終物語During October of his third year in high school, Koyomi Araragi is introduced to a transfer student named Ougi Oshino by his underclassman Kanbaru Suruga. Ougi tells Koyomi that she has something she wishes to consult with him. When she draws the map of Naoestu High School, she finds something peculiar on the map of Naoetsu High School she draws. This discovery reveals a tale that wasn’t meant to be told, and this makes Koyomi’s high school life totally different. This is the story that brings to light “what” makes Koyomi Araragi. This is the story that reveals the “beginning” of everything. (Source: Crunchyroll)
ypacocha - 2017-04-17 13:04:57
The Monogatari series is one of the most famous anime to come out in recent time, with some of the most intriguing dialogues found in this medium, and the avant-garde style of presentation. Owarimonogatari is a more recent entry to the franchise, animated by studio SHAFT, we pretty much get what we have grown to love about this series. Owari is something any fan of this series should watch as it has lots of pleasant moments to remember.
Story & Characters
For storytelling purposes, Owarimonogatari is separated into three parts – they’re known as “Ougi Formula”, “Sodachi Riddle”, and “Sodachi Lost”. These three parts draw connections with each other and complete the story.
Araragi Koyomi is once again our main character, though apart from the other well known characters such as Shinobu and Kanbaru, we are introduced to the mysterious Ougi, and she plays the role as our guide through the anime. The shining qualities of this story are the verbal confrontations between Araragi and Ougi, a battle of emotions and bizarre mysteries. Another interesting character we meet in Owari is Oikura Sodachi, an ex-classmate of Araragi that holds a mysterious grudge against our main character. The story shows us Araragi grow as a character, as he faces his past, along with helping others against apparitions, only to uncover the truth behind the troubles of the characters. The apparitions are all unique, with a dash of mystery behind them. The interactions between all of the characters are what make this series worthwhile, from comedic to dramatic, they never feel rushed and deliver that Monogatari feeling we all love.
With everything I’ve said up until now, I will also admit the story at certain points is hard to follow even with previous knowledge of the franchise, along with the somewhat confusing timeline of Owarimonogatari. Though the best remedy for at least the story part is to get a proper feel for the characters, let them grow on you.
Animation & Sound
Shaft once again brings their best with this project, delivering with its clever artwork –special praise to the use of geometry in artwork found in the first arc.
The character designs are the same, meaning they are all recognizable and easy to differentiate between each other, all put together with the colorfulness I adore about this series. The scenes are very nice to look at, doesn’t matter if it’s used for character development, comedy or for making references. You notice that the show is very self aware of its own traits and likes to make fun of them.
And like always, there are ecchi scenes and sexual jokes, that might seem out of place and uncomfortable for some. The soundtrack is also great, that set the mood for each scene appropriately, and it’s very iconic. The voices match every single character found in the story, matching perfectly with their personalities, especially the mysterious Ougi.
Final Verdict
Owarimonogatari is a welcome entry to the Monogatari franchise, still being unique with its presentation and characters, making you watch and read at the same time with enjoyment.
The emotions and character interactions are what fans will be glad to see again, dynamic and exciting – a definite watch for fans who want more of the same, but not so much that it feels bland, the mysteries will also have you hooked, with a simple but thrilling conclusions behind them.
Alternative Recommendations:
Katanagatari - done by the same author as the Monogatari series, with great artwork and characters, along with the similar way of storytelling. The comedy is also very similar.
Oregairu – while not having any supernatural elements to it, it also features an abundance of characters, with our main character trying to solve problems behind some of them. Very easy to relate, but the story and character interactions are what make it great, along with a main character that thinks about life in a different way.
The Tatami Galaxy – this anime is all about possibilities. Its strange, eccentric, abstract artwork will also leave you hooked. Lots of dialogues and interesting observations that will keep you entertained.