates vampires, all of them. Anyway, in the beginning of the series you'll see him in pain a couple of times, I think alot of you got the picture back then. Yes, when he was attacked he was biten by a vampire, a pureblood. Since he didn't die he will slowly turn into a vampire himself. Since his huge hate for vampires, she fights against the progress with all his might. Zero always has a gun with him, he can use it to kill vampires. He also has a younger twin-brother named Ichiru, but he was not as healthy as Zero (no, he didn't die).
Kaname - A pureblood vampire who's respected by everyone in the Night-Class, no, better said, he's the leader. When he gives an order, it's final. Other vampires fear him and he's loved by alot of girls from the Day-Class. Even through he doesn't really care about them, he does care alot for Yuki, which you'll notice right away. You'll understand later why a vampire with so much power as Kaname cares so much for a normal girl like Yuki.
I think I told you enough, the point is, the characters WIN!
Enjoyment - [10]
Enjoyment? Do you even need to ask? I REALLY enjoy this. It's a burden to wait for the episodes to air, but we have no other choice but wait, have we? If you like a mysterious story, vampires and some scary moments, watch Vampire Knight. I'll probably recommend this to everyone because this is something that everyone would like.
Overall - [9]
What? Miss ''I enjoy-it-so-much'', you didn't gave it a 10!
Yes, people, I know what you're thinking. But you guys must remember, that I'd also like to see this from another point of view. Since I have also read a part of the manga, I know how it could have been. I really think that the people who made the Vampire Knight-anime did an awesome job! If you see the original when reading the manga, you might understand why I gave this a 9. Don't forget to watch it now, I'll hunt you!